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No audio on export

Explorer ,
Aug 27, 2012 Aug 27, 2012

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I'm baffled by this problem and really need to find a solution ASAP.  I am using creative cloud, and files fed directly into media encoder are exporting silent audio tracks.  Media encoder appears to complete the export, but the resulting files have no sound.

If I export the same clip from premiere pro from the timeline it works just fine and audio is present.

My theory is that media encoder isn't conforming the audio clips it imports.  Any thoughts or fixes?  Has anyone here had this issue?  Thanks!

Export or render




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

New Here , May 20, 2015 May 20, 2015

It worked for me on number of systems

Whenever you have a project file which has exceeded a particular size limit when exported will result in no audio after exporting media to a file no matter what format you selected.

This is a software issue and nothing to do with your system

When you have more than one audio tracks in a sequence and if that track exceeds a particular size limit then on exporting there will be no audio.

So, how to get that audio in exported file

By default whenever you are workin



Explorer ,
Aug 28, 2012 Aug 28, 2012

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I have tried this on a second machine running media encoder CS6 and I get the same result. 

I have tried the same clip on a third machine running media encoder CS5 with the settings and it works. 

Another odd thing, the file size created by AMECS6 is 70.0MB, the file size created by AMECS5 is 70.1MB with the exact same settings. 

Is it possible AMECS6 isn't including some information needed to play the audio properly?  I can't believe I'm the only one out there with this problem.  Anyone have anything to add?


I've tried recording test clips on my Sony NX5 (the camera all of these clips were shot with) and I cannot replicate the issue.  All 39 clips recorded on this one card have no audio when I run them thgrough Media Encoder.  Footage shot the next day on a different card is fine.  I'm guessing a bad card could be the culprit, but I don't undertsand how it can cause this kind of a problem.  Can anyone here shed some light on this?

Here's a link to the clip in question www.orderlockwood.com/AMEaudio.zip




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Sep 14, 2012 Sep 14, 2012

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I had the same issue when encoding m2ts file (from sony video camera SR12) using AME CS6.  The same video works fine with sound when playing using VLC or windows media player.

Last week I happened to install the latest TRIAL version of "Adobe Premier Pro" on the same machine where "Media Encoder" was installed. After that AME works just fine and it converts m2ts files with proper audio. Looks like Premier Pro installed/updated some system files (???) required for AME. The nice thing is that even after uninstalling Premier Pro, AME still works.

Give it a shot and it might resolve your issue as well. Looks like AME was not packed with all required files. Premier Pro either replaced/added the missing file(s) which RESOLVED my issue.

Hope it helps.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 20, 2012 Sep 20, 2012

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I have had the same problem recently, using CS5.5.   I exported a video using a nested audio sequence on one of my tracks that worked fine in another video (I make a weekly show, and I'm using most of the same elements in each video, except the subject matter each week changes).   This week's video turned out without any background music.   I rendered the video twice out of Media Encoder, and both times all the other audio tracks turned out fine, but the one track wasn't rendered into the finished product.   Timeline plays back the audio fine, between these two failed renders I exported a test clip directly out of Premiere and it was fine.   So after the second failed attempt,  I rendered the whole video out of Premiere directly, and it worked great.   This is the first time this has happened.   Really frustrated me, because I threw away 4 hours of render time, and then had to sit and do nothing while Premiere rendered it out (I suspect like most of you, I like to edit while rendering in AME).

-Bryce L. Tomlinson

PS:   An additional observation, I noticed that the file sizes on both files rendered out of Media Encoder were identical, but the one rendered out of Premiere (with the same export settings) was slightly smaller, by about 10 megabytes (1.34 instead of 1.35 gigs)




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 26, 2012 Nov 26, 2012

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Were you ever able to isolate the problem with the media encoder not exporting with sound?

I am having the same problem with CS6. It was working fine this morning and the last 50 exports had no sound at all.

Frustrating for sure.





