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So, here's a fun one. I have set exports in Media Encoder, they finish, say "done" and then I click on the hyperlink to take me to the file - and it doesn't exist! What? Please send help.
Oh, for the people that will be like WHAT ARE YOUR COMPUTER SETTINGS?????? BECAUSE THAT ALWAYS MATTERS!!!!!!!! --- DON'T SPEC SHAME ME!
Ok - so it's an iMac, High Sierra (IT guy won't let us upgrade to Mogave) Late 2015 model. I'm using the latest Media Encoder version.
Some files have worked, some files have just disappeared. All of them exporting to the same place (a NAS) all of them exporting as H264's. Some files work, some don't. Some from the same project file. H E L P M E A D O B E.
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Are you able to consistently export directly to your desktop?
What is your connection to the NAS? 1gb? 10gb? Are you using SMB or NFS?
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SMB - and my next line of action is restarting and exporting directly to the desktop. But this ends up being an inconsistent problem, but something that has happened a few times before. I'd prefer to export to the NAS rather than the desktop as it adds an extra step for me (as copying over can often take a lot of time on time-sensitive projects).
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The reason I asked for your NAS connection speed is because if files take a long time to simply copy, you are likely being bottle necked by your network speed when you are rendering, slowing down your export.
If you can consistently export to your desktop but inconsistently export to your NAS it's likely the NAS/network connection is the issue.
My Editors used to export to the desktop and copy to network storage until we upgraded to 10gb ethernet over copper. They can now export directly to our networked storage without issue.