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Hello everyone:
I have some time using adobe scan in my Ipad without any trouble. However, recently the app has started to scan the pages of the documents in different sizes, usually scanning some of them in a very small size, and some others in regular size. It´s very annoying because when you open the document in the pdf file, the pages of the document have also different sizes, some are really small and some others have a normal size.
I am attaching a picture of what the problem is so you guys can understand it better. Does someone know if there is any solution for this? I already uninstalled and installed again the app, but that didn´t fix it. Thanks a lot.
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Hi Joseac,
As the application scanning pages with different size, did you check if this occurs with all the scans you do?
Try once to sign out of the application and uninstall the application.
Then reboot the device and install the application.
Sign-in with your Adobe ID and check if it shows the similar behavior.
If the issue still persists, let us know the details asked below:
- Make and model of the device
- Application and OS version installed on your device.
We will be waiting for your response.
Let us know if you need any help.
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Hello Meenakshi, thanks for helping me.
I did notice this same issue with other documents, but the problem must have started one or two weeks ago because before that I don´t recall having any problem using the app. Anyway, after rebooting the device (it was an Ipad air model A1474), logging out, uninstalling the app and installing it again, it seems to work perfectly.
Thank you very much! I will come for additional help if the problem reappears.
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Dear Meenakshi:
I´m afraid I was too optimistic some minutes ago. It turns out that the problem has reappeared. At first, everything seemed to be ok but then, when I pushed the preview button, I realized that it the pages had once again different sizes, and some of them were really small.
I already updated my IOS software (currently I have the IOS 11.4). Then I followed the same procedure one more time (logging out, uninstall, reboot, install, sign in, scan) and it didn´t work, the app keeps scanning wrong, just like in the picture of my first post.
About the information you required:
-This is an Ipad air Model A1474, serial number DMPLVNZ7FK14
-The version of the app that I am using is 18.06.19
-The Ipad was bought in 2013
What can I do?
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Hi JoseAC1989,
Sorry for the delay in response.
Please try to update the application to the latest version available.
Check if you still experience the same issue with the updated version.
Also, did you try to open the PDF on the desktop application? Do you experience the similar issue there?
If the issue still persists, please share any of problematic PDF with us.
We would like to check it on our end.
You can share the file using the steps mentioned here How to share a file using Adobe Document Cloud
If you are not comfortable to share file publically, you can initiate a private message. Take help fo the steps mentioned here How Do I Send Private Message.
Let us know how it goes.
We will be waiting for your response.
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I am having the same problem. It started in October eith my new phone
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Hi Alemarml,
Could you please let us know the details asked below:
- Make and model of the device?
- Current application and OS version?
- Did you check if that is also a case on other mobile devices?
- Is it an issue wot all the scanned files you create using the application?
We will be waiting for your response.
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Hi Meenakshi
IPhone XS
IOS 12.1
Adobe scan version 18.09.18
Don’t know if it happens with others.
It has been happening quite consistently (around 2/3 of the time). But, it is random within each file. I haven’t been able to figure out why some pages come out small and others our normal size. I initially thought it may have had to do with taking pictures with a different zoom but it still occurs when I use no zoom. If I delete the file and take pictures a second time to convert to PDF, interestingly the same pages come out small.
I believe it started in October when I switched to this new
Phone and iOS.
I have deleted and reinstalled the app as well. No change.
Would you like me to forward you some examples?
Sent from my iPhone
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Hi Marie,
Sorry for the delay in response.
It would be helpful if you can share some examples of the files.
You may take help of the steps mentioned here How to share a file using Adobe Document Cloud.
Also, please let us know how often it happens.
Is there anything that you do differently when the issue occurs?
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I'm using Adobe Document Cloud. You can view my files by clicking on the link below:
[Link removed by the moderator as requested by the user]
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I would estimate it happens about 50% of the time. A couple of the examples I sent are from me taking pictures and converting them to PDF. The third example is from a website where I created the PDF on my phone. There’s nothing that I do differently. It seems to have started with the new phone iPhone XS which I believe I already mentioned in the last email. When it decides to do the problem. I have noticed that it does it repeatedly so if I delete the pictures and take them again it is the same ones that are shrunken. I have tried with the zoom and without zoom and I have found no difference.
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For the scans I sent.... please make sure that they are not available to be seen publicly on the forum. Some of that material is copyright and it is not permitted to be seen by the general public.
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Hi, it happens the same with me. in almost every document I scan there is one small sized page. Which is not an issue for me, becayse i read the pdfs on a screen, but the app has started crashing all the time since October. Since a couple of people in this conversation mentioned that their issues started in the same period, there must be some bugs with your update that need to be fixed.
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Hello! I already wrote to you about this issue, so I figured I'll send you some of the files I just scanned. In each of them there are small pages. And this is not copyrighted material (it's a book from the 18th century), so no issues about having it go around. I hope this helps you fix the issue.
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Hi, I also realized that the issue happens most often with title pages or the first pages of books- when there is a lot of white space and very little words. I don't know if it helps.
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Hi Joseac,
I have the same problem on the phone. Then i downloaded the file and the problem was gone. The papers that seem small on the phone and also on the web page is no longer on the computer. You may try this way.
Best regards,
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Having the same problem. Yes, seems to be with pages that have less content, but not consistently. Noticed with scans week of 11.26.18 ... had three small pages on a longer scan -- maybe 15 pages long. Hope this is fixed soon ... Thanks! P.S. Using IPad Pro version 12.1 Model MPHW2LL/A ... Adobe Scan Version 18.11.14 ... I update my iPad whenever told to do so ...
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El problema sigue sin resolverse . Yo tengo un iPhone y tengo el mismo problema al escanear con páginas de diferentes tamaño. Creo que adobe debería habilitar una opción para que el usuario definiera el tamaño de la página escaneada. Esto si es posible ya que yo descargue una aplicación que se llama “escanner Pro” que si permite elegir y cambiar el tamaño de la página escaneada. La única desventaja es que es de paga y el documento pdf escaneado es más pesado que el de adobe Scan (mas del doble del tamaño). Mi teléfono es un iPhone 7 Plus de 256 GB con sistema operativo iOS 12.1.3 y tengo actualizada a la última versión de abobe Scan 19.01.29
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This happens on a regular basis..i thought it had ro do w turning off the autondetect functiom, but that doesnt help either.. now after imsave the pdf, the pdf disappearsmas well.......I thought this app was a great thing at first but seems as though adobe has known abt these issues for some time and have elected to disregard everyones comments.....somthe app is im forced to just take pics w my iphone xr instead...such a waste
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Happens here as well (iPhone 6s). But only very infrequently, maybe once every 20-50 scans. It's always the first page of a document. Checking in a PC PDF viewer, the first page simply carries wrong absolute dimensions (2 inches by 2.5 inches or something like that). It's a bug in the Adobe Scan app.
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Similar problem. See my image here. I scanned 18 pages in Photoshop, all at exactly the same settings. I open Acrobat Pro. I assemble those scans into a single pdf. I view pdf. First 3 pages are regular size. All remaining pages small. Quite annoying.