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Adobe Audition v23.3 sync issue (cursor placement for editing and audio are off by a split second)

New Here ,
Oct 07, 2023 Oct 07, 2023

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I  have a syncing problem - audio and wave file are not matching up. The precision of what I'm seeing and what I'm hearing is off by a very tiny margin. But enought to mess with my editing accuracy. If I place my cursor tightly in front of the word "Our" for instance, the word gets cut a bit rather that giving me a clean sound at the beginning of that word. This is a new problem after using AA for many many years. I have rebooted the computer, I have used AA 1.5 as an alternative, rebooting the software, and finding no change. I have tried to edit several different files, with the same result. Any help would certainly be appreciated. Thanks very much!

Audio hardware




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Community Expert ,
Oct 07, 2023 Oct 07, 2023

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If it's happening across the board, then the first thing to do is to check the currency of your audio, and especially video drivers. That said, if you place a cursor at the visual (waveform) start of a word and the cut doesn't appear to happen accurately - well that would be a bit weird; never had that happen before, ever. I suppose it is possible that what you are hearing is delayed by the playback buffer slightly which might cut off the initial transient of a word, but if that was the case, then playing back the resultant edit would sound fine (no buffer to fill)...


But I'd start with the drivers.




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New Here ,
Oct 07, 2023 Oct 07, 2023

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Thanks very much for your help. My drivers did need updating, (so I updated
and restarted) but surprisingly I'm still having the same problem where
sound and visual is not syncing up on my audio file. A mystery for sure. Is
there a buffer setting or something similar on AA that I may have missed?
Thanks again!




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Community Expert ,
Oct 08, 2023 Oct 08, 2023

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The only buffer (latency) setting there is is the one in Edit>Preferences>Audio Hardware, but if altering that makes any difference, then there's something seriously wrong. The visual display is supposed to be linked to the output side of that buffer, so that wherever it's set (which is determined by your overall system performance) should only affect the audio performance, not the associated visual display. I'm not for one moment saying that it can't be this (a number of things that I would have thought would never be 'broken' appear to have been over the last year or so), but I think it's unlikely because others would have complained about it as well - which they don't appear to have.


What you are describing, though, still sounds like a failure to start the buffer playback. In the Hardware settings, which device class are you using?




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New Here ,
Oct 08, 2023 Oct 08, 2023

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The device class is MME using the Scarlett 2i2/Focusrite Interface. Hope the image came through so you can see the settings. Thanks again Steve! Adobe Audition hardware settings.JPG




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Community Expert ,
Oct 08, 2023 Oct 08, 2023

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If you've installed the Focusrite driver, this includes an ASIO option. This cuts out a lot of the operating system and reduces system latency considerably, so it might be worth trying that. Assuming it's there, you should be able to find an ASIO entry in the Device Class window.




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