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I have tried a dozen different ideas from the forums and can't find a solution.
Windows 10, i7-7600 cpu @ 2.80GHz
8gb ram
AME CC 2017 (version of AME)
Created a video in Premiere and AME just stops and hangs when it reaches a certain part of the video. Premiere won't export it either. I have created dozens of videos so I have no idea what's different this time. The video is about 10 minutes of 4k drone footage with a music back - super simple.
I have reset Premiere (shift-alt on startup) and deleted all the cache files. I rendered the clip where encoder hangs and then added it back, then I deleted the clip entirely, then I deleted the clip and the music track and no matter - it stops in the same place every time (about 14% done with Premiere, and about 14 minutes in on what AME estimates is a 2 hour job).
I read a few places that people had a "bad clip" in their video, and once they removed it it worked - how on earth am I supposed to find the one "bad" clip if premiere previews fine and the clip in question isn't the one AME stops on?
One more thing - when AME stops the last frames it was working on has a weird distorted color look on the output preview window.
Any other thoughts or help?
This is what I was able to get to work for me. Your mileage may vary. When my Media Encoder would stop rendering I would click the "pause" button to pause the rendering operation that had stopped anyway. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to bring up Task Manager. Under "Background Processes" you'll see Adobe After Effects. Click on it and then click "End task". AE will come right back up but it will be at much lower memory use. Un-pause your render job in ME and after a few seconds it should start going again.
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Ok... that can happen in several cases:
a) one of the files is corrupted - and does not matter if it play ok - if file is corrupted in some specific way - it can play but durring rendering it will generate errors
b) maby some transition or effect doing that
How to check that? If
a) try to eiminate that clip on witch render freezes (or even that one and previous one) - if render goes ok - you have your corrupted file. To fix that - try to rerender that file as separate one in AME or any other rendering tool, if everyting will go ok - put you new rerendered file to your template.
b) the same thing as in a) turn off all transitions and effects in your composition/timeline. If your timeline is long and complicated shorten render area to that place where yiour render freezes and turn off all efffects only there and try to render. If render will go ok. turn on effects one by one until error will occure - and there will be your guity party.
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Still facing this issue, beyerku? Let us know.
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Both Premiere 14.3.2 and Media Encoder 14.3.2 freeze at random points in my timeline that's a little over an hour long. These failure points change dramatically on each attempt (with no changes in the project file) and occur whether I select GPU or CPU rendering. Also, if I put in/out points before and after the failure points it works fine for that brief segment. I am also using an iMac Pro with 32GB RAM, plenty of disk swap space, and the latest Catalina update, 10.15.6. The only other application that's running at the same time is FireFox.
I have tried everything in this thread and nothing helps and I need to solve this problem for a commercial project with a deadline. Is there a stable third party rendering product that you can recommend?
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Im also having this problem, for atleast 2 days now, got client deadlines to meet.
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Same here, suddenly movies started to freeze encoding at random moments. Nothing have changed, same presets, same camera, same workflow. Any found soulutions works.
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same here but i'm from after effects
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I'm very young and I don't know how to properly fix things on after effects or media encoder. I've been crying non stop because of this and nothing works. I've uninstalled both media encoder and after effects and it doesn't work. If I try to render it through after effects and not media encoder, the video is black but the sound is still there! And when I open my after effects it opens TWO...I don't know what to do...did I do something on accident?!
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Having the same issue in AME, but mine happens after I render multiple shorter clips, and hangs after 30-40 min of render time. Seems to be no rhyme or reason for what is causing the issue , as it occurs on different files at different points. The render simply stops, and doesn't say that it's paused. If I hit the Stop button, and I click the option to not finish the render before stopping, AME freezes completely and needs to be force quit before I can do anything.
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did u solve the problem ? cuz i have it too
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Same issue here. Just starting this month for me.
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using 2017 encoder a few years now, started happening to me too now in january 2021
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maybe driver update fucc it up.....
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I'm finding the issue persists in AME 2023. The answer above (ending AE in background processes) does seem to largely work, however, I wouldn't consider this as Adobe having "solved" the problem. We should be able to run a queue of files without hangs or freezes along the way. Also fyi -- I don't find the issue related to specific files or moments in a composition on my end as the encoder will freeze sometimes on a file and then render it totally fine without hiccups minutes later. Similarly I'll run 20 iterations based on a template and one file might hang/freeze while the other 19 don't, even though the animation and compositions are the exact same in each file -- the only difference is a change in text.
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Me too dude.
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check my post down here 🙂 maybe it can help
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Hi there,
I am having the same problems... But, I found the problem (this can be different from yours offcourse). For me the problem was the "Add Grain" effect. I don't know a lot about the processing off this effect, but it really heavy when you want to render this on a full video. I think this was the cause of the freezing in the Encoder.
My workaround: Render the layer where you have your "heavy" effect on without the effect as an png sequence (this way you keep most of the quality). Then paste the png sequence in your timline and add your heavy effect on that. I don't know technically why this worked for me, but it did.
Hope they will fix this issue asap.
PC specs:
gtx 1660 super
ryzen 3950x 16core
32gb ram
SSD Samsung m.2 970 evo
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Isnt your drive full ?
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Always make sure all your programs are up to date before getting too frustrated and digging around too much. I had this same problem and saw that After Effects had an update available (last time I updated was less than 2 months ago). I updated it and was able to render without a problem.
Just throwin' that out there!
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This is what I was able to get to work for me. Your mileage may vary. When my Media Encoder would stop rendering I would click the "pause" button to pause the rendering operation that had stopped anyway. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to bring up Task Manager. Under "Background Processes" you'll see Adobe After Effects. Click on it and then click "End task". AE will come right back up but it will be at much lower memory use. Un-pause your render job in ME and after a few seconds it should start going again. This happens when total memory in my system gets around 75% used and AE is using 15gb of that. There's more than enough memory to spare and I don't know why ME decides to quit when AE gets that high but it did. You do have to babysit your render job to repeat this proces but it worked on my end /shrug
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This worked great for me!
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Worked line a charm
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Thank you so much for your guidance. I finally got the green tick in ME after remaining was 1sec for more then an hour:)
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Golden solution!