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GPU Effects Error In After effects

Community Beginner ,
Jan 20, 2023 Jan 20, 2023

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I have been using after effects for quite some time!

And now I am facing this issue
Is there any way around it!

I don't what's the issue!

My Laptop specifications:

Ram 24 Gb
512 SSD
Graphic Card: 4 GB 1660Ti



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Engaged ,
Jan 20, 2023 Jan 20, 2023

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If you are not using a VR effect... just turn off GPU usage altogether. It's an unstable hack they used to be able to advertise capabilities the program doesn't truly support. Trust me on this- maybe a handful of effects use it, it tanks After Effects' reliability, injects bugs left and right, every other video won't render, and there will be no real cause except for "you tried using a GPU in a 30 year old program, and it bugged out for reasons mostly related to the fact that the team that hacked it in, made their unstable hack a default setting."

are you using VR effects?
If yes, it's likely the truth. these days, 4GB is not much for a GPU. As well, After effects is ATROCIOUS at being efficient with RAM. it basically throws every frame of source footage in RAM (and VRAM if using a GPU) uncompressed. depending on resolution, 4GB is enough for... maybe... 3-5 seconds of footage, max. I mean it. if you were using something like Resolve, it would just use what you do have smartly, but not After Effects. Adobe basically says "buy a $10k workstation or you're not worth developing for. Now pay us." and requirements (and bugs) get worse every year if you do pay them.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Requirements for working with VR are clearly outline here:

Construct VR environments in After Effects


This includes the following note:
When you work with VR, you could run into memory limitations indicated by a banner that states - Requires GPU Acceleration. By default, Adobe video applications require approximately 1GB of memory for every 1K of horizontal resolution when working in VR. In After Effects 2018, you can reduce the requirements, called Aggressive Memory Management. To enable the setting, select Preferences > Previews > GPU Information > Aggressive GPU memory use (for VR).








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Engaged ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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The issue is that the limitation is artificial. I have taken several commissions to make 3D art. the conversion from 2D to stereoscopic 3D is a nearby per-pixel edit- a simple displacement where one pixel is read, and replaced with the contents of up to a number of surrounding pixels, even in photoshop and therefore can be parallelized seamlessly to GPU's of any (or theoretically no, with terrible efficiency) memory size.

Adobe must be using a terrible library. Why not always use aggressive memory management, if it's so good? Why is after effects the only program that has to manage GPU memory aggressively, likely at massive detriment to its users? GPU's have processing units SPECIFICALLY TO MANAGE MEMORY EFFECTIVELY.
I don't care that 1k in VR -what does that even mean, that doesn't even make sense. is it 2k because stereoscopic has two fields? is it 1080? 1024? 2160? 2048? on that note, that's only horizontal resolution- vertical resolution comes in a number od standards. it's useless information because it provides a vague rule of thumb for a heavily specific professional graphics environment. 

or I guess not, seeing as adobe software hasn't been professionally usable since 2014.

I'm tired of adobe toying with people and saying "get better computers to make your experience marginally better, or we'll use features that make your experience dramatically worse, because we can't manage to get our tens of thousands of employees to develop a single new software."





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Community Expert ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Yes, 1K is 1,000 pixels.


If someone were to still be using After Effects CC 2014, that person would have to had purchased the SkyBox Suite of plugins from Mettle to create in 360/VR.


Fortunately, Skybox has been included with After Effects and Premiere Pro at no addiional cost since 2017.  As such, AE and PR creators of 360/VR content have a truly seamless, end-to-end workflow.


It's worth noting that Mettle has some other impressive plugins for use in After Effects.


Speaking of better performance on faster computers, I can't wait to see how well After Effects runs on the newly announced Apple Silicon M2 Max.  A CC Light Burst heavy 30-second 2160p4K animation that I created took 9 hours on a base M1/8GB/512GB configuration and took 1 hour and 29 minutes on a M1 Max/32GB/1TB configuration.  I find it good to know that users can balance what fits their budget (about $1,400 and $3,500 respectively) with how quickly a render is going to finish.





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Engaged ,
Jan 25, 2023 Jan 25, 2023

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and another lie, like always. Warren, you're slipping. 2017 was a year with one of the largest single price increases.  "at no extra charge" means nothing for a program that is ONLY EVER EXTRA CHARGE WHENEVER YOU HAVE IT INSTALLED
just accept it. Adobe doesn't care about you, or me, or these forums. also, it's gonna be riddled with bugs. because, y'know. all the others have been, and reamin largely unfixed.
There is no such thing as "Adobe Cares", there is no such thing as "Adobe's optimization updates" amd there is. no. Minnesota. 





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 26, 2023 Jan 26, 2023

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No, I am not using VR, and yes, changing the setting to Mercury seems to have resolved the issue for now!






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Jan 20, 2023 Jan 20, 2023

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Check your graphics driver and update/ downgrade it. There have been a ton of issues with this lately and neither Adobe nor Nvidia seem capable of really getting a handle on it. It works in one version and then breaks again with the next update.







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Community Expert ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Are none of the options listed in the dialog box working?

  • Close applications that may be using GPU resources
  • Set this project to render effects using "Mercury Software Only


Also, have you tried working with a mezzanine CODEC like ProRes instead of whatever your MP4 files are encoded with?







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