Audition AAF Import
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I'm experimenting with Audition for the first time. How do I import an AAF file?
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My understanding is that AAF (Advanced Authoring Format) files are essentially about the exchange of metadata. Audition is an audio editor, and whilst it can handle metadata associated with audio, it's not a general metadata handler. Whether this will change in any material way, I don't know - but at present it has no means of dealing with files in that format.
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Ugh. 2021 and no AAF support. I mean, geez, OMF and AAF are basically the same. Come on Adobe.
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They are two totally different beasts entirely.
They are self proclaimed standards that never should have been created.
Although the container format is always a standard, the methods of describing data within the containers is not.
They each have multiple ways of describing the same thing and since everyone has a slightly different way of doing things within the containers, they might as well not exist at all.
To call it any kind of standard should be against the law.
OMF is literally a format within a container format.
AAF is much worse because it is a format within a container within a structured storage format.
And no there is no such thing as a 'standard' OMF or AAF. Even Avid have two different variants of both OMF and AAF - the ProTools variant and the Media Composer variant.
From memory even Final Cut X doesn't have AAF (or even OMF).
So no I'm not surprised Audition doesn't have AAF support
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So if any software developers out there can build a software pgm that is only to convert omf/aaf to respective will make a lot of sound designers happy !!
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It has already been done a long time ago
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Thanks, will check it out !
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It must be late at night or I'm going mad but send me the AAF and I will convert it to Audition for you
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