Render Queue Notifications Now Available in 18.4x37
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Today we are excited to announce the availability of Render Queue Notifications in After Effects beta, available in builds 18.4x37 or newer.
What are Render Queue Notifications? Render queue notifications allow you to be notified when a Render Queue job completes (or fails) as well as when your entire queue of jobs complete. You can receive notifications in the Creative Cloud Desktop (Window and macOS) and Creative Cloud Mobile applications (iOS and Android). Download the latest build from Creative Cloud Desktop.
You can see Render Queue Notifications in action in the attached video.
Please use this forum post to discuss and provide feedback.
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I've wanted something like this for a long time. Glad to see it's here (beta)!
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Very nice.... Happy for what is offered, but I would still like to see near real time status for items in the que at some point.
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We had an idea for progress notifications (e.g. 50% complete) that haven't yet implemented. I'm not sure if that would suffice for your case though. It sounds more like something that can tell you progress at all times rather than a notification of completion or partial progress. Is that correct?
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Thanks for the response. Yes, I was focused on progress with the goal of being able to estimate when the job would be completed. a real time view of the progress bar would be ideal, but I suspect that the data volume may be high. Perhaps a 25/50/75% alert option would work - especially if the alert noted the 'estimated' time left.
Another angle is a user selectable alert for percentage complete or estimated time complete is possible. As a user, I could set the alert to 15min remaining for example, so would have an idea of when it would be done so I can close of what I'm currently doing at about the time the render would be done.
Another way to look at it, is if I wanted to head out to the bar and grab a cold bear, and my travel time was 20 min back to the office, I could set the alert to 20 min, so I can be back at my desk when its approx done.
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Awesome work! This is going to be great for so many users. Is there any scripting access to the "notify" checkbox on a per-render-queue item basis?
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Adding this to the scripting system is in progress. Not ready just yet, but work has begun.
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Awesome, glad to hear it's in the works! Again, great job on the flow and design.
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The scripting access for this is now in the current builds. We'll have some documentation up for it shortly.
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Is there an option for notifications for Adobe encoder as well?
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Not yet, but we are working with the AME engineers to see what's possible.
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It would be awesome to add this to any Adobe app that renders, but AME would be my first pick for this addition! That's what I run most of my renders through.
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ae render notification can be pushed on the Desktop client in the latest version, but not on the mobile client. I have enabled push notification on the my iphone.
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Hello @Lin23731620badm,
Thank you for posting. The mobile team is aware of the issue and is working on a fix. I know the notifications will show in the app but not push a notification. I will make a note to that team to update here when that work is complete.
All the best,
Jessica McMillan
AE Engineering
AE Engineering
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Hi everyone,
thanks for your patience on this. Push notifications on the Creative Cloud mobile app for render complete events should be working again.