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I've shared a file with a colleague and we're working on the same file, at the same time.
After a while, I can't create anything inside. Can't draw shapes, rectangles, ellipses, lines, text, anything. It just appears and disappears from the layer panel.
Adobe XD is getting worse each version. Old bugs, new bugs, features that don't deliver any value to the user...
Anyway, the latest version o XD, Windows (is XD tested on Windows???)
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Hi Franco,
This is definitely not expected behaviour and sorry for the bad experience. I will try my best to analyse the situation and help you with the issue. I would like to confirm if you are the owner of the file and if your collaborator is also not able to create anything inside? Does that happen with this file only? Have you tried coediting with any other file?
I would also like to confirm if you have tried signing out and signing back in.
I will try my best to help.
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I'm the owner of the file. My colleague can create things, I can't.
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That's definitely not expected. Could you please record a video of your workflow and share it with us? Is it possible for you to share the file with us? If yes, please upload the file to a shared location such as CC or Dropbox and share the URL with me over a PM.
I will try my best to investigate the issue.