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Apply Fade In/Fade Out to all clips in a track?

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Jun 10, 2021 Jun 10, 2021

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I regularly use Diagnostics->Strip Silence to remove portions of my audio that has breaths, noise, etc but then have to manually apply fade in and fade out to each of the resulting clips to ensure a smooth transition from audio to silence and back with no popping.


Is it possible to set a pre-set fade in and fade out length in milliseconds and apply it to all of the clips in a track while in multitrack view?


Favorites work in waveform editing, so I do not know of any way to use batch processing to achieve this either.


Please help!

Feature request , How to






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Community Expert ,
Jun 11, 2021 Jun 11, 2021

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No you can't do that in Multitrack. What you'd probably need to do is set up a more complex Favorite with the fades on it and use this as a batch process. It is possible to set up a Favorite to do that, and run it in a batch prosess, but there's a good chance that you'll have to edit it after you've created it. For fades, use the Fade Envelope effect, and you need the selections to be absolute from the start and end, and with defined times. It should be possible to combine a fade in and fade out in a single Favorite, but I haven't tried that. Can't see why it shouldn't work though.





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 19, 2022 Aug 19, 2022

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Why don't you try it then?





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 10, 2022 Feb 10, 2022

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God bless America, I wish this was an option... We record over 10 hours of content each week with every microphone recorded in a multitrack. We remove all the silence since it gets rid of unnecessary reverb and handheld micriophone sounds when the person is not talking. But, we have to go through and manually apply a fade to each seperate clip so that there is no popping between micophone changes. The end result is about 5 hours of labor sitting there and fading in and out every clip per week. Dear Adobe, please make this simple request an option, I dont understand how it isnt yet. 





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New Here ,
Jul 13, 2022 Jul 13, 2022

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It's been possible to do this on Pro Tools forever & it can take about 5 seconds to batch fade an hour-long voice-over-edit. Also, the pro tools strip silence function is a lot easier to fine-tune & is way more accurate. If Adobe were able to improve the strip silence function & enable batch fades I would be a happy bunny. At the moment I am not a happy bunny. There are other Audition features that are really fantastic though it's just these 2 things are a big deal. We put out around 15 podcasts a week with a listenership of between 6 - 7 million a month & all the VO strip silencing & batch fading has to be exported from Audition & done in Pro Tools which sucks. Please help us Adobe 






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New Here ,
Aug 19, 2022 Aug 19, 2022

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the other thing about the Pro Tools batch fade which is cool is you can specify different fade length times (in msecs) for the start & end of a waveform. U can also set times for any potential crossfades. We find for voice overs a short fade of about 10 msecs works well for the start & a time of around 30 msecs makes the ends of words sound more natural & it makes it less likely to miss quite bits of diction (ss's & T's & such). I know in Audition u can mirror a fade at the start & end of a waveform in one action but it's not that helpful because one of the fades invariably will need to be altered.





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