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Save to jpg Photos document request

New Here ,
Nov 14, 2017 Nov 14, 2017

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i would like to import receipts into QuickeN mobile  at their trimmed and optimized size but it appears that the only options now are PDF and the entire camera image saved to Photos. QuickeN mobile will currently only attach  images from Photos, no PDFs.  The ability to save a jpg version of the processed file would be handy for other apps also. Hopefully QuickeN will support PDFs soon as it would be nice to be able to search for items on receipts. I have to use Neat Receipts, or something similar, currenrly to accomplish this — doubling my workflow.





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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

Hi Jwiley,

The purpose of the Adobe Scan app is to generate PDFs in easiest and quicker way. Why would it allow to save the shot as jpg?

That can be done with the local camera or other mobile application that supports jpg.

Quicken is an third party app and every app work on a different mechanism. Adobe don't have such plans of making changes into the existing features, but we appreciate your feedback on this.

Use this form to request new features or suggest modifications to existing features.

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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

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Hi Jwiley,

The purpose of the Adobe Scan app is to generate PDFs in easiest and quicker way. Why would it allow to save the shot as jpg?

That can be done with the local camera or other mobile application that supports jpg.

Quicken is an third party app and every app work on a different mechanism. Adobe don't have such plans of making changes into the existing features, but we appreciate your feedback on this.

Use this form to request new features or suggest modifications to existing features.

Feature Request/Bug Report Form  






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