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Dec 05, 2012 Dec 05, 2012

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I Am having the same issue however, i'm using dual sync sound with Canon 5d footage.  My issue is no audio on track one on a specific clip.  Exporting through Premiere is fine, but not through media encoder.  Same issue every time.  I've tried restarting, deleting preferences, and clearing media cache files, creating save as project file, nothing seams to fix the problem when exporting from Premiere via Media Encoder.  The only way i've gotten around this issue when using Media encoder is to import my Pr project file directly into Media Encoder and then select the sequence via dynamic link.  Hopefully this will solve your issue. Sound like a bug of corrupted conform files. I am using merged clips, and if I  create a new project and import my sequence that is having problems, the audio that drops out come up with a red bar, like media is offline with no option to reconnect.  Adobe support, any ideas?

Update: using a replace edit on the troubled audio clip with the same clip fixes the problem from both the export from Media Encoder and also importing into a new project.  So it does look like Premiere is corrupting the conform file and causing an error when sending directly to Media Encoder from the Premiere timeline, but not from a dynamic link of that sequence.  

Message was edited by: RBemendo




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New Here ,
Feb 07, 2013 Feb 07, 2013

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I'm having the same issue.

Dual audio, some merged clips, are fine some aren't, can't be bothered to test because I don't want to have to sit through an encode of the whole film just to find out that some audio is missing.

Adobe please fix, this really kills the value of AME and being able to queue at all. I have to say I'm pretty sick of the stupid niggly bugs that the PPro workflow has.




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Explorer ,
Mar 08, 2013 Mar 08, 2013

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I have never had a satisfactory answer for this problem.  I use to think it happened when uninstalling / re-installing the software, but now I'm having the problem with Creative Cloud on my brand new i7 laptop running windows 8.

The issue is that AME is not conforming audio, or perhaps thinks the audio has been conformed when it hasn't.  I know this because on the one working machine I have I can watch AME conform the audio.  This process does not happen when the audio fails on my other machines.

ADOBE WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE FIX THIS YOUR USERS DESERVE BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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Mar 10, 2013 Mar 10, 2013

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It's more than likely a local system error.  What you're experiencing is not the norm.

For that brand new Laptop, did you start by formatting the C: drive and reinstalling Windows from scratch?  Most Laptops come with a bunch of crapware preloaded, and it's very possible something on such a system will interfere with Adobe software.




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Explorer ,
Mar 10, 2013 Mar 10, 2013

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Hi Jim,

With all do respect that is a load of crap.  The notion that I have to reinstall my OS from scratch in order for the software to work is ridiculous.

Oh and by the way I am experiencing the same issue on freshly installed desktop machines running Windows 7.

I shouldn't have to wipe my system drive to install Adobe products.  Adobe should provide better service and stop trying to blame everyone else.

This is the kind of BS fingerpointing that has me seriously considering other software.




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Mar 27, 2013 Mar 27, 2013

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The notion that I have to reinstall my OS from scratch in order for the software to work is ridiculous.

I'm not saying you 'have to'.  I'm saying that it's a good idea to do it when you buy a new computer, because they almost always come loaded with software that you won't need, and that very well could interfere with things.




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 26, 2013 Mar 26, 2013

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Lame answer.   Local System Error?   I think with as much response as this thread has gotten, it may not be the norm, but it happens more than you'd expect, and for those of us that it happens to, it happens more than we can afford.  I'm using it on a brand new iMac and it did it.   Reformatting a brand new laptop so it will run Adobe software is pretty absurd.  Admittedly, it's only come up a couple of times, and the rest of the time, it works flawlessly.   Still, in the back of my mind I'm always weighing whether or not it's worth it to even give AME a shot at all if there's even a possibility it will carp it up. 




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Explorer ,
Mar 06, 2013 Mar 06, 2013

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Have you ever found a solution to this, I'm working through the same thing right now in the latest release of Premiere Pro and AME.  How is it possible this still has not been fixed?

Between this - the constant peak file generation, and the fact that Premiere Pro and After Effects constantly fight over my graphics cards and blackmagic cards (I can't have both open at once, so much for multitasking much less the crappy dynamic linking) it's becoming less and less enticing to use Adobe's products on any professional gig.




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New Here ,
Mar 07, 2013 Mar 07, 2013

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I had the no audio problem with m2t files once I upgraded to CS6.0.3. I reinstalled 6.0.0 and I'm up and running with premiere. AME still doesn't work because it's stuck on 6.0.3 and I can't find where to uninstall. Really need to use the queue.




