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Horizontal scrolling speed

Explorer ,
Jun 09, 2011 Jun 09, 2011

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is there a way to adjust horizontal scrolling speed (shift+scrollwheel)? In default settings I find it unusable slow.

And by the way, is there a way to search just one forum here?


- Lauri

Feature request , User interface or workspaces




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Aug 05, 2011 Aug 05, 2011

Hi lauri,

I get it.  When zoomed in and scrolling horizontally in the waveform view (either using a scroll wheel that supports horizontal scrolling or by holding SHIFT while scrolling up/down) you would like the step size for each "click" of the wheel to be larger so that you can scroll more quickly.  There's no preference for this at this time, though I'll be happy to put in a feature request to accomodate this.  As a workaround for now, you can click on either side of the orange "view" box in t



Community Beginner ,
Sep 10, 2023 Sep 10, 2023

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I'm glad you found a hack but this a very basic function that Adobe should have built in from the start. It's embarrassing for them that the best solution they have after a decade is a user made workaround. I'll opt to just not use Audition and keep calling their employees losers. 




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Community Expert ,
Jun 30, 2011 Jun 30, 2011

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_lauri_ wrote:

And by the way, is there a way to search just one forum here?

Do your general search first (not that you have a choice...) and at the top of the results page there's an 'advanced' option. In there, you get to choose where you search. Yes I know that's all the wrong way around...




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 17, 2015 Jul 17, 2015

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+1 as well for scroll speed option.  As many have said, it's quite unusable at its current tiny increments.

There have been very useful posts in this chain talking about ProTools and Audacity's logarithmic horizontal scrolling; it'd be best to emulate those navigation styles.





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New Here ,
Aug 23, 2015 Aug 23, 2015

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it's been 4 years since this very basic feature to be able to adjust scrolling speeds STILL hasn't been implemented. It's incredibly frustrating that this unusably slow horizontal scroll speed is literally the only thing ruining my workflow. Why not bump a request as simple but crucial as this to priority instead of adding more useless bloat to the software.




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New Here ,
Oct 06, 2015 Oct 06, 2015

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I am on board with this idea as well - it's rather unfortunate that I've stumbled across this 4+ year old thread after recently beginning to use Audition for training videos for my company, and discovering that it's still unresolved. It makes me sad.




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New Here ,
Jan 20, 2016 Jan 20, 2016

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Here is another vote for the same.




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 22, 2016 Feb 22, 2016

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Wow. I've just come across this FOUR year old thread in the hope that there might be a way to fix this! Trying to scroll the timeline left and right is excrutiatingly slow and it's costing me precious time. Jeez Adobe if people have been asking for four years, it's probably about time you pull your finger out and implement a workaround for this! Using the zoom bar widget as suggested is absolutely useless if your edit is more than five minutes long, as the widget decreases to about a 1mm wide. A simple hand tool like you have in virtually every other application in your suite would suffice. Please fix this soon or my company will be finding another audio editing tool.




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 22, 2016 Feb 22, 2016

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If anyone else encounters this issue, I have actually just found that if you hover the mouse just above the timecodes at the top of the work area, a hand icon does in fact appear that will allow you to pan left and right fluidly 🙂




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New Here ,
Apr 08, 2016 Apr 08, 2016

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My standard scroll mouse is terribly slow (micro steps). I can't believe after all these years, they still haven't made a setting for this in Audition. #adobefail




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New Here ,
Sep 08, 2016 Sep 08, 2016

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I also stumbled upon this old old thread searching for the same problem. This is so unreal that it hasn't been addressed for so long. If anyone from Adobe is following the thread or sees it can you please add this as a future update to Audition?





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Contributor ,
Nov 21, 2016 Nov 21, 2016

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The only "workaround" that I can find, which isn't really much of a workaround and it's making me consider switching back to Audacity, is holding CTRL and using the arrow/cursor keys.  It's certainly faster than the ridiculously stupid slow CTRL+SHIFT scrollwheel option.

Something as important as scrolling through a zoomed-in sample I would think would be considered one of the most important options in a sample editor, but apparently it's not important at all.  Clicking on the thing on the top and moving the mouse left and right results in a single-pixel of movement moving an entire screen's worth of scrolling.

So yeah, CTRL and the arrow/cursor keys seems to be the only decent option for this.




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Nov 22, 2016 Nov 22, 2016

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Kizzume_Fowler wrote:

The only "workaround" that I can find, which isn't really much of a workaround and it's making me consider switching back to Audacity, is holding CTRL and using the arrow/cursor keys. It's certainly faster than the ridiculously stupid slow CTRL+SHIFT scrollwheel option.

Something as important as scrolling through a zoomed-in sample I would think would be considered one of the most important options in a sample editor, but apparently it's not important at all. Clicking on the thing on the top and moving the mouse left and right results in a single-pixel of movement moving an entire screen's worth of scrolling.

So yeah, CTRL and the arrow/cursor keys seems to be the only decent option for this.

Audition isn't really a 'Sample' editor, it is an audio file editor. But, although it is useful at times to be able to zoom to sample level, that is not really what Audition is all about.




