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Getting Audition to Work With Discord

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Jul 27, 2017 Jul 27, 2017

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Hey all,

I usually stream using discord with friends. The setup I have is kinda weird, but it was working until I got to discord. I'll try to walk you through what I'm doing, but I don't know what it is that is causing trouble.

So I have Adobe Audition on a multi-track. I set the input as my microphone and my output as a virtual audio cable. I then applied a few filters in AA in order to clean up the audio in real-time. I pressed the arm to record (R) to activate the mic and then monitor record (I). This allows the virtual cable to take the output audio and supposedly feed it into other programs. I use OBS for screen capturing and it works well. I've tested the audio and AA is playing nicely with OBS. I can even upload a clip of the audio working properly if this site will allow me to. Here's a screenshot as it seems I can't upload an actual video. Capture.PNG

Now I thought since there was success here, I would be able to go over to the discord app and set it's input and output in a similar fashion. I set the input as the virtual cable, and left the output as default. Discord recognizes and broadcasts my voice, but it does not receive any audio from the other people in the chat.


I played around with this, setting the output to an actual pair of speakers and whatnot but it did not seem to solve anything, and made things worse as changing settings then made it so I couldn't be heard either. Being deaf and mute while streaming doesn't work. Especially when playing a game that requires strategy and teamwork. Does anybody else have this problem, or know of a solution? I'd very much appreciate it!



I actually got it to work. Turns out that it was the output on Discord that was messing everything up. So if anyone can, I still need a bit of help.

I'm using a Blue Yeti mic which allows you to plug in your headphones into the mic itself to monitor your voice. It also allows you to play the audio of your computer through said headphones (Computer>USB Mic>Headphones). When I set discord to point to my headphones as the output, the program seems to mute the headphones and no longer recognizes people in the chat (i.e. my friends are talking but I can't hear them). Others can still hear me, but I can't hear them. Strangely enough, switching back to an output device that works results in no audio from the chat. I have to disconnect from the chat and re-connect to it in order to get speakers or another pair of headphones working (the second pair of headphones are hooked up directly to my computer).

Any advice? Or is this now just a Discord bug? Anyone else had this happen?







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Community Beginner ,
Jul 14, 2021 Jul 14, 2021

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...well I sent a reply, thought it didn't go through because it didn't post, Copied! So I re-sent and was told that the re-sent message can't be used because it was itentical to the previously sent message, so I abandoned it thinking that the reply did go through but was pending approval. This was a few day's ago. This is basically a test to see if it, in-fact, will post. 







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Community Beginner ,
Jul 14, 2021 Jul 14, 2021

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well, that makes me angry. 






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Community Beginner ,
Jul 14, 2021 Jul 14, 2021

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In summary of the first, which was not too long nor did it contain questionable material, you can solve your problem in the analog by routing your computer audio through the 3.5 into a dual-input headset with the monitor using the other input. You can also get a 2 to 1 splitter/combiner in the f/f/m configuration and route audio from both sources to the splitter and from the splitter to a single input headset; with the additional cordage you will have extra reach as an added benefit.







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Advisor ,
Jul 15, 2021 Jul 15, 2021

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I hesitate to ask this, but did you notice this thread was started in 2017 and yours is the only reply, presumably because the OP actually solved the problem for himself.





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 21, 2021 Jul 21, 2021

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I appreciate the mention of the hesitation. I did notice. I wasn't hoping to reach four years into the past but considered that as the question was posted, someone else may have a similar one and it might as well have an answer. There are lots of people out there playing with tech they don't really understand and I am one; I'll guess there is a better solution out there somewhere but from my understanding the question at least has a quick fix in-play.







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