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Exporting an animated 3D objects out of After Effects in GLB for use in Augmented Reality

New Here ,
Feb 05, 2023 Feb 05, 2023

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Is there a way to export a 3D object with animation keyframing (done in After Effects) as a GLB or other common file type. 


I'm an artist most comfortable in Adobe Photoshop and I'm good in After Effects for animation. I'm working with Augmented Reality turning my art into experiences. I want to animate 3D elements that I capture myself (or create from 2D). I haven't found an easy way to do this,  nothing like the way I would use Adobe After Effects to animate. I would love to be able to export out the keyframe animations with my GLB and import them directly into my augmented reality space.


Is there any interim way I can do this (perhaps with a plugin). 


I would love one of the Adobe Software systems to support 3D animation with Puppet Rigging too. 

Feature request , Question






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