I'm using Macbook Pro 2016, and everytime I choose the cinema4D renderer in after effects, it crashes and sends a report, is there a fix for this issue?
Thank you for reporting this issue. What version of After Effects are you when you encounter this crash? I'm asking because we fixed a crash with the C4D renderer in After Effects 23.0.
Thanks for reporting this issue and for any further information you can provide,
Thank you @Mohammed269831112l8t. I'm not aware of any additional crashing issues in After Effects 23.0, but have you been able to submit a crash report when After Effects crashes? The information in the crash report would be extremely helpful to us in determining the cause of the crashes.
Thank you for your patience. After Effects 23.1 was released last week which contains many fixes for the C4D integration with AE, including crash fixes. Please update to 23.1 and let us know if you continue to experience any crashes when using the C4D renderer.