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Hi, I'm Dub from WideOrbit. In response to customer demand, we are currently working to create macOS-compliant versions of our Adobe Audition AMIO plugins for our WideOrbit Automation for Radio product. (We have had Windows versions for many years.)
We are trying to test the macOS version of our plugin on the macOS version of Audition, but not yet getting the results we'd hoped. I'm hoping someone here can answer the following questions for me, please, because my previous contact inside Adobe has departed.
Our WideOrbit Read and WideOrbit Write AMIO plugins read/write our metadata into audio files during Open and Save operations. Is the following path correct for these plugins, and must we do anything to activate the plugin except copy it to the folder?
/Applications/Adobe Audition 2023/Contents/Amio Plug-Ins
XMP custom metadata schema
We also distribute an XML file with a custom set of metadata properties. On Windows, we drop this file on the computer, and our properties automatically appear for selection in Settings->Markers & Metadata->Metadata Panel. My question is this: should this also work on macOS, and if yes, what is the correct folder for this file? I have tried the following path, but my properties don't appear.
/Users/<user>/Library/Preferences/Adobe/Audition/23.0/Metadata Display Settings
Thanks in advance, and sorry for the n00b questions. 🙂
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This definitely requires developer input, but like you, I'm not quite sure who to turn to these days either. I'll make an enquiry and see if I can find out anything at all...
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Thank you!
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Hi all, we figured out the answer to the second question (location of XMP files). They go here: /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels/4.0/custom.
But we are still stuck on issue #1, which is why our AMIO does not appear in the open/save dialog.
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Hi William. Did you make any progress on this?
The AMIO plugins are located within the Audition package in the Applications folder.
/Applications/Adobe Audition 2024/Adobe Audition
It appears that the plugin is going to need to be recompiled for Mac OS. There's an SDK for that, but without the source code for the WO plugin, I'm sort of dead in the water.
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Hi, yes our engineering team finally figured it out through trial and error. Thank you!
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Greetings, Dub!
Mark here. I'm very excied by even the possibility of a MacOS AMIO solution. Has this been deployed yet? 🙂
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Hi Mark, yes, it's ready! If you'd like a copy, please reach out to your sales team member!
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Saints be praised! Thanks, Dub. We will reach out immediately. 🙂
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I to would like a copy who would be my sales team member.
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What state are you in (Or what country if not the US)?
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Ditto on not having the "saved" dialog box not appearing on the top of my active windows. We can't be the only ones, demodave... I feel this issue could become its own thread. 🙂
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We also experience this issue. Our producers have gotten used to looking for it, but it's a bummer for sure.
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I would throw money at someone to rewrite the WR Write AMIO plugin to remove that dialog.