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I'm creating a winter ecard with a snow globe.
I use Adobe Animate and need to export it as HTML5 Canvas. So actionscript is not working.
Inside the snow globe it should snow. Is there a ready snow animation, which one I can use and where I can change only the symbol (snowflake). There are several scripts for snow, but since I only want it to snow inside the snow globe and not over the whole stage, I don't think that's possible, isn't it? I have now created a mask and would like to arrange a finished snow animation below the mask. That should work, right?
Can anyone help me?
While Clay doesn't give you a proper answer, to fill up the whole screen at the beginning just remove the minus sign when the y position is set.
Instead of this:
snow.y = -stage.canvas.height * Math.random();
Write this:
snow.y = stage.canvas.height * Math.random();
To randomize the snow flakes, create an array with the classes you want (the class name must be set in the linkage column of the Library panel). Then get a random index out of this array. Like this:
...var snow;
var snowTypes = [lib.Snow, l
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Modify the script to create snow inside a movieclip instead of on the root timeline.
Mask the movieclip.
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Hi Fin, thanks.
You have a script that is working?
It must work as HTML5 Canvas, so no actionscript, right?
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I found this script and it is working, but I want to choose 2 symbols: Snow and Snow2.
What do I need to change in the script to use both symbols? Right now only Snow is working.
var snowA = [];
var tl = this;
var snowNum = 100;
var snow;
var animateSnowI = setInterval(animateSnowF,100);
function createSnowF(){
for(var i=0;i<snowNum;i++){
snow = new lib.Snow;
snow.x = stage.canvas.width*Math.random();
snow.y = -stage.canvas.height*Math.random();
snow.rot = 2*Math.round(Math.random())-1;
snow.sp = 5*Math.round(Math.random())+5;
function animateSnowF(){
for(var i=0;i<snowNum;i++){
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And can you also change the script so that the snow doesn't have to fill the screen first, but the whole screen is full right from the start, Is that possible? You undersatnd what I mean?
So 2 different snowflakes (can I make movieclip with random?) and screnn should be full from the start.
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While Clay doesn't give you a proper answer, to fill up the whole screen at the beginning just remove the minus sign when the y position is set.
Instead of this:
snow.y = -stage.canvas.height * Math.random();
Write this:
snow.y = stage.canvas.height * Math.random();
To randomize the snow flakes, create an array with the classes you want (the class name must be set in the linkage column of the Library panel). Then get a random index out of this array. Like this:
var snow;
var snowTypes = [lib.Snow, lib.Square, lib.Star];
snow = new snowTypes[Math.floor(Math.random() * snowTypes.length)]();
Anyway, I played with your code a bit. Here is the result (please ignore the GIF speed and other limitations):
JS code:
const SNOW_NUM = 200;
var container = this.globe.container;
var snowTypes = [lib.Snow, lib.Square, lib.Star];
var snowA = [];
function start()
createjs.Ticker.timingMode = createjs.Ticker.RAF;
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", animateSnowF);
container.alpha = 0;
createjs.Tween.get(container).to({alpha:1}, 2000);
function createSnowF()
var snow;
for (var i = 0; i < SNOW_NUM; i++)
snow = new snowTypes[Math.floor(Math.random() * snowTypes.length)]();
snow.scaleX = snow.scaleY = 0.5 + Math.random() * 0.5;
snow.alpha = snow.scaleX;
snow.x = stage.canvas.width * Math.random();
snow.baseX = snow.x;
snow.angle = 0;
snow.angleSpeed = Math.random() * 0.05;
snow.rangeX = 15 * Math.random();
snow.y = stage.canvas.height * Math.random();
snow.rot = 2 * Math.round(Math.random()) - 1;
snow.sp = 1 + Math.random() * 1;
snowA = snow;
function animateSnowF()
for (var i = SNOW_NUM - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var snow = snowA;
snow.rotation += 5 * snow.rot;
snow.x = snow.baseX + Math.cos(snow.angle) * snow.rangeX;
snow.y += snow.sp;
snow.angle += snow.angleSpeed;
if (snow.y > stage.canvas.height / stage.scaleY + snow.nominalBounds.height)
snow.x = (stage.canvas.width / stage.scaleX) * Math.random();
snow.y = -snow.nominalBounds.height;
FLA download: - Google Drive
Notice that I didn't use an actual mask for performance sake.
