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Glowing neon gradient - jumps at end points

New Here ,
Feb 04, 2025 Feb 04, 2025

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Is there anyone out there in the community that might be able to help me solve a problem I have created but can't seem to figure out what I've done.

I'm working on the composition titled 'Lockup' in the attached file 'Insights Live Virtual Lockup Animated_Strong Glow_BIGGER GLOW'. I've created a neon glow using mask layers (several layers with differening brush sizes, opacities and gausian blurs) and layers with a gradient background that use the mask layers in Track Matte. 

I'm getting a flicker at the end of the letters (most visible on the lime green because of the contrast with the background). I can't figure out why the glow is flickering. The changes in brush size and gausian blur on the mask layers last for longer strecthes of time, they're not jumpy, sharp movements like the flickering. 

The width of the gradient glow is created by the fluctuating size of the stroke in the mask layer, but as far as I can remember and as far as I can tell there's nothing on those mask layers that would create this flickering effect at the end of the letters (it's the speed of the flicker that's really confusing me since it doesn't seem to corrolate with the speed of any of the keyframe changes).

I'd be hugely grateful of any support here. I've lost hours and hours trying to figure this out and could really do with some help please! I've collected files in the composition and attached. 

Fingers crossed it's not a big issue to resolve and can be figured out by people who know what they're doing with relative ease. Thank you very much in advance.

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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 04, 2025 Feb 04, 2025

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Hello @Rebecca27443458k7qa,

I read your message. While we await an expert response or a message from a developer, we can try and troubleshoot. Is it possible to increase the stroke width? What happens if you do so? What happens with a different font? Let the community know. Sorry for the frustration.




Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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