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I still get fonts missing when I demo a mobile layout on my smart phone via the XD mobile app. No matter what font I use in my XD document I always get "Fonts missing". I remember this as a major issue that was flagged over a year ago, still no progress?! I'm on Windows 10 and I'm opening XD files with an Android phone. I've tried with different Android phones with same result. Why doesn't XD embed the typefaces used in the prototype? Makes it impossible to actually review a prototype authentically when the fonts are all missing! Sick of having to explain to the client that there's something wrong in the program and that I did actually use their corporate typeface etc.
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3 Correct answers
I get the same thing (only with FontAwesome so far) and I've found a workaround that whilst not brilliant seems to work for me:
- open file and get warning message
- close XD
- open font manager (an old copy of Extensis Suitcase Fusion in my case)
- deactivate fonts
- reactivate fonts
- open XD, open file and it sees the fonts
I only have to do that once and it will see the fonts until the next time I restart my computer. It seems as though XD loses the mapping to the font location somewhere along the way after re
...Hi there,
Sorry to hear that you're still experiencing this issue. I would like to confirm if you've tried all the solutions mentioned in this post an if that doesn't fix the issue. Is it happening with a specific font or all the fonts?
I would suggest signing out of the Creative Cloud and Adobe XD. Sign back to both and let us know if that helps.
Hi, I was having the same issues, that is why I'm here.
Worked for me. The other solutions proposed "sign out, sign in" (didn't work for me)
There is always a way 🙂
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Hi Perrybrus,
Can you have a look at the solutions provided by Elaine in this link "Missing Fonts" alert on XD android mobile app. – Adobe XD Feedback : Feature Requests & Bugs and let us know if they helped?
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That was informative but it doesn't solve the issue. I think Adobe must fix this font issue by bundling the typeface with the prototype export, in the same fashion as IN to PDF export works. So the typeface actually loads with the new file if you know what I mean. Or else there will always be this huge font dilemma when viewing demos. Same thing with desktop design demos that are previewed in CC I would believe.
The typeface is such a large visual identity factor for clients and it also affects the way proportions etc in a layout appears in relation to text, I really think Adobe should take another look at this, cause after all text is an extremely common element in any layout. Axure has woff / eot support, that could be the solution here as well. All the "fonts missing" messages are very destructive to receive when showing it to a client.
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Still same issues on all XD files. Fonts missing when I do have the font installed. Can someone address this a bug finally?
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Hey!... here Edu from the future. Two years later, this time wasting bug is still here. Suppose it is not an important issue for XD. So each day that I move from Mac to PC, specially with Font Awesome Glyphs, I've to open-close, enable-disable, lose time and get upset, as usual with XD...
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Have the same issue. Considering switching to Figma, can't stand this anymore
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It's 2020 and I'm having this same problem with system fonts showing as missing on the XD mobile app. I tried opening that link but it says it's a private forum and I'm not allowed access to it with my email address.
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Um, yeah. 2021 and it's still happening. Activate a font, restart XD ... same problem.
There comes a point where "I'm sorry you are experiencing this issue ... have you tried ..." is maddening. I like XD, but this ... this makes me motivated to learn Figma.
C'mon, Adobe. This is a totally unacceptable problem.
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Bye bye XD, 2022 and still running same problems. You are ridicolous!
Switched to Figma, no problems anymore!
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2023 and the problem continues @Preran what is happening to the company that does not resolve incompatibility between its own platforms?
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I just opened two XD projects which I started on my Mac machine now on my Windows system and ran into the same problem:
I do have all cuts of googles Open Sans installed, but XD claims it is missing fonts.
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I have had this issue since XD was released. It's a bug that never goes away apparently. All I can do is to click accept and go forward, but it's extremely annoying to see that font missing message every single time I open files when it's not missing.
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I get the same thing (only with FontAwesome so far) and I've found a workaround that whilst not brilliant seems to work for me:
- open file and get warning message
- close XD
- open font manager (an old copy of Extensis Suitcase Fusion in my case)
- deactivate fonts
- reactivate fonts
- open XD, open file and it sees the fonts
I only have to do that once and it will see the fonts until the next time I restart my computer. It seems as though XD loses the mapping to the font location somewhere along the way after reboot. It's manageable with a font manager but will be a pain without one.
I hope that helps until the bug is fixed.
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Hi JR,
Thank you for taking time to post your workaround solution here.
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Hi Adobe,
Thank you for NOT taking the time to NOT resolve this issue and to count on (paid) users to find workarounds...very pro of you!!!
The Adobe suite is an old BS dating decades ! It should be rewritten from scratch!
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I've followed the "answer" steps several times now and it's not working. It used to work, but the last few times it's happened I've deactivated, activated, opened close, restarted ... etc and nothing is working. This is making me want to tear my hair out. ADOBE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE FIX THIS.
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All the sudden my fonts just showed up. The only thing I did was out of exasperation, I decided to see if I could find a similar font on Typekit and activated it. Then closed XD and opened again, and now my fonts are working. Who the hell knows.
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I'm in 2019 and still have the issue are there are any solutions?
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Hi there,
Sorry to hear that you're still experiencing this issue. I would like to confirm if you've tried all the solutions mentioned in this post an if that doesn't fix the issue. Is it happening with a specific font or all the fonts?
I would suggest signing out of the Creative Cloud and Adobe XD. Sign back to both and let us know if that helps.
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This worked for meign out and sign in, it works.
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Hi I have the same problem with the font Apple color emoji. I can't see the font in the link of the prototype. Have you some suggestions?
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I'm seeing all kinds of font issues in threads like these.
Therefore I'd like to clarify a bit how and why fonts can be missing.
When previews or prototypes are using a font, these fonts needs to be resident or brought over to the viewer's device, either by embedding or dynamically linking. This sounds (and is) technically and physically quite easy, but can be a very delecate legal matter, because fonts need to be licensed. And according to many licenses, it's not allowed to simply copy or embed fonts...
(On a side note: most font publishers do grant users to let systems and applications embed resident fonts in a PDF.)
So if you want fonts in Adobe XD to show up on a previewers end, then stick to standard fonts (depending on a system) and/or use Adobe's cloud-based fonts. Or convert any type or icons using a font which might not be available on a device's system, temporarily to an outline by using the Convert to Path command.
This doesn't imply that you can never use any special or exclusive font for a website or app. Such a font simply needs to be licensed, paid for, and properly embedded in the code of the website or app. And that's something you're probably not yet up to in the design stage of a project.
Apart from these legal matters, there can also be a technical issue, especially with Adobe cloud-based fonts. Very often, account authentication and authorisation (necessary to use Adobe cloud fonts) intermittently fails on the designer's computer, or even the previewer's device. Signing out and back in might 'kick' a proper authentication back in place...
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For now (because we have an important event on Wednesday and we are in hurry) we have changed the font, creating the path and solve it. We have created not from Adobe XD because it doesn't works, even with this emojis font named "EmojiOne color", I've done with In-design, then copy&paste the path in Adobe XD.
From my side it was not connected with the Licence because I usually have it (in 15 years of graphics... yes I have a lot of licences). No idea what's the problem. Hope that next time it doesn't happen.
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Well, those new OpenType font resources like colors, variables, and styles might be a bit too much to swallow for Adobe XD. (It took a few years for the major apps (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign) to support them.) I tested the Apple Emoji Color font too and it did show up, but it only converted the 'normal' characters into paths (no icons). I also tested Trajan Color (styles) and Acumin Pro (variables), but obviously couldn't access any of these extra features. Only the plain rendition was available and convertable.

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