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Audition Files Not Reopening

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Jun 07, 2023 Jun 07, 2023

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I mix music for dance choreography and competitive purposes. Lately when I save a session and go back to open it up hours or days later the program gives me an error message and asks me to link my media. When I attempt to link it one file at a time it then rearranges and misplaces my audio. This is extremely frustrating, I need the steps on how to fix this and the steps to contact the right person to walk me through this. 


Thank you.

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Community Expert ,
Jun 08, 2023 Jun 08, 2023

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It isn't steps you need initially, it's for us to have an understanding of what is happening. It sounds as though at a bare minimum, you aren't saving the files associated with the session in the same folder as the session file itself. If you were, there wouldn't be a relinking issue. So where are you storing the media? Is it on the machine itself?




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New Here ,
Jun 08, 2023 Jun 08, 2023

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When I finish my editing session I usually just click save. It usually Saves the session in my Adobe 23.0 folder in my icloud. Is there a different type of save I should be doing in order for it to all remain together?




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Community Expert ,
Jun 08, 2023 Jun 08, 2023

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I suspected that this was what you had done - I've seen the same symptoms many times...


Rule 1 of working with Multitrack in Audition: Always store your working files on a drive connected directly to your machine. Either internally on the HD, or an external USB drive is okay too. The important thing here is that whatever you do, do not save original working files anywhere that requires internet access to retrieve them. Quite frankly, if it works at all, it's a miracle, and will inevitably fail at some stage, probably sooner rather than later. At the very best, the retrieval process is haphazard, and trying to load files back into a session when they are being streamed in just doesn't work, I'm afraid; the handshaking process just isn't up to it.


You might be wondering what, in that case, any safe use for cloud storage might be. Answer is simple; finished work that you are sharing with somebody else, or for keeping backup copies in for yourself. And that's about it, I'm afraid. If you really must keep work in progress in cloud storage, the way to get it back is to download the files to a local drive on your machine first, and open them from there. That way you don't get access violations. But really, Rule 1 of cloud storage is that you should never put original material, or anything you only have a single copy of, anywhere near it.




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