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Copy and paste effects to other clips

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Jul 02, 2011 Jul 02, 2011

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Well I've exported my sequence from Premiere and am slowly trying to work with the audio in Audition without pulling my hair out.  The biggest problem I have is the lack of ability to copy effects applied to one clip and paste over other multiple clips.  I figured if this was possible in Premiere it should e in Audition, but sadly it is not.  The best I could do is save a preset...is that the only option?  And can I apply a saved preset to multiple clips?    Most of all I like to run normalize and reverb effects to several clips at a time, but geez not being able to do this makes me just want to do it all in premiere and only edit a clip in Audition one at a time if absolutely needed.    Seems like Audition has some features it could really use before it is efficient for production work.  In Protools I can use alt+shift drag to copy to other clips.

How to




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Mentor ,
Jul 02, 2011 Jul 02, 2011

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Not sure if this helps but you don't have to save your clip fx as a preset - you can just select all the fx in the clip fx rack and select copy (or ctrl-C) and then select another clip's fx rack and select paste (or ctrl-v).

While this only works one clip at a time maybe when group clips comes in this might be a feature?




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Participant ,
Jul 03, 2011 Jul 03, 2011

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I just tried that and it only just copies the clip itself and pastes it on top the other clip.




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Jul 03, 2011 Jul 03, 2011

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I put an alternative solution to your problem to the developers some weeks ago, and they are apparently interested. But absolutely no promises are made at this point as to whether it's practical, obviously. And you won't get to see it until the next release, even if it is. But ultimately, if implemented it would do exactly what you want, with some interesting extra options in terms of what you could do with the effects...




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Mentor ,
Jul 03, 2011 Jul 03, 2011

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My mistake - hadn't noticed the clip being copied - too focused on the fx




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Jul 03, 2011 Jul 03, 2011

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Oh, no worries.  I made the same mistake. 

Sounds like it's not an option.  I still really like the integration of Premiere into Audition though.  It doesn't seem to really be designed for production sound design...more for music production.




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People's Champ ,
Jul 03, 2011 Jul 03, 2011

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Depending on the effects you wish to use, another work round might be to assign all the clips you want to process with the same effect (a reverb for example) to a Bus then apply the effect to the Bus which will put the 'verb (or whatever) on all of them at the same time.

Not exactly what you're after, I know, but this way of working makes sense to anyone used to working with physical sound mixers rather than DAWs and NLEs.





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 07, 2013 Feb 07, 2013

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The easiest way is to open each effects processor (like eq) and SAVE the custom setting as a unique named PRESET.  Then in any future tracks you may simply call up your custom named presets.




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Feb 08, 2013 Feb 08, 2013

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And what exactly is the point of replying to a year-and-a-half old thread without even reading the first post in it?




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 08, 2013 Feb 08, 2013

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sorry I will refrain from the forurms... just was trying to be helpful. 




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Community Expert ,
Feb 08, 2013 Feb 08, 2013

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Imarkem2 wrote:

sorry I will refrain from the forurms... just was trying to be helpful. 

No you don't have to do that - you just have to use a little intelligence about posting. Look at the dates on a thread first - and also, make sure you've read it thoroughly. And if you have anything different or useful to add, do it in the context of what's already there.




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 09, 2020 Mar 09, 2020

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Hi, responding from the future several years later. I hope through the years you have become nicer to people who are simply trying to help out, geeze. They made a little mistake by not seeing someone had already posted. An honest, simple mistake. And btw, their example was shorter and clearer for me so it worked.

Have a nice day.


The future




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New Here ,
May 12, 2020 May 12, 2020

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Just signed in to share how I am perplex how this "SteveG_AudioMasters_" is not yet banned from this platform. His answers carry quite often the intolerance and unpolitness that shouldn't be allowed on this forum. I hope you get what you deserve.




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New Here ,
Apr 19, 2013 Apr 19, 2013

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CS6 Audition has a batch process window, look under "Window" to select it. Select the clips you want to batch process and move them to the window.

You can run any effect/action that is saved under "favorites" across all the clips in the window

Under the "favorites" menu option, you can record your own custom action. 

I wanted to do noise reduction and 30+ clips recorded in the same room, so I recorded a favorite that did noise reduction based on the room's noise sample. It worked a treat.

And please, @StevegG, don't tear me a new one if this isn't a perfect solution. I'm pretty sure nobody else has posted a response so far like mine.




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Community Expert ,
Apr 19, 2013 Apr 19, 2013

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mdotslash wrote:

And please, @StevegG, don't tear me a new one if this isn't a perfect solution. I'm pretty sure nobody else has posted a response so far like mine.

No they haven't - and it's an acceptable solution, and at least you read the thread.