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Explorer ,
Aug 04, 2013 Aug 04, 2013

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I'm currently having this issue as well. I just upgraded to CC and never had any issue with Media Encoder before this. It seems quite random but damn it is annoying. Files export perfectly from Premiere but no audio at all through AME. Aweful.

That and in CS6 the sequences I drag to the AME window load like wild fire but in CC it literally takes up to a minute or more to load a single sequence. What an improvement Adobe. Thatnks a lot!

I'm running on a 12 core Mac running OS 10.8.4




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Explorer ,
Aug 04, 2013 Aug 04, 2013

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This is so stupid. As stated if I make a new sequence and paste the media into it the audio exports. Still no idea why the previous sequence exports np from Premiere and not AME. If Premiere actually allowed you to change sequences settings like a normal bloody program (FCP) it would be a lot easier. When you look at the sequence setting you get "Sample Rate" and "Display Format" which is basically useless.




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Explorer ,
Aug 05, 2013 Aug 05, 2013

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Well I've migrated back to CS6 and AME CS6 and everything works fine.

When I drag sequences into AME CS6 the first sequence takes about 30 secinds or more and then the next 27 sequences take 6 seconds. In AME CC every single sequence takes up to a minute or more. AND I have audio. What a useless upgrade. Maybe I'll try FCP X.

First thing tomorrow Adobe will be giving me my money back.




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Explorer ,
Aug 06, 2013 Aug 06, 2013

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Well turns out I'm wrong about the audio. Once CC has messed up your sequence it's messed up for good. Really do have to create a whole new sequence for every CC sequence and copy and paste old to new.

AME CC is still messed up though. I'm going to have to export the project bacj to CS6, otherwie it will take 2 hours to load the sequences for export. Weak sauce.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 01, 2013 Oct 01, 2013

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Thanks so much for finding the workaround.

This is clearly just an annoying glitch with the new Adobe CC suite.

I found switching to a new sequence fixed the issue, which almost confirms it is a bug.

I should note, I ran into the glitch on a project that I had transferred from a previous version of Premiere. For some odd reason, only one of the three layers of audio would not export. It was annoying and embarassing to continually send my client files missing parts of the audio.

I can verify that both copying everything to a new sequence and exporting, as well as doing a direct export from Premiere (not using AME) both solve the bug.

I hope adobe fixes this, and I hope all of you can get your exports working.





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New Here ,
Oct 30, 2013 Oct 30, 2013

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My problem is the same.

I have a nested sequence in my main sequence. Everytime I would close the project, and open it later, I noticed track 1 was always muted. This happened to 5 sequences with nested sequences on audio track 1. Video on track 2. I would unmute the track, but everytime I re-opened the project, it was muted again.

AME would not export audio from that track, but Premiere would.





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Explorer ,
Nov 19, 2013 Nov 19, 2013

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Same here. AME is encoding silent versions of the project I have just exported from Premiere(mpeg/match timeline settings) I am on imac. All latest versions of everything.

I have had lots of tech glitches to deal with. This is just the latest in a long line. I have exported from this machine before with AME and there have been no issues til now.

I am going to test same file out with macbook pro retina

Grrrr. This is a major project and I would like to be actually working rather than constantly trouble shooting


DAM Productions




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Explorer ,
Jan 30, 2014 Jan 30, 2014

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Same damn prolem using merged clips (MAC OSX 10.8.5).

I merged the XAVC clips from an F5 with WAV files for sync. When I export clips from the bin and add them to AME queue...NO AUDIO!!!! Come on now, let fix this thing Adobe!




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 30, 2014 Jan 30, 2014

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Try exporting without using the render queue, and export directly from Premiere. It worked for me. I still get weird sound glitches using encoder, especially with I have over 5 audio channels.




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Explorer ,
Jan 30, 2014 Jan 30, 2014

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Ugghh, thats annoying exporting one clip at a time. I wonder if it has to do with audio channel mapping.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 30, 2014 Jan 30, 2014

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Yeah that would be annoying if you have a lot of clips to export. I'm usually just working with one export at a time.

I think it's just a glitch with CC, as it was never an issue before. I've always found little glitches with the media encoder. Even when doing some light keying in Premiere, I've had export issues and such. It's not a codec thing either because direct exports worked fine.

I feel for you brotha, hopefully Adobe fixes that crap up.




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