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for When the Adobe Audition 4

New Here ,
Oct 19, 2008 Oct 19, 2008

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hi is there any information about AA4, for when and the new fonctionnalities ?




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Dec 02, 2010 Dec 02, 2010

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Well it can't be the same bug since Audition's playback engine was rewritten for ASIO drivers in AA 2 & 3. And has been completely rewritten from the ground up for AA 4 in order to be cross platform compatible.




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New Here ,
Dec 02, 2010 Dec 02, 2010

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It is the same bug.

Playback was not completely rewritten.

When Adobe said so, they were using a figure of speech. Not literal.

These programs have hundreds of thousands of lines of code.

Adobe acquired N lines of code from Syntrillium.

Some value for 'X' percentage of the acquired codebase remains in Audition.

Some value for 'Y' percentage of the playback code remains.

Somewhere in that 'Y', is this bug.




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Dec 02, 2010 Dec 02, 2010

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I don't think so!

Anyway comments/bugs for AA4 should be posted on http://forums.adobe.com/community/labs/audition/ not in this forum.

Message was edited by: ryclark




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Community Expert ,
Dec 02, 2010 Dec 02, 2010

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Pzyn wrote:

Playback was not completely rewritten.

When Adobe said so, they were using a figure of speech. Not literal.

These programs have hundreds of thousands of lines of code.

Adobe acquired N lines of code from Syntrillium.

Some value for 'X' percentage of the acquired codebase remains in Audition.

Some value for 'Y' percentage of the playback code remains.

Somewhere in that 'Y', is this bug.

What a load of b*ll*cks! The entire codebase has been rewritten twice. And saying what you have is an insult to the developers. I've been beta testing this software probably since before you were born, and I have a pretty damn good idea of what they've achieved - and you clearly haven't the faintest idea at all.

You get one DELIBERATE break when you change the size of the looping audio buffer  - a bit of a clue as to why it happens. Personally if I'm using this facility I find  that break (which is about 100ms) rather useful. And that's what it is - a break, not a hiccup. Under no circumstances is it a bug.




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New Here ,
Jan 20, 2011 Jan 20, 2011

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I've been having this problem since Cool Edit! I've been googling for some work around on this for years now! I have had this problem on all different computers, and several soundcards. My current system is an i7 with an RME HDSP and the problem still persists in A3!

It is not a "break". It is a hiccup embedded IN the loop. I use Audition all day, and editing loops is one of the primary tasks I use it for. I want to be able to use Loop-playback mode and adjust the loop edges without hearing constant drop outs. I would be soooo thankful to see this fixed!




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Jan 21, 2011 Jan 21, 2011

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I thought MIDI and CD-burning were ditched in the Mac BETA only - for the sake of convenience. Are these features really officially scrapped!? Oh dear...




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Jan 21, 2011 Jan 21, 2011

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I suspect that CD burning may be back at some time soon, even if it doesn't make it to the first full release. As for MIDI that is probably a lot further down Adobe's feature list as explained by Steve above.




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New Here ,
Jan 21, 2011 Jan 21, 2011

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Not sure I believe there will ever be an AA4 and if it does appear it would have to have some astonishing abilities to survive.  Slim, fast and intuitive would be the ticket so eliminating functions better performed by seperate programs is just fine.  AA3 is excellent, fading somewhat but still very useful.




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Jan 22, 2011 Jan 22, 2011

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tomrrt wrote:

Not sure I believe there will ever be an AA4 and if it does appear it would have to have some astonishing abilities to survive.

Here back on Planet Earth, the beta release of AA4 for the mac platform has been public since before the end of last year. And since the developers have also indicated that it's now to be dual-platform, then the matter of belief simply doesn't come into it. And anyway, Adobe promised some time ago that if they were ever to stop developing Audition, they would say so. And since this has happened with some other software they are now responsible for, and they made their intentions quite plain about it, I think that you would be better off believing that, if you find it necessary to believe anything at all.




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 24, 2011 Jan 24, 2011

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I was hoping AA4 would have midi capabilities but I guess not. Currently I use FL Studio (9.8 currently) for midi (great by the way) and some audio recording. I always edit audio with AA, going back to 1.5. Record vocals with it as well (hope they get rid of PK files and automatically saving files that I don't want saved). I also master with AA. So I guess I'll be a 2 DAW user as long as AA is around. Looking forward to v4 and hope it's a killer for edting audio. And have more plugins, some of which I currently really like.