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Hi JoãoCésar, this snow is great! How can it be stopped at 30 seconds? I know there should be a timeout or setInterval, but not sure exactly what to change to stop the animation.
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Hi! I'm glad you liked it!
If you just want to stop it (meaning freezing it) you can add a timeout in the start funcion body and remove the tick event listener. Like this:
createjs.Ticker.removeEventListener("tick", animateSnowF);
}, 30000);
But if you want the snow flakes to stop falling naturally you can create a boolean variable at the top called respawn, for example, set to true initially and add it to the if condition in the animateSnowF function and then set this variable to false in the interval added in the start function. Like this:
const SNOW_NUM = 200;
var container = this.globe.container;
var snowTypes = [lib.Snow, lib.Square, lib.Star];
var snowA = [];
var respawn = true; // NEW
function start()
createjs.Ticker.timingMode = createjs.Ticker.RAF;
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", animateSnowF);
container.alpha = 0;
createjs.Tween.get(container).to({alpha:1}, 2000);
setTimeout(function() // NEW
respawn = false;
}, 30000);
function createSnowF()
var snow;
for (var i = 0; i < SNOW_NUM; i++)
snow = new snowTypes[Math.floor(Math.random() * snowTypes.length)]();
snow.scaleX = snow.scaleY = 0.5 + Math.random() * 0.5;
snow.alpha = snow.scaleX;
snow.x = stage.canvas.width * Math.random();
snow.baseX = snow.x;
snow.angle = 0;
snow.angleSpeed = Math.random() * 0.05;
snow.rangeX = 15 * Math.random();
snow.y = stage.canvas.height * Math.random();
snow.rot = 2 * Math.round(Math.random()) - 1;
snow.sp = 1 + Math.random() * 1;
snowA[i] = snow;
function animateSnowF()
for (var i = SNOW_NUM - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var snow = snowA[i];
snow.rotation += 5 * snow.rot;
snow.x = snow.baseX + Math.cos(snow.angle) * snow.rangeX;
snow.y += snow.sp;
snow.angle += snow.angleSpeed;
if (respawn && snow.y > stage.canvas.height / stage.scaleY + snow.nominalBounds.height) // EDITED
snow.x = (stage.canvas.width / stage.scaleX) * Math.random();
snow.y = -snow.nominalBounds.height;
I hope it helps.
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Awesome, thanks!
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Quick question. This script seems to effect the frame rate of the entire Animate file (it now ignores the frame rate set in the properties panel), how/where can I change this?
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Oh wait it's this part: "createjs.Ticker.timingMode = createjs.Ticker.RAF;". Is there a way to apply this only to the snow, while keeping the rest of the timeline animation at a lower frame rate?
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Another question, if I want to show the snow on mouseover, is there a way to clear all the existing snow so that it doesn't keep multiplying each time the mouseover occurs?
Setting respawn = false; in the mouseout function stops the animation nicely, but doesn't make the snow disappear, so it can really pile up if you keep mousing in and out.
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Okay sorry for all the posts. Found a sort of solution for the piling up snow issue with container.removeAllChildren();
What I'm a bit stuck on now, is if I want to have the animation play automatically in the begining, but then add athe rollover effect (where the animation can repeat again) after the initial animation ends, without repeating a lot of the same code. If I just try to call start(); again on mouseover (later in the timeline), there's a scope issue and it says it's not defined.
Appreciate any suggestions!
