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I wanted to update one of my apps, but when I try to publish it, I receive the following message:
What is wrong with my certificate?
Yeah, it works!
Just installed "Adobe Animate 2015.2" and was able to publish my app using AIR 25.
Temporary fix: Don't use the latest version of Animate CC 2017.
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I'm in no hurry.
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Its now 2019 march!!
I have 8 APPS on Android and i am not allowed to change the certificate on an APP on Google Play.
So my users are not getting a major Update we are woorking for months.
I use Animate 2019 an my certificate is 1024. I can not change it cause all the thousands users wont get an update.
So its crucial deadlock. I pay for Adobe 70 € a month. and the problem is known for years !!!!!!!
What should I do ???? I cannot downgrade to 2015 cause i use features from CC 2017
Please help.
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I attempted to contact several times adobe support team about that issue ( I have a lot of apps using 1024 bits cert because I started in May 2013 to post apps ) and no one at Adobe offered a real solution here using recent versions of adobe.
Oleg Korchagin offered a nice workaround for now..
I just tested it with Animate 2019.2 and it works.
“Could not access the digital certificate. unable to load a certificate in this file”
1. Quit any version of Animate if it is running
2. Copy C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Animate CC 2015.2\jre
3. Rename C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Animate CC 2017\jre folder to say C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Animate CC 2017\orig_jre
4. Paste the jre folder that you have copied in step 2
5. Launch Animate CC 2017 and publish your android app using the older 1024 RSA certifcate
Please note that this is just a brute-force method and not a certified/recommended workflow.
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The last post on that thread says:
"Here in April 2019, the brute force method described by @Mohanaraj no longer works."
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As kek says, copy the jre folder from 2015.2 version and replace it in 2019.2
I use 2019.2 and it works great.
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Hello everyones, for some reasons the trick no longer works.
When I try to add a new AIR kit to Animate it says : The selected folder does not contain a valid AIR SDK
It's a big issue here. Creative Cloud do not offer to install Animate CC 2015 it no longer works. Does anybody have a solution?
I downgraded java version jre 1.8 build 111 but it's the same result...
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Animate 2019.2 not work for me on two my Windows desktops (((
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Here it still works, having animate 2019.2 and copied the jre of 2015, I can use my old 1024bits certificate.. Well I cross fingers.
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Having this in Animate 2019 on MacOS 10.14.3 (Mac OSX).
What is the solution for Mac?
I have attempted to downgrade to Java (build 1.8.0_74-b02). No luck, same message.
This is 100% ridiculous.
From the very first time Adobe created a certificate for me through the Flash interface, many years ago, there was something in the back of my head that said, this just doesn't feel right. Well, here we are years later getting screwed.
How do you install Animate 2015.2 these days. Creative Cloud doesn't give me the option.
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1. Quit any version of Animate if it is running
2. extract the jre folder from
3. Rename C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Animate CC <your version>\jre folder to say C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Animate CC 2017\orig_jre
4. Paste the jre folder that you have extracted in step 2
5. Launch Animate CC and publish your android app using the older 1024 RSA certifcate
6. copy this message and paste into a text file so you can remember how to restore both jre's.
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These instructions seem very helpful for Windows users.
Does anyone have equivalent for Mac?
From what I see, the Java Runtime Environment is not bundled in the app like it seems these instructions imply for Windows.
I tried downgrading my system-wide JRE, but that did not seem to help.
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i have a mac and could work it out but don't have time right now.
but Colin Holgate may already have that worked. he uses a mac,
if he's able to get that to you, post the mac solution here.
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I think I got it working by doing the following.
I manually downgraded my Java Runtime Environment to 1.8.0_74 (jre-8u74-macosx-x64.dmg) by following this guide:
Java Archive Downloads - Java SE 8
I don't know for sure if that was necessary, but based on the info in this thread it probably was.
Then, in Terminal, I used an ADT command similar to the one posted by juvelez:
[path-to-adt] -package -target apk-captive-runtime -arch armv7 -storetype pkcs12 -keystore "[path-to-cert.p12]" -storepass [cert-password] [output-path.apk] [appname]-app.xml [appname].swf [path-to-icons-directory] [other paths to include] [path-to-default.png] -extdir [path-to-directory-with-ANEs]
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I never did figure out how to install Flash Professional 2015.2. So I have no clue if that would have helped, instead of having to dig around in command line, which is the whole point of using the Flash/Animate IDE.
My Creative Cloud App only lists "Animate and Mobile Device Packaging". (GREAT name by the way)
If I select Manage > Other Versions, I get the following options:
Sweet! Not only are none of these the version I want, they also break all the other version naming conventions which use 20xx.x.
Good ol' "Flash" does not appear in my list.
As a paying customer, the least I would expect in this situation is a SIMPLE way to view and download EVERY single version that I ever had access to... I can't ever find a HARD way.
Take notes from what Unity does. Every single version that ever was, including patches and long term support updates:
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I was able to convert my old p12 (1024 bit) file to the new p12 (2048 bit) using openssl (in Windows10). However I haven't yet tried to upload my app to Google Play so I'm not 100% sure. But it did allow me to publish my app in AnimateCC 2019.
1. You need to install openssl
2. Navigate to openssl.exe file (ie. c:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl.exe), right-click and select "Run as Administrator"
3. Type: pkcs12 -in c:/path/yourkey.p12 -out c:/path/yourkey.pem -nodes ("c:/path/yourkey.p12" is the path and name of your key, just for clarity. This should create a .pem file from your .p12)
4. Type: pkcs12 -export -out c:/path/yourkey.p12 -in c:/path/yourkey.pem -inkey c:/path/yourkey.pem -passin pass:root -passout pass:root (now this seemed to have changed my password to "root", I'm sure you can change that. Maybe that password part can be removed? I'm not sure. My knowlegde of openssl is very limited. Perhaps someone can add to this post?)
5. Now your old .p12 (1024 bit) should be converted to the new 2048 bit version.
Let me know if that works for anyone else.
Here are the sources I Googled:
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Hi, thank you for your tip ! Does it work when uploading on Google Play ?
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Don't work in google play. ( not same signature )
The key can be convert and can work on animate.
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I find the solution :
The problem isn't Animate but Java who force you to compile to 2048
you need to Java 1.6
and compile in command line :
java -jar "****\SDKAIR\AIR26.0\lib\ADT.jar" -package -target apk-captive-runtime -arch armv7 -storetype PKCS12 -keystore "*****.p12" -storepass "****" "*****.apk" "****.xml" -C "****.swf"
change *** by your stuff ^^
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Hi pierrec14624606,
Can you confirm that the solution in your last post is working to upload an apk to Google Play?
I still have some apps with 1024 and I don´t want to loose my current users.