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Contributor ,
Dec 29, 2016 Dec 29, 2016

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LOL Sounds like semantics to me.  What's the difference between a "sample editor" and an "audio file editor"?  LOL

Well, you know, I didn't drive a car, I drove an automobile. LOL

If I've made an "audio file" that I want to clean up, it's nice if I can scroll to the appropriate areas without hassle.  A free program such as Audacity shouldn't be better than a paid program, in my opinion.  People have obviously been asking about this for a while (for years).




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New Here ,
Apr 21, 2017 Apr 21, 2017

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Yeah this is really killing me.  I'm a longtime Adobe user with premiere and AE, and actually have used Audition a bunch for audio cleanup utilizing their dynamic link.  I had always just used old Audacity for quick VO records on a separate older machine because it was fast and worked.  I decided that was ridiculous and that I should just dig into Audition. 

I'm so shocked that the ridiculous thing maybe has turned out to be Audition itself.  Anyone trying to quickly record and edit audio, particularly for a VO scenario where you're moving all around a single track and cutting and pasting and recording over a single track, well, the horizontal speed makes this super frustrating. 

There's another element of this which is that not only is it slow but it sort of lags.  On Audacity, the realtime speed of scroll meant that I was able to develop and intimate awareness of where I was around a given audio track, essentially feeling my way around the track just by the coordination of scroll and the waveform cues, but with this lag, this slowness, I've got no idea where I am anymore.

I feel like I've got to be wrong about this, because this issue was started like 5+ years ago and Adobe is so great about updates.  But what a death blow if this is really how it is.




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Contributor ,
Apr 21, 2017 Apr 21, 2017

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Unfortunately, that's exactly how it is, actually.  Audition seems like a program they just keep around as to not piss off those who have been using it for a long time.  If its core audience likes the way it functions, they have no interest in making improvements to something that has a flawed and legacy core design to begin with.




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Jun 28, 2017 Jun 28, 2017

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"If its core audience likes the way it functions, they have no interest in making improvements to something that has a flawed and legacy core design to begin with."

I just think that Adobe actually doesn't understand its core audience. I echo completely what others have said here: for a very long time, I thought I was the problem. But at a certain point with certain technology, you feel that the designer has just made a crappy design. This could be way more efficient.




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New Here ,
Jun 03, 2017 Jun 03, 2017

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I'm still using Audition 3.  There a held wheel-click will scroll up and down the waveform at a speed governed by how far from the centre the mouse cursor is.  Very simple and efficient.  I use it all the time when editing.  Is was dropped in the next version and I'm still waiting for it to appear in a new version.  I might update then!





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 01, 2017 Sep 01, 2017

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moving quickly through an audio clip is impossible with the current method. Even better would be to allow middle mouse clicking and dragging the view along. Other Adobe software also uses this method. Please implement a better way of horizontally navigating




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New Here ,
Oct 30, 2017 Oct 30, 2017

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Please fix this!  There have been over 6 years of complaints about this!  Just give us the option to increase scrolling speed using the mouse scroll.




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 11, 2017 Dec 11, 2017

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We still really need this included in Audition.  It'd be a great quality of life improvement.  As of Dec 2017 this still hasn't been implemented in Audition.




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Community Beginner ,
May 10, 2018 May 10, 2018

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Just wanted to pile on - 7 years and counting. This is actually a big speed bump at such a low level of the workflow pyramid (basic navigation) as to be a huge nuisance. @_durin_ any news?




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New Here ,
May 11, 2018 May 11, 2018

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I think we can assume that nobody from Adobe reads this forum or cares about such a tiny thing (for them!).  I, for one, will never update from version 3 as without wheel-click scrolling my workflow would be virtually nil.  I'll keep checking each new version that comes out, but only for this one thing!  There are probably much better filters and things, but this is a deal-breaker.




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May 11, 2018 May 11, 2018

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"I think we can assume that nobody from Adobe reads this forum"

Actually you can't. The developers of Audition do read these forums, and occasionally even answer queries. However they do seem to read the new Bug/Feature Request site and reply more often. So try posting there to reboot this request.

Audition: Hot (80 ideas) – Adobe video & audio apps

However I, and I assume a large majority of other users, don't find this to be a problem with my workflows in over many years of using Audition. So, although it would be a useful update, most people don't seem to find it inhibiting as it is.




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New Here ,
Jan 09, 2019 Jan 09, 2019

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The shift scroll is unusably slow for me as well on a Win10 PC. Please fix.

The reason most people don't have this issue with their workflows is that it isn't in anyone's workflow because it doesn't work. I would suggest removing the shift scroll altogether if nobody intends to fix it since it's so bad that it makes the program look bad. I'm currently evaluating audition against wavelab and this is a big point for wavelab which does not have this issue.




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 11, 2018 Jul 11, 2018

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I can't believe it's 2018 and this STILL SUCKS. If you're not using an Apple Magic Mouse horizontal scrolling is PAINFULLY SLOW with shift-scrolling.




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