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Horizontal scrolling speed

Explorer ,
Jun 09, 2011 Jun 09, 2011

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is there a way to adjust horizontal scrolling speed (shift+scrollwheel)? In default settings I find it unusable slow.

And by the way, is there a way to search just one forum here?


- Lauri

Feature request , User interface or workspaces




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Aug 05, 2011 Aug 05, 2011

Hi lauri,

I get it.  When zoomed in and scrolling horizontally in the waveform view (either using a scroll wheel that supports horizontal scrolling or by holding SHIFT while scrolling up/down) you would like the step size for each "click" of the wheel to be larger so that you can scroll more quickly.  There's no preference for this at this time, though I'll be happy to put in a feature request to accomodate this.  As a workaround for now, you can click on either side of the orange "view" box in t



Jun 30, 2011 Jun 30, 2011

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What mouse or trackpad are you using?   We've noticed that it (surprisingly) makes a difference with the hardware that you use.   For example, the way the Apple Mighty Mouse queues the scroll messages makes it feel sluggish in Audition, but most other devices don't have this issue.




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New Here ,
Jul 07, 2011 Jul 07, 2011

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Charles VW wrote:

What mouse or trackpad are you using?   We've noticed that it (surprisingly) makes a difference with the hardware that you use.   For example, the way the Apple Mighty Mouse queues the scroll messages makes it feel sluggish in Audition, but most other devices don't have this issue.

so, having found this, which is also valid for Macbook trackpads, will you take any action so as to minimize the grief? I've seen countless other apps scroll just fine...




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Explorer ,
Aug 05, 2011 Aug 05, 2011

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Charles VW wrote:

What mouse or trackpad are you using?   We've noticed that it (surprisingly) makes a difference with the hardware that you use.   For example, the way the Apple Mighty Mouse queues the scroll messages makes it feel sluggish in Audition, but most other devices don't have this issue.


and sorry for the delayed answer - have been on holiday.

We have tried at least three different Logitech mice on different computers (all running Win7).

The horizonal scrolling (shift+wheel) is not actually sluggish, it's just way too slow (meaning that you have to roll the wheel too much to get the window position to move say like a minute ahead) to be useful.




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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 05, 2011 Aug 05, 2011

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Hi lauri,

I get it.  When zoomed in and scrolling horizontally in the waveform view (either using a scroll wheel that supports horizontal scrolling or by holding SHIFT while scrolling up/down) you would like the step size for each "click" of the wheel to be larger so that you can scroll more quickly.  There's no preference for this at this time, though I'll be happy to put in a feature request to accomodate this.  As a workaround for now, you can click on either side of the orange "view" box in the waveform preview above the ruler, or grab the orange box and drag it where you would like to view more quickly.




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New Here ,
Aug 05, 2011 Aug 05, 2011

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hi _durin_

Test this on a Mac: Open Audition. Open a file. Double-finger swipe up to zoom. Double-finger swipe left or right. Now that's sluggish. Also it's incredibly annoying. I don't want a preference for how responsive the app is, as I'd always set that to the max. So would any other user?





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Explorer ,
Aug 06, 2011 Aug 06, 2011

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_durin_ wrote:

Hi lauri,

I get it.  When zoomed in and scrolling horizontally in the waveform view (either using a scroll wheel that supports horizontal scrolling or by holding SHIFT while scrolling up/down) you would like the step size for each "click" of the wheel to be larger so that you can scroll more quickly.  There's no preference for this at this time, though I'll be happy to put in a feature request to accomodate this.

Exactly like that.

But even better, the scrolling behavior should be exponential instead of linear: one click = very tiny step, many clicks, larger steps. Try to experiment with Logic 9: they have done it quite perfectly.

Could you put up a feature request for this?




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 19, 2012 Oct 19, 2012

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Sorry to jump onto this a year later... I've recently started using Audition.

I too, have big issues with the horizontal scrolling.  The shift + mouse wheel is unusably slow, as has been said.

I've started this year in audio design freelance.  At first, I could not afford Audition.  I started with Audacity...  I have been using Au CS6 for six months now.  The workflow is so much more efficient.  I'm saving many man-hours in comparison.

But here's where just one feature on Audacity would be an EXCELLENT addition to Audition:

There are additional axes nowadays on the mousewheel.  You simply tilt the mousewheel left and right, as opposed to rolling up and down.  This axis is not on all mice, but most newer ones have it.

In Audacity, this scrolls the timeline left / right.  And the longer the "tilt" is held, the faster the scrolling occurs.  No modifier keys are needed to do this.

Actually, this functionality is already present in Au CS6, however the scrolling "clicks" by at something like a tenth of a second, every second.  Totally unusable.

Is there a workaround to make this happen? Or do I need to wait for the next version?





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Oct 19, 2012 Oct 19, 2012

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If you need to scroll the timeline in order to see different parts of the audio file the easiest way is to Left click and drag the view indicator button (yellow box) on the mini waveform at the top of the screen in Edit view.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 19, 2012 Oct 19, 2012

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Thanks, ryclark!

Indeed, this could be done that way.

I have read numerous posts that simply state: "Just grab the box up top".  This is an extra step.  And a pain in the butt with the scenario I illustrate below... (Which most of my work is comprised of doing...)

