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Sorry if this is a repost, but I couldn't find ANYTHING. I cannot get Audition to simply record my audio- not even from built-in input. I've made sure my sample rate is the same throughout, I made sure everything is connected, and I made sure the computer itself recognized the audio. Any idea on why I can't even get the meter input signal to show anything?
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Ok, so at my own expense, I'll give you the answer to my silly problem: My computer didn't give Audition permission to record audio. I don't think I would ever disallow that, so I'm unsure how it happened. But, in case this happens to anyone, check your privacy settings on your computer by going to system preferences, security & privacy, click microphone, and make sure Audition is checked off.
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If the transport won't move, then you haven't connected Audition to any sound device successfully - it's as simple as that. Can you show us a screen-grab of your Audio Hardware page? (Edit>Preferences>Audio Hardware).
But if it simply won't record, then the chances are that if you are trying to record in Multitrack, that you haven't record-enabled a track and allocated a working input to it...
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Thanks for your response. I usually just make an audio file, but I tried multi-track, as well.
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Ok, so at my own expense, I'll give you the answer to my silly problem: My computer didn't give Audition permission to record audio. I don't think I would ever disallow that, so I'm unsure how it happened. But, in case this happens to anyone, check your privacy settings on your computer by going to system preferences, security & privacy, click microphone, and make sure Audition is checked off.
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Ah - if you'd said that it was a Mac, it would have been the first thing I suggested - that's happened to several people. And it wasn't something you did, it was something Apple did to you. Helpful of them, wasn't it? 😉
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Thank you for this! I spend a day and a half pulling my hair out trying to get a new MixPre3-II to play with my MBP and Audition CC. GarageBand [junk] was functional, so I knew it was some configuration setting, but never in a million years would have guessed Apple made a security decision for me...
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Worked perfectly, thanks!!
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What if Audition does not show as an option to select in Security and Privacy? How can I add it as an option to select
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I'm having the same problem with my Mac. Since moving to Mojave os I am unable to record on any input. Privacy and Security do not show the option of allowing Adobe Audition access to my microphone or any other input
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I'm so glad I eventually found this post and thank goodess for the internet. I had only just installed Audition having previously been using several different audio apps and DAWs for a long while and was totally at a loss. I was checking matrix I/O settings, re-mapping channels on my audio interface etc. etc and getting more and more technically obsessed until I found this post, went in and looked at my privacy settings and BINGO - all working fine. WHO sets up an installer for an AUDIO application that, by default, is set to NOT record?!?!!! Don't know whether that's Apple or Adobe's fault but, anyway, thank you nstasi914. You've saved me from going mad!
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Adobe Audition is not coming up as an option in microphones, even though it is there in general. Is there a way of getting the Adobe aoo visible as an option for microphone?
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I have a problem like you, and i don't know the way to fix this problem. T.T
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THANK YOU!! I was so puzzled as to why my MOTU M2 worked recording audio with every app but was not recording audio with Adobe Audition. Fixed.
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Thank you, thank you. Premiere Pro worked but not Audition because of this permission/privacy setting.
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Thanks very much nstasi914 for this reminder. I've done this once before, long time ago, so forgot to check. Have been processing prerecorded audio files, so hadn't noticed that Audition wasn't recording, or that it had not been acknowledged in the Privacy settings on my iMac.
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My privacy and audio hardware settings are all OK, still no trace of recordings in Audition. Using Yeti USB mic
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Same case on my side , did u figure out what's the problem
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If all else fails you can always start over. Just rename your Audition folder that is the appdata Roaming folder. This will give you a new install of Audition.
Make sure you can see hidden folders
So change:
This will save your current setting incase this doesn't fix it, you can just rename it back.
Restart Audition and you will have to redo all your settings including your audio hardware
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That's not the same as a new installation; that's just resetting all the preferences. And the chances are very good that this won't make a scrap of difference to this issue, I'm afraid. If you really want to do a reinstallation, then using the Adobe CCcleaner app is the way to go, as it clears out a lot more stuff than a simple Windows uninstall will.
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Mine isn't working, either. It did for the first few minutes, but when I opened a new project, nothing. Everything in hardware settings was fine. There wasn't even an entry for it in mic privacy settings. Downloaded audacity and it worked like a champ, so guess which one I'm using for my project? Very disappointed.
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What interface are you using? We've just discovered something that will catch a lot of users out regarding Focusrite Scarletts, by letting them make one recording, and no more without rebooting. And this has nothing to do with Audition.
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ive opened up my settings and given permision to audition but whenever i hit record the play head moves and it records but no audio is thier im on windows 10 pls help