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I was working on a session yesterday. And AGAIN, I closed it, opened it this morning and was greeted by this:
I've lost all the files. They're there. Just all closed. This is happening SO often now. Sure, I can go back and re-link them one at a time, but I don't have time (OR THE DESIRE) to do that.
Am I the only one with this problem?? Am I cursed?
I'm on a Mac, 10.13.4, running Audition CC Build
Have you tried opening this session?
The session looks fine - your files are in this location
/Volumes/TruTV Drive/Spermcast/Eps/SpermEp002/Conformed Files/
/Volumes/TruTV Drive/Spermcast/Eps/SpermEp002/Imported Files/
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The answer probably lies in your .sesx session file. This is where Audition stores all the details about your audio files, where they are stored and what to do with them when you reopen the session. If it happens again save a copy of the faulty .sesx session file and post a link to somewhere where we can download it from and take a look at it's contents.
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OK…thank you Ry! Hopefully it won’t happen again and so far it hasn’t…I used 1.5 for so many years til my company finally upgraded me and all the parts I use are pretty much the same in CC just some in different places—I REALLY like CC though this is a great improvement—I’m hopeful and confident that it will now screw up anymore….thank you…if it happens again I’ll let you know
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This is not quite the same as the title of this thread which states 'I lost all the files AGAIN!'. You, luckily, still have all your audio files available. It is just that Audition has lost track of where they are stored. You should be able to automatically remake all the links by right clicking on one of the boxes of a missing clip. Then from the drop down menu click on 'Link all media' which will open a file requester where you can just click on one of the missing audio files and Audition should find and fill in all your empty clips without messing around with the session.
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The "Link All Media" button is greyed out. I can go in one file at a time and re-link, but we're talking about dozens and dozens of files.
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That sesx file contains no reference to any physical file locations and the clip references all point to a single reference but that reference is to what I would consider to be an 'illegal' reference ID
I could possibly rebuild the file references but that would take a bit of work
Edi: If you send me a list of your audio files (it would save me a heap of time) I'm pretty sure I can relink them for you
info at aatranslator dot com dot au
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Mario Del Varco
El lunes, 7 de mayo de 2018 5:42:03 p. m. EDT, SuiteSpot <> escribió:
I lost all the files AGAIN! created by SuiteSpot in Audition CS5.5, CS6 & CC - View the full discussion That sesx file contains no reference to any physical file locations and the clip references all point to a single reference but that reference is to what I would consider to be an 'illegal' reference ID I could possibly rebuild the file references but that would take a bit of work
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I have done my best to reconstruct the sesx - without more info this is probably the best I can do
Let me know how it goes
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SuiteSpot thanks!
While your reconstruction of the session did not "completely" fix the session, whatever you did allowed the "Link Media" button to be active in the error window and allowed for me to "Link All Media." While this did not "save" the session, all the media could be relinked without too much difficulty.
Here's the difference. By linking all media, each instance of a particular file is relinked all at once when you relink it. Meaning, if you chop up a voice session with someone counting to one hundred, previously, I'd have to relink one hundred instances of that VO session. With your fix, I was able to relink it once, and voila! They all relinked. This session wouldn't have been the end of the world to relink them all one at a time, but I've lost MUCH larger sessions, that would simply be too time consuming to relink.
WHAT did you do to the session? (And thank you)
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OK thank you VERY MUCH! If it happens again I’ll definitely try that.
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I'm very confused by the completely empty <files /> group, too. One thing to check: Audition creates periodic backups of the session file while you're editing it. I'd be curious if these are okay, but the official "saved" session file isn't. You can find these in the Creative Cloud Files directory if you have that enabled, or in a subdirectory of the session folder. The filename will include a timestamp of when they were written. If you have a moment to check some of those to see if they load properly, that may help troubleshoot a bit.
Otherwise, as Michael Rooney has already noted, there are seemingly random id's for each clip (they just start at 1 and be in numerical order), and no actual files listed to link to. I've not seen this happen before, so I'm not entirely certain where to begin troubleshooting.
An audio clip item in the sesx file (it's just an XML file which you can read in a text editor) reads:
<audioClip clipAutoCrossfade="true