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I am using Flash CS4 and Flash CS5. I bought some music from Amazon MP3 that I want to use in my Flash animation and I keep getting this error upon import: one or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them
What does that mean?
I'm guessing that these are mp3 audio files. They may have been sampled at a rate that Flash doesn't like or it may mean that the file format is one that Flash doesn't like. I've seen this a lot and my solution is to open the offending file in a sound editor, check the sampling rate, change it, if necessary, and then resave the file. It will usually import after that exercise.
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I'm guessing that these are mp3 audio files. They may have been sampled at a rate that Flash doesn't like or it may mean that the file format is one that Flash doesn't like. I've seen this a lot and my solution is to open the offending file in a sound editor, check the sampling rate, change it, if necessary, and then resave the file. It will usually import after that exercise.
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That did the trick - thank you - thank you - thank you! - You were dead on correct! I took it into Soundbooth and that fixed it....
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So, we have to recompress it, or just change something in metadata/etc?
Here is the last setting I used:
lame -q 0 -V 8 -b 32 -B 128 -m s --vbr-old sample.wav sample.mp3
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Hi Steve,
You simply have to resave the mp3 file by altering the sampling and bit rates. Depending on the software you are using for resampling the problematic audio files, you will have different sampling rates such as 44100, 48000, 32000, 22050, 11025, 8000 and bit-rate variants such as 128, 64, 32, and so on up to 448. The more you compress a sound and the lower the sampling rate, the smaller the size and the lower the quality. And, I would suggest that you should experiment a little to find the optimal balance between sound quality and file size. See this Help File for more about Using and Exporting Sounds in Flash Professional CS6. If you are using Adobe SoundBooth, then a peek in to this forum thread might help you alter Sampling Rates of your MP3 files.
Suhas Yogin
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Ok, I figured out what was wrong. It was resampling the file to 32kHz.
These settings work:
lame -q 0 -V 8 -b 32 -B 320 --resample 44.1 -m j sample.wav sample.mp3
This produces a file that not only works with Flash's import, but is very small in size (28kb VBR vs 118kb CBR) and retains all high-end crisp.
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Sorry to resurrect this dead thread, but I'm having the same issue. How would you go about modifying the kHz? I'm new, and I don't have Soundbooth. I remember someone mentioning changing the frequency or something on Encoder, but I can't seem to save my file as a purely audio one. The other issue I have is that I don't... exactly know what I should be doing.
I feel like I am supposed to just re-save the file. However, I did this exact thing and it still didn't work. I'm at the end of my rope. I guess I'll just keep looking around for a solution, even though Adobe has horrible tech-support.
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You don't say what the current specs are for your sound file(s). You should be able to use any sound application. Depending on the application that you choose, you can, usually, open the sound file that you want to change, then select Save As... in the File menu. This will bring up a window that lets you select the Flle Format, and the Sample Type that you want the new file to have. Save the file to a new location and/or a new name. And you're done.
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I used iTunes and spent multiple hours working on what I should do. In the end I saved my file as a .aiff and it worked. Case closed.
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Glad you got it sorted out.
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I apologize for opening up this old thread, but I saved my audio file as an .aiff using Audacity and it still did not work when I attempted to import it into Animate.
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This was a known issue and has been addressed in the latest Animate update - 21.0.9 released today. Please update your copy of Animate to the latest using Creative Cloud Desktop application to avail the fix. Thanks, Sukhesh.
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how can you open a sound editor?
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If you right-click on a sound file you can choose Open With, and that will give you a list of the applications that can edit the file.
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i wanted to make a bfdi sotp sign animation so i converted it to a wav file but never worked.
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