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Hi, I'm trying Track Camera in AE and from one of the targets I R click and create camera and sold but the solid is so small I can't see it at all, I precompose and change the size of it but it's still ridiculously small I can hardly see it?
How do I fix it? Screenshots attached
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I found when I change the z position to like 90,000 it has normal size, why is the positioning so crazy though? the solid is created at a position where the z position is over 500,000
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If the hand with the sunflower is your shot, and the sunflower is moved, Camera Tracker is the wrong tool. Camera tracking relies on a moving camera and fixed geometry (things that do not move) in the shot to solve for the camera. It will not accurately do Object Tracking. Camera Tracker will also not give you depth information from a camera pan.
Show us the whole shot.
I think you may need Mocha AE, Mocha Pro, or a similar 3rd party tool to do the kind of tracking you want to do with that shot.
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It tracks the shot fine, its a moving shot and the vase is still, the vase is what Im tracking.
The problem is when it creates a solid its so small and the position created makes it very small
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If you really are getting a good camera track, then try this Normalize Track script:
If the hand and the flower are moving, try deleting tracking markers from the hand and flower before you establish a ground plane and origin, and then create your first solid and camera from the same target.
I could give you some more concrete suggestions if you could share at least a few seconds of the shot.