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Hi Guys
I managed to get all my buttons work correctly. now i need some help with sound/music. I need the title music to play at the start of my project frames 1-28 where my first bit of frame by frame animation runs with it. But when I test project the animation runs ok but no music. But when i press button to go to another part of the project and return to home page the animation plays ok again and the music to but only for the duration of the short animation. I need the music the keep playing in that area 1/28 until the user press a button and move on.
Help! AlanY
20 Correct answers
put a stop() in your first frame and an intro message along with a button/movieclip to click to trigger your timeline to play().
(user's have to interact with browser files to permit sound to play.)
Hi I got the start button working ok.plays the animation to frame 28 and stop thats what I want. But I would like to have the musicto play at the same time and keep it confined inbetween frames 1 and 28 if that is possible!
it would be easier for you to add your start button to frame 1 and then put your sound on frame 2.
but you can start your sound with code on frame 1, if that's what you want to do.
That works to keep the sound in 1-28 but the sound now stops playing at 28. Would like the music to keep playing the hole music at 28 until the user clicks another button to take them out of that area.
yes, those are the sound functions. but you don't want to call start_soundF() until you want the sound to start and you don't call stop_soundF() until you want the sound to stop.
double click the linkage field > enter soundId (uppercase i, 9th letter in alphabet)
double click to the right of the highlighted box shown in your screenshot.
the listener function call and function name don't match. ie,
is not the same as
ie, change one of them so they match.
excellent news!!!!
to close the browser tab, window.close();
you need to assign the linkage id to your library sound.
are you calling start_soundF()?
check the publish folder. there's probably an exe.
if not, change your target, too.
it's in the output name field path which in your screenshot is the same as the folder where you're saving your fla.
you have to use a non-self signed digital certificate,
the same code will work for all air (desktop, ios, android) versions.
nice. you're doing your own troubleshooting.
(it's definitely getting easier to help you.)
contact apple support for help.
p.s. did you pay the $100+?
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Hello again
After publishing Air for Android there does not seem to have an insaller for android phone!
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Thanks again, Application working Anroid phone. Started work on ios now!
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that was fast. congrats, again!
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Hi again
Completed ios application but stuck at the publishing! The certificate part is different fromAndroid which had an option to do your own certificate but not on this one! Also have a problem with Provisioning profile, dont understand what they want here! I only want the application to install on my ios tablet for testing. Help!
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you need to go through apple for those,
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Hi again
Just going round in circles here spent 4 hours trying to get id certificate. Regestered as Apple developer when I try to get into create a cetificate I get denied access! Help!
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contact apple support for help.
p.s. did you pay the $100+?
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Thanks for your help . Finally joined apple developers at a cost of £79.00. Still dont know how to make a p12 cetificate or a provisioning file to get my poject moving. Cant find a simple answer to this on apple site or Xcode site. emailed Apple help the reply can take up to 2-3 days fingers x. Must be getting the reply from the Moon! lol
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my last several ios apps were published and uploaded using xcode, but i can't remember the work-flow. these were the last projects i coded and none are recent.
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Dont know what to make of this
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you asked the wrong question. you should have asked, how do i generate a provisioning profile?
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Hi again It looks like I will just have to give up on the ios version of my project. Tryed for 4 days to get certificates for my application. Now it seems to be the case that I cannot do it on the windows pc platform. I wounld need to get an Apple mac computer to get the codes i need! But at least I have the Android and Desktop version of my app. Thanks for all the help I got from your good self.
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i too gave up on animate being able to publish something that could be uploaded to the ios store as mentioned in a previous post, but you should be able to get a provisioning profile (unless something's changed in the past 2 years).
(and after typing that "..unless something changed in the past 2 years." i had to laugh.)