I have a single shape... with a reapeater set to 20... 1 effect and 2 key frames.
If I render out in After Effects I will get a memory issue like "Unable to allocate 2.0 MB of memory"
If I render with Media Encoder I get an export frame error like "Accelerated Renderer Error" or "Unable to produce frame"
If I make the entire project in AE 2024 and replicate the exact same project from scratch I get an error that says "Image buffers of sinze 25073 x 24258 @ 8 bpc (2.3 GB) exceed interenal limits."
I cannot export on this version.
I have tried the following:
Turn off Hardware Encoding
Try to reduce the amount of memory allocated to other applications and set RAM to max 29gb
Mercury Transmit is disable it.
Completly removed every single plug-in. Only had 1 to remove.
I have pre-composed my scene
I have reset preferences for after effects
I have tried to lower the effect
I have dramatically reduced the number of repeated objects
Changed all keyframes to linear.
remove all expressions from key frames
Blend Modes set to normal
Set Max Disk Cache to 300gb
Empty Disk chache
Clean Database and Cache
Disconnect second monitor?
Set Viewer quality to faster for all options.
Any help would be apprecaited.