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Hello everyone,
some weeks ago one project containing some HEVC footage started giving me troubles.
As you can see from the image above, half of the screen is green and seems to be a codec error. The files, when I play them with a regular player, have no visible problems. Also is strange that I worked with this project and with the same files some week before, without troubles. I don't know if this info can help but this footage was shooted witha fuji X-T4, I'm running After Effects 2022.
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Installing the old version of After Effect (2021) everything works fine, so nothing wrong with drivers or GPU or Win10. The problem is in After Effects 22, case solved.
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Green inside AE often means GPU issues. Can you try updating or rolling back your GPU drivers?
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Thank you for your suggestion. Isn't it strange that it happended suddenly whitout any change to my GPU drivers? Some weeks before AE was working with these files without problems.
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Depending on your GPU, Windows Update has a bad habit of installing drivers that cause problems. Also, when you say AE was working some weeks before, were you on AE 2021 and now you're on AE 2022? There are lots of factors at play, so it's always challenging to find the culprit, and there are many different things that could have inadvertently triggered this issue.
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Eu também não consigo exportar em formato H265 na versão atual. só quando instalo versão anterior que o programa (premiere, after effects e o Media Encoder conseguem exportar o video).
Uso h265 por causa do formato stories.
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Eso me ha pasado algunas veces y por lo general es por problemas con el driver de la tarjeta de video. Te recomiendo que bajes el driver desde la misma pagina del fabricante no el driver or defecto de windows, (eso siempre trare algunos problemas).
esp deberia solucionar tu problema.
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Thank you for your answer, I'll investigate on windows drivers update, I didn't think about this!
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Installing the old version of After Effect (2021) everything works fine, so nothing wrong with drivers or GPU or Win10. The problem is in After Effects 22, case solved.
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Just to let you know that I upgraded to a new workstation and I still have problems with these codecs inside AE 2022. The RAM preview this time is jumping frames even after render and it's not smooth at all. No green areas on the frames but frames are dropping. AE 2021 works fine. This is incredible.