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Jan 24, 2011 Jan 24, 2011

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chasms wrote:

(hope they get rid of PK files and automatically saving files that I don't want saved).

Well, I agree about the automatic saving of files that you thought you ought to be able to discard, but can't. But not about .pk files. When you want to open a lot of files, or especially large files, they are an absolute necessity - because without them these take an eternity to open, as all of the data in them (which is what you actually see on the screen) has to be recreated. With the .pk file, the opening is way faster.




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People's Champ ,
Jan 25, 2011 Jan 25, 2011

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Yeah.  The .pk files are one of the reasons I happen to LIKE Audition and keep using it.  Thinking out loud, if they could put the .pk files in a separate PK Directory so I could drag whole folders when burning a CD, I guess I'd like that...but, given the choice, keep the .pk files!




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New Here ,
Feb 02, 2011 Feb 02, 2011

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I would certainly hope that the CD burning would be included or would return quickly after the first release.  I like the option of burning a CD after doing a mixdown without going to another program.




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Engaged ,
Feb 03, 2011 Feb 03, 2011

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Yeah, I feel exactly the same way.  It's an invaluable tool in the process of mixing my tracks (so that I can listen to what I've done on different players in different environments).

Recently I was having a lot of trouble with the CD burning facility and I received approximately zero help on this board when I posted my troubles.  I seem to have fixed it by removing my firewall. 🙂   So the problem seemed to be with something on my computer rather than with Audition.  And that's why I hope that Adobe keeps the CD burning facility at least intact in the next version.




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 09, 2011 Feb 09, 2011

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So Adobe wants to gut Audition 3's cd recording and midi capabilities ??  Because the competition has better programs available ?? Think iTunes, Nero, and Sonar X1, Reaper...??

I imagine that software developement costs are to blame. Maybe copyrighted technologies  are impossible to get licenses for ??

Instead of gutting what they have now, how about polishing it up ?? Less errors and better master quality cd burning....better quality plug-ins...as an example, East West's new reverb ...??  Izotope's latest upgrade to the multi-band compressor...??

I certainly see no reason to upgrade to a gutted program, when I got the real deal already ......??

What are they thinking ?? R&D costs ??

Maybe the market really isn't there to warrant a large upgrade developement....after all it seems the forums are very quiet lately....

Move over Opcode, you may be getting some company.




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New Here ,
Feb 10, 2011 Feb 10, 2011

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I have used Audition from the beginning, and Cool Edit Pro before that.  I have always used Audition to make CD samples of my mixes.  It is convenient and I have never had any issues with the CD burning part.

I would like to see better plug-ins.  Maybe an upgrade to the noise reduction and effects section.  Maybe mass editing (cut / paste / etc.)  in multi track mode, hopefully this is available in Audition 4.

If the CD burning goes away, I would seriously consider switching to something like Sound Forge.




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Feb 13, 2011 Feb 13, 2011

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Absolutely agree. I was hoping AA4 to also function as a CD mastering software. What is mastering without burning?

Durin et al., If you don't include CD burning, please at least support the export of mixdown + Cue sheet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cue_sheet_(computing) so that it's easy to burn with an external tool without much additional work.

And yes, continuous playback when changing loop start and end points would be awesome.





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Feb 14, 2011 Feb 14, 2011

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C.R.Helmrich wrote:

Durin et al., If you don't include CD burning, please at least support the export of mixdown + Cue sheet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cue_sheet_(computing) so that it's easy to burn with an external tool without much additional work.

That option has been there for ages - and there's even a convenient tool to do it with - Cuelisttool.
And if, for any strange reason it won't work, then I'm sure that the author will provide an update. I think that it probably will, though...




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Feb 20, 2011 Feb 20, 2011

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Steve, thanks a lot for your reply and the link to CueListTool! However, I'm not yet convinced I'd like to see Cue sheet support directly integrated into Audition. I'm using Audition 1.x and was hoping to get some more CD-relevant features for an update price which will be above 100 Euros if nothing changes.

