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Strange repeated audio sections in wav file

New Here ,
Nov 28, 2023 Nov 28, 2023

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I am a volunteer at a community radio station and it is my task to receive and process all recorded programs submitted by volunteer Presenters.  Over some 15 years I have seen the following "bug" on CoolEdit, Audio 1.5, Audition 3.0 and Audition 3.1 totally screwing up otherwise perfectly good audio recordings! I come across this bug about once or twice a year max.  And it has occured on multiple different Windows pcs variously running Windows XP, 2000, 7 and now 10!


The effect of this "bug" is that after some minutes of correct recording and playback, the audio suddenly gets screwed up with a short snatch of audio repeating over and over again.  Initially the waveform gives no clue that a problem exists, but saving the file (without saving the .pk file) and re-opening it again immediately shows the problem on the rebuilt waveform display..


[My understanding is that Audition was designed to handle long audio recordings by creating short temporary clips which when a "Save" is executed are re-assembled to make a single continuous audio file.  I has occurred to me that very occasionally that "clip assembly" process appears to get screwed up with one or several temporary clips being repeated over and over again in any old order!]


I have attached a screen-grab of the entire waveform demonstrating this, plus a short mp3 sample of some 15 minutes duration which shows the onset of the problem at around 4m40 on the sampled clip.

Has anyone else ever seen it and is there a "fix"?


John Ingham

Bug Unresolved
Waveform editor






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1 Comment
Community Expert ,
Nov 29, 2023 Nov 29, 2023

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If you are still using Audition up to and including v3 then yes, the temp file situation certainly looks like that. I have to say that in the newer versions, it doesn't - it just creates large files. Ideally with all versions you should have a separate folder (not the default one) for temp storage, ideally not on the same drive as your OS. Have you tried altering the Cache Size value? Also it's worth purging the undos relatively frequently, IIRC...




