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changing the frequency of a tone over time

New Here ,
Jun 16, 2021 Jun 16, 2021

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Hello, im using audition for the first, because i need an audio file for a project.

I need to generate a tone that changed frequency over time. for instance it needs to start at 330hz and slowly go up to 400hz over time.

But i can't seem to figure out how to make this happen.

Hopefully one of you knows the answer to this

How to






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jun 16, 2021 Jun 16, 2021

Effect>Generate Tones. Set the Base Frequency to 330Hz, and turn the modulation value to zero. Now put a check in the Sweep Frequencies box, and then click on End. You can copy the settings from the start, and then alter the Base Frequency to your final value, 400Hz. Then all you need to do is set a duration, and make sure that the levels are what you want, and hit Okay. Your swept tone will be generated for you. There are several other things you can vary by time - just experiment. But the basi




Community Expert ,
Jun 16, 2021 Jun 16, 2021

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Effect>Generate Tones. Set the Base Frequency to 330Hz, and turn the modulation value to zero. Now put a check in the Sweep Frequencies box, and then click on End. You can copy the settings from the start, and then alter the Base Frequency to your final value, 400Hz. Then all you need to do is set a duration, and make sure that the levels are what you want, and hit Okay. Your swept tone will be generated for you. There are several other things you can vary by time - just experiment. But the basis of all of this is to set it to sweep, otherwise you only get fixed tones.





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