Integrating this functionality should be a no-brainer. Let's say in an Audition 3.x-style dialog I edit the CD track properties (http://help.adobe.com/en_US/Audition/3.0/WS58a04a822e3e5010548241038980c2c5-7ddb.html) and save the result as "CD list (*.cdl)". Here's what I might get:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<CDLayout version="2">
  <tracks copyProtect="true" pauseBefore="150" preEmphasis="false">
    <track ISRC="ABCDE0000001" copyProtect="false" pauseBefore="0" preEmphasis="false" source="track1.wav">
      <title>Track-Titel 1</title>
      <artist>Künstler 1</artist>
    <track ISRC="ABCDE0000002" copyProtect="true" pauseBefore="150" preEmphasis="true" source="track2.wav">
      <title>Track-Titel 2</title>
      <artist>Künstler 2</artist>

Now, why not in the "Save as" dialog also offer as alternative file type "CD cue sheet (*.cue)"? Such a file would contain the exact same information as the .cdl file, just in the following format which many CD burning programs can understand:

FILE "track1.wav" WAVE
    TITLE "Track-Titel 1"
    PERFORMER "Künstler 1"

    ISRC ABCDE0000001
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "track2.wav" WAVE
    TITLE "Track-Titel 2"
    PERFORMER "Künstler 2"
    ISRC ABCDE0000002
    PREGAP 00:02:00
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

That and a CD-wide artist and title (PERFORMER and TITLE before the first TRACK and/or FILE) is all one needs, I think.





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Feb 20, 2011 Feb 20, 2011

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Like all of these ideas, it seems to be perfectly feasible - but a) it's not me you have to convince, and b) absolutely don't hold your breath... well, not for an Adobe version of anything like this, anyway. It is perfectly possible that if a SDK becomes available, that somebody (you?) might be able to write this as a plugin, but I'm pretty sure that at present, the developers are heading in a somewhat different direction. That said though, I'm reasonably sure that because of the amount of public comment about CD writing not being included in this first release of AA4 (or whatever it's going to be called), the whole situation is likely to be revisited in the future.




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New Here ,
Feb 20, 2011 Feb 20, 2011

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The real question is whether it will be "re-visited" before the loyal customers go elsewhere to find software that meets there needs.

In addition to multi-track mixing, I do a lot of custom audio work that involves transferring of various audio formats to CD. Without CD burning included, it will force me to find another way to burn CD's for my customers.

I would think that devolpers would want to build on the features of the product and not take stuff away.




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Feb 20, 2011 Feb 20, 2011

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Everyone seems to be forgetting that AA 3 isn't going to go away. You don't have to upgrade just because there is a new version out. So carry on using AA 3 until such time as AA 4 has the facilities that you need.




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Feb 20, 2011 Feb 20, 2011

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lgbecker wrote:

The real question is whether it will be "re-visited" before the loyal customers go elsewhere to find software that meets there needs.

The harsh reality here is that upgrade customers won't pay for this rewrite - upgrades are relatively cheap. It's the new customers who will be paying for it, and they are the Mac users. And I believe that there's some jiggery-pokery in Macs that makes the whole CD situation a little easier... even though that's not where the current focus is.

And, if your big customers are broadcasters - which in Audition's case, they are - then you do what they want. If they put CDs lower down on the list of priorities, then that's exactly where they will stay until time permits a fix.

But ryclark's right - AA3 isn't going away and even if you get AA4, they will still run very happily together on the same machine (unless it's a Mac - hehe!)




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 20, 2011 Feb 20, 2011

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They may run together, but it's a clunky workflow when you have to transfer out of one program and into another.....

Well while AA4 is still in the beta stage, it appears they are finding out a major problem with AA4 which needs to be fixed. Leaving out cd burning is a problem. It downgrades the whole program. Isn't that what beta testing is supposed to do ??

It's just very disappointing that with the long wait between upgrades....pc users are getting a downgrade. You'd think they be polishing up what they already have.




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New Here ,
Feb 20, 2011 Feb 20, 2011

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Switching between AA3 and AA4 sounds, well, stupid.  If you are going to do that you might as well use a real CD burning program.

Why upgrade?  I am hoping for mass editing, cutting, pasting features in multi-track mode, something competing software already has, (and btw, also includes CD burning.).

I also hope that the effects processing and restoration features will be improved for cleaning and restoring old records, tape hiss, etc.  Not all users are broadcasters.

If they are not interested in upgrading the product and improving the software, why do they bother asking for customer input?




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