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Hi. I modified the code to include hover interaction. You're gonna need to add an invisible button (a button that only has a single shape in the Hit frame) in front of the globe. The code also removes the offscreen snow flakes from the display list for performance sake.
const SNOW_NUM = 200;
var root = this;
var container = root.globe.container;
var hit = root.hit;
var snowTypes = [lib.Snow, lib.Square, lib.Star];
var snowA = [];
var respawn = true;
function start()
container.alpha = 0;
createjs.Tween.get(container).to({alpha:1}, 2000);
createjs.Ticker.timingMode = createjs.Ticker.RAF;
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", animateSnowF);
hit.on("mouseover", startSnowing);
hit.on("mouseout", stopSnowing);
function startSnowing(e)
respawn = true;
function stopSnowing(e)
respawn = false;
function createSnowF()
var snow;
for (var i = 0; i < SNOW_NUM; i++)
snow = new snowTypes[Math.floor(Math.random() * snowTypes.length)]();
snow.scaleX = snow.scaleY = 0.5 + Math.random() * 0.5;
snow.alpha = snow.scaleX;
snow.x = stage.canvas.width * Math.random();
snow.baseX = snow.x;
snow.angle = 0;
snow.angleSpeed = Math.random() * 0.05;
snow.rangeX = 15 * Math.random();
snow.y = stage.canvas.height * Math.random();
snow.rot = 2 * Math.round(Math.random()) - 1;
snow.sp = 1 + Math.random() * 1;
snowA[i] = snow;
function animateSnowF()
for (var i = SNOW_NUM - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var snow = snowA[i];
if (snow.stage)
snow.rotation += 5 * snow.rot;
snow.x = snow.baseX + Math.cos(snow.angle) * snow.rangeX;
snow.y += snow.sp;
snow.angle += snow.angleSpeed;
if (snow.y > stage.canvas.height / stage.scaleY + snow.nominalBounds.height)
if (respawn)
snow.x = (stage.canvas.width / stage.scaleX) * Math.random();
snow.y = -snow.nominalBounds.height;
Please let me know if this helps.
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Hi Joao,
This snow effect was exactly whar I was looking for.
But I have question:
I have a timeline that loops 6 times.
And now the problem is, this snow scripts looks 6 times as well, resulting in too much snow which also drags the performance down.
What function can I add to the script, I have tried with various ways with various IF and FUNCTIONS but cant make it work, im still a Javascript rookie 🙂
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Hi, Mikkel!
Really glad to know that this snippet is helpful!
A quick fix you can apply is to create a custom boolean flag in the end when we call the start function. Like this:
if (!this.started)
this.started = true;
In this way, the whole proccess to initialize the particles will run only once.
Please let me know if this works for you.
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Hi Joao,
Thanks so much for your quick answer.
I solved the problem by moving all layers in the timeline 1 frame forward and inserted "this.gotoAndPlay(1) in the end. By then I bypass the first frame which includes the snow script. Actually I can see I don't even have to move the layers forward, as JS count 0 as the first frame - Animate count 1 as the first.
Your soultion seems much more flexible and usable, but if I console.log the (const SNOW_NUM) I can still see it duplicates the script everytime the movie restarts.
I replaced the start (); at the end of the code with your new IF statement, thats what I was supposed to do right?
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I have a very similar question... I want to change the CONST variable with buttons - but farther down the timeline - how can I accomplish this? ie flurry, snow, blizzard and all I want to do is change the SNOW_NUM and recall start - but I get invalid function...
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I would like the snow to fall consistently for 15 seconds as opposed to resetting every few seconds. Please advise on how to adjust. Thank you.
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The FLA link below is no longer working could you please provide it again. Thank you.
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It seems the code is running more than once. Does the timeline that contains the code have more than one frame? If so, stop the timeline.
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Thank you for the quick response....I would like the snow to fall consistently for 15 seconds in a timeline animation for a banner ad. If I cut it down to a single frame the snow does not run at all. I have attached my FLA. Other elements would animate at different points in the timeline. As you can when the animation is published the snow resets after a few short seconds and every time it resets more snow seems to fall. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
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I was not able to send the FLA through the thread please use the link below
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I think I figured it out! I appreciate the help and quick repsonses. Thank you!
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You're welcome!