The real beauty of horizontal scrolling through the mousewheel's left / right axis could be summed up in this scenario:

When performing a high-precision, high-level zoom on the multitrack, (or waveform clip) and selecting with a box marquee, it is much easier to drag that selection a far distance down the track.  This is because you do not release the left mouse button, while tilting the mousewheel at the same time - you can remain zoomed in at the current zoom level, while the timeline "flies by", thus extending your selection to the desired point!  You then can release the mouse button exactly at the desired point.  All without ever moving the mouse up top...

Much faster work.  Audacity has it down, if only in that area...   If you have a capable mouse, try in in Audacity just to see. It's really quite slick.

There is a much better way.  I've seen it, and this is about the only thing of Au CS6 that frustrates me.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 20, 2012 Oct 20, 2012

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Well it's one of the things that gets my vote too - I have some issues with waveform manipulation at high zoom levels, and the present arrangements leave you feeling almost as though you've lost control of what you are doing. Despite claims to the contrary, grabbing the timeline isn't that easy - you have to aim the mouse pretty carefully to do it, and having an alternative easy way of scrolling like this would be a major advantage - even if I have to purchase another mouse!




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New Here ,
Jan 23, 2013 Jan 23, 2013

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The lack of a working horizontal scroll is a deal-breaker for me. I do cleanup on audio tracks, which basically consists of hours of zooming in and out to delete the part where the speaker made a mistake. The standard idiom (ProTools) is alt+scroll wheel for zooming and shift+scroll wheel for horizontal scrolling.

This is a perfect example of why I never seem to be able to actually use Adobe's audio editor (used to be Soundbooth, now it's Audition). Since these products come with the Creative Suite, I always have them on my computer. So I check out each new version, hoping it will actually work, only to find something like this wrong with it.

I can't imagine how Adobe lets these products get through testing. Who are their users and what are they doing with this software? Obviously, not what I'm trying to do...




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New Here ,
Jan 29, 2013 Jan 29, 2013

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Yes, horizontal scrolling could certainly be better, but I think you're a bit hard on Adobe with the zoom: they've been working on standardising zoom in the Creative Suite. So when anyone familiar with the Creative suite uses the keyboard shortcuts, the right hand over JKL, the zoom in and out is right there, a bit high, but with experience it's a reflex. Also, if you don't have to move too far left or right, hitting J or L multiple times moves the play head back and forth several times playback time. That's the way I work.

  The slow-down comes when having to move from keyboard to mouse — and back again. So sometimes I end up using my left hand for the JKL keys, so I can use the mouse as well with my right.  I think it would be helpful to add the possibility for a keyboard shortcut to scroll left/right.




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 02, 2014 Aug 02, 2014

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I'm jumping in to throw my support for this feature if possible.  I would love to be able to adjust the "steps" per wheel click for horizontal scrolling.  Would be invaluable.  Mousing around the interface expressly for this purpose is really my only frustration with Audition.




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Mar 11, 2015 Mar 11, 2015

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+1 for scroll speed option. Currently it's just unusable due to the tiny increments.




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 28, 2016 Nov 28, 2016

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Hi Durin,

Thanks for understanding the problem here.  Do you know if this problem has been addressed?




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New Here ,
Mar 22, 2017 Mar 22, 2017

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So 6 years ago a feature request was put in... Can we please get this fixed?

Scrolling is unbearable in Audition, to the point where I never use Audition to cut up my tracks because I'll be scrolling more than I'm cutting! I have the same problem using a trackpad and multiple mice, so it's definitely a software issue. The #1 FREE competitor scrolls much better!




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Mar 22, 2017 Mar 22, 2017

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I admit that scrolling through an audio file using the mouse wheel is slow. However having been editing audio in Audition (or it's predecessors) for over 20 years I hardly ever use it since there are so many other ways of moving through an audio file quickly and accurately whilst editing.




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Contributor ,
Mar 22, 2017 Mar 22, 2017

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When free programs like Audacity do what I want more efficiently, I see no reason to use Audition.  It may be part of the CC, but if they're not going to update it to today's standards, I see no reason to use it.  I tried using Audition for about week, found this thread to see that they have no intention of modernizing the UI, and switched back to Audacity.




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Community Expert ,
Mar 23, 2017 Mar 23, 2017

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I don't think it's a case of 'no intention' - more likely (and this has happened with other features too) to be a case of the effective utilisation of scarce programming resources. IOW, it gets put on a list of tasks to carry out, and 'prioritised'. So every cycle, the higher priority items are the likely ones to get done, and something like this simply doesn't make the cut. Which generally means that not enough people have complained about it at a corporate level, which is where the vast majority of the seat rental sales are. No I don't have a fix for this, I'm afraid - only a possible explanation.




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New Here ,
Feb 22, 2021 Feb 22, 2021

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2021 here. This is STILL an unresolved issue. Glad to see we've been heard




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 01, 2021 Jul 01, 2021

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Hello from the future!
I wonder if you still work for Adobe... Did you ever get this request bumped? lol





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 25, 2023 Aug 25, 2023

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So do you plan on fixing this sometime before we all die?




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 10, 2023 Sep 10, 2023

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So did you just abandon fixing this? I know it's been a decade but I figured y'all would have worked out the kinks of a basic DAW by now. 




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 10, 2023 Sep 10, 2023

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I've recorded a video how to finally fix this by your self using AutoHotkey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04enQZ1Yqig

I've found this on adobe forums by Dawid_Ciecierski https://community.adobe.com/t5/audition-discussions/horizontal-scrolling-speed/td-p/3496430/page/2 "It seems that we might be left to our own devices with this one so I came up with a simple AutoHotkey script that will boost horizontal scrolling




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