The only problem is that the OP hasn't been back here since posting the original query...




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Participant ,
Apr 19, 2013 Apr 19, 2013

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DDon't assume I'm not around anymore...just waiting for Adobe to add this function (copy paste to multiple clips) to the software.  Until then, I'm afraid I'm staying away from Audition.




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Explorer ,
Apr 22, 2015 Apr 22, 2015

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MdotSlash, your batch trick saved me a bunch of hassle.  Can't believe the cut-and-paste function still doesn't exist a full 4years after the OP.  I've always been a bit skeptical of the real effectiveness of filing "feature requests".  Seems to me like a good way to divert the blame... easy enough to say things aren't getting done because we, the users, aren't doing our part.

That being said, I'm off to file another one for this feature right now.  (I know... sucker.)  Who knows, maybe after another 5 years it will actually get done.  Though I still think it's going to take another 10 years before we get the option to feather and/or invert our garbage masks in Premiere.




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Community Expert ,
Apr 23, 2015 Apr 23, 2015

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One of the major problems with making this sort of change with any software that's both extensive and 'deep' is that it can have impacts in places where you least expect them. Changing aspects of plugins is relatively straightforward, as they're sort-of self contained - but anything that affects data flow around the fundamental system will inevitably take longer to develop and test - I'm afraid that's inevitable.

What absolutely nobody wants, or can afford, is an unpredictable system; and without extensive checking, that's what you could easily end up with. And I'm not guessing about this either - it's happened before. Yes I realise that no software is bug-free, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't do your damnest to make sure that there are no bear traps in it. And that takes time, especially if it isn't the only thing you have to do.




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New Here ,
Apr 28, 2015 Apr 28, 2015

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We are talking about a copy/paste action here. Not some core function. And the action is actually already done in the rack preset, but just in a more broad way.

I have to say it baffles the mind that in order for me to copy an effect from a clip to another, I have to make a stack preset and delete it afterwards. So instead of one action there's three actions to do. 😕




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Mentor ,
Apr 28, 2015 Apr 28, 2015

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While I'm sure it does baffle you I suspect you would be far more baffled if you had to actually specify it, get it approved, program it and test it

While the action of copying and pasting may appear a simple concept and a simple user action someone actually has to write the underlying code that makes those actions appear so easy and seamless.

The effort and impact that has as well as the priority and cost is really not for any of us to determine, however, I will say it is probably a lot harder than Ctrl C and Ctrl V




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New Here ,
Apr 28, 2015 Apr 28, 2015

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Yes, I can appreciate your sentiment. Even though I specifically said in my post that they have already written the action in code, but just in a broader form with the saving of a stack preset. Modifying that exact function, but limiting it to a a single effect should be a couple hours of coding.

That is the reason why it baffles me, not that it's so easy for people to copy/paste in notepad.




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Mentor ,
Apr 28, 2015 Apr 28, 2015

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Fully understand but I suspect that even if it was just a couple of hours programming (and it may well be less) that is probably the easiest part of a program change.

Pretty sure you will find that if the devs had the freedom to jump in and just make changes it could be done before smoko but in a corporate environment good luck just getting a change request written let alone approved. If you get that far then there is the cost of the change - something else now slips down the priority list or worse still drops off the list

After the job's been prioritised, specified  and allocated then someone has to write it. Sure maybe you can drop the code in in time for smoko but  then the testing team now has to include that function in their test harness and I won't bore you with what's involved there.  After all the steps are signed off its handed to the beta team has to test.

Now assuming all went well you now have a simplified way of doing what you could do previously (sure I know in 3 steps) but what other feature that we didn't have before just got dropped or moved to a later release?

I have probably over simplified this whole but I think you get the picture - coding is probably the easiest part 😉

Yep I know it all seems so simple from the outside but trust me I've been there, done that and it's nowhere near as much fun as it seems LOL




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Community Expert ,
Apr 29, 2015 Apr 29, 2015

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Yeah, and you've got to change the control interface for the changed behaviour, update the keyboard shortcuts, check the interactions, blah, blah... it's nowhere near that simple.




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New Here ,
Apr 19, 2013 Apr 19, 2013

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Hi,  I am fighting with the same thing the OP struggled with and I appreciate ANY ideas even when late posts.  I read alot of forums trying to figure out the Adobe products for my needs.  The point is that even if an OP hasn't been back on a forum doesn't mean someone else can't use helpful information.  By the time I start searching the forums I am desperate for ANYTHING that might get me close!!  My thanks to all posters with ideas!!




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New Here ,
Apr 20, 2013 Apr 20, 2013

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What's the effect chain? Can you add the fx as a favorite and batch process them like I suggested




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