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Exporting omf files from Audition will not work.

New Here ,
Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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I have been down for 4 days and chatting with Adobe support at least 6-7 times. Audition chokes itself when trying to export an omf file. The program cache maxes my HD (like 70 gig's worth???) then feezes and crashes my computer. Prompt says "not enough application memory" (which is nonsense). Happening consistently for 4 days.  Even Adobe's outsourced "Senior" support somewhere in a land far far away does not know the product well enough to address this simple function. Does anyone have information on how to contact knowlegeble Audition support at Adobe? Just need to get my session out of Audition. Thank you.

Crash , Freeze or hang






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Community Expert ,
Dec 10, 2021 Dec 10, 2021

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I tried an OMF export here, and although it took a good few minutes, it completed successfully - 12 mono files @ 44.1k 24-bit. What are the parameters of yours, and where does it stick on the Status line?


The one thing that's good news about yours is that it causes a crash. This means that you should be able to locate the crash log and print the text of it into this thread. We might from that get a clue as to what's happening, especially if SuiteSpot takes a look at it - this is his field of expertise. You should be able to locate the log files from the Help menu, but if all else fails and you can't find the correct (latest) one, then look at this thread: Audition crashed - now what? 







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Mentor ,
Dec 10, 2021 Dec 10, 2021

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Something to note is that an embedded/encapsulated OMF is limited to 2gb in total size and that generally a seperate file will be created for every clip in the session and the total size of these files may well exceed the size of the original media file(s) (many times quite dramatically).

So your best bet is probably to export a 'reference' OMF ie one which does not have the media embeded in the OMF

While some may swear by OMFs I frankly swear at them


Which DAW is expected to be opening the resulting OMF?






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New Here ,
Dec 10, 2021 Dec 10, 2021

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Thanks, Guys.  I think that I'm starting to better understand what's going on. First, to answer SuiteSpot, I am trying to export my Audition session into Protools and assume omf is the only way to do it.  The Audition session is about 35 gigs at this point, even though it is just two primary voice tracks of heavily editied interview dialog sourced from about 4 wav files that total less than 2 gigs. There are outtakes residing on six oither tracks in the session. Only unmixed, untreated raw dialog is in the session at this point. Should be staright forward, right? 


The export took five hours (why?) and generated an astonishing 1.83 TB. That's why it kept crashing my computer due to "running out of application memory" on my mac before I set destination and cache files to save on an extrnal drive. I think it generated a full file for each of the hundreds of editied dialog pieces in the session. And I see no omf file, so I don't think it even worked. 


My goal:  To import the full Audition session into Protools, and not just the edited clips with handles because I want maximum flexibity to make new versions, etc. with the orginal files once in Protools.  I set the omf export to: Media: "Referenced". Format "wav" and "Use entire file"    When I set to "encpasulated" with handles I get "2 gig max" warnings.


This is likely an export settings issue, but I have yet to find Adobe (or any) support to get the settings right. 


In case you may be wondering, Adobe tech support, such as it is has no idea what to do. I was on five support sessions and finally got a call from a supposed senior tech person in a far away place who had no idea or real concern for the issue. He just told me to update my OS and hung up. (I had already done that). Any follow up questions are met with "someone will get back to you in 24 hours." 


Thanks for your concern and I look forward to your suggestions.





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New Here ,
Dec 10, 2021 Dec 10, 2021

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Update- I tried another omf export with the settings: Referenced, Wav and "trimmed files" with 10 second handles. That worked, but I will not have full file accessibility in the Protools session.  Any thouights on how I can get the full files attached to the clips from the orginal file in Protools as I now have in the Audition session?  Thanks.







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Mentor ,
Dec 10, 2021 Dec 10, 2021

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OMF is a pretty useless format - for all the effort you may as well send stems but if you actually want to convert pretty much everything you should look at this AATranslator.com 

There are a few caveats like don't mix mono and stereo media on the same track, don't have one clip completely covering another (xfade it instead) and render any stretched or pitched clips

In the spirit of disclosure I am the author





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Mentor ,
Dec 10, 2021 Dec 10, 2021

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To be fair to Adobe there are very few on the planet who have any idea about this sort of thing.

This and where elephants go to die are two of the mysteries of our time 😉





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New Here ,
Dec 10, 2021 Dec 10, 2021

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AATranslator looks great. However, I'm on a mac and only have to deal with exporting this one session. I exported it with 30 second handles which should suffice but will cost me more work hours down the road. I'm surprised by Adobe's poor tech support on Audition and won't fall into that dead end again. After 2 years, I'm switching back to Protools. At least one can get useful PT tech support if you buy through Sweetwater. Thanks for your help and concern.






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Community Expert ,
Dec 11, 2021 Dec 11, 2021

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I think that we may have engineered the poor tech support thing here to a degree by being rather better at it than they are! We've been told frequently that Support's ultimate response is to 'ask on the forum'. I realise that it's no real excuse and supposedly that they ought to be able to do better. But, you have to bear in mind that Support has to cover all Adobe products, and they only have crib sheets to do it from - none of them are actual users, so with the best will in the world their response is going to be patchy. If Adobe had to provide gold star support, every product would end up being even more expensive. So what happens is a bit of a compromise.





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Mentor ,
Dec 11, 2021 Dec 11, 2021

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Email me (via the AATranslator website) the sesx and I will convert it to a PTX for you






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New Here ,
Dec 11, 2021 Dec 11, 2021

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Done!  Sent to the info@ address. Many thanks!





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Mentor ,
Dec 12, 2021 Dec 12, 2021

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Just had a chance to do the conversion - had to delete a 'hidden' clip ie one where one clip completely covers another - while you can do this in Audition this is a no no in PT.

AATranslator needs the media available during conversion in order for PT to to automatically relink the media. Without it AAT can't write certain detail into the PTX so PT will need to search for the media manually





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