On a Windows 10 desktop PC, Adobe Audition Dropping a region marker anywhere in Waveform editor causes the view and playhead to jump to the very beginning of the file. This happens on any wav file, no matter where you drop the marker, it automatically jumps to the beginning and you lose your place. One workaround I found is if you notice the marker number you just dropped, you can manually jump back to that marker. Another workaround is if you are lucky and you haven't clicked anywhere to reposition the cursor, you can use an arrow key on the keyboard to return the view to where the cursor is, and it might be where you left it. This incorrect behavior is new. In previous versions you could drop markers anywhere, by any means, and the view always remained in place right where you dropped the marker. I'm assuming this is a bug and not an intentional change to the program because it makes most sense to be able to drop a marker where your cursor is and immediately continue from that same spot.