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Document disappeared

Community Beginner ,
Jul 16, 2023 Jul 16, 2023

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Hello. I had about 331 pages of a scanned book in my Adobe Scan. It is a rare book, I cannott access it anymore. I spent several hours on this scanning and cropping.
After that, everytime I opened Adobe Scan, it was there, cropping unfinished. Today I said to myself: no more cropping, and tried to save it to PDF. First time it said that no free OCR available for 25+ page books and offered to continue. I did. It crashed.
After the restart it was unsaved again. I tried to do the same. After "no free OCR for 25+ pages" message I tapped "Continue", it crashed again, and now I can't see it anymore. Neither in program, nor in the cloud.
How can I return it?

Android , Crash or freeze , Save files




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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 17, 2023 Jul 17, 2023

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Hi @Pavel3111515843i6,


Hope you are doing well. Sorry for your experience with Adobe Scan.


The crash could be due to the device being unable to handle the processing of 331 pages simultaneously. 


Also, I suggest disabling Text Recognition by going to Home-> Profile-> Preferences-> toggle the button to disable Run Text Recognition.


Since Adobe Scan is a cloud-based service, you might want to check if the file is available on Acrobat Web: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/documents/ in the Adobe Scan folder.


If not. I fear the file is lost, and you will need to re-scan the file.


Hope this clarifies your question.






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Community Beginner ,
Jul 17, 2023 Jul 17, 2023

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@S. S as I wrote before, I couldn't find it in the cloud folder.
Before handling all these pages were on the device (somewhere in hidden folder) for two months. And were easily available after multiple restarts. I didn't know that there is no temporary copy of the file (otherwise how it is available?).
The problem wasn't with the device, the problem was with Adobe Scan program, it is its internal error. And I can't scan this book again, it is in another country.

Text Recognition wasn't a problem, as it was OK for me to avoid it.




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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 17, 2023 Jul 17, 2023

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Hi @Pavel3111515843i6,


Until you save the document and you minimize or close the application, the file is saved as an image within the application in the cache folders of your device.


If the application crashes, it becomes difficult for the application to keep a copy, and it loses access to the file.






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Community Beginner ,
Jul 23, 2023 Jul 23, 2023

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But could I crop the pages correctly (autocrop was doing extremely wrong at any page) after I saved it?
The only reason I didn't save it to PDF was my wish to finish the right cropping. Though I already had it done with pages I nedeed most of all, so I finally descided to send PDF to my computer.
And I couldn't imagine that any crash can delete them. So it was a hopeless situation, as you describe it. I hand an opportunity to read the pages in the application, but after the first try to save I would lose them all.
Earlier a book of 80-100 pages was saved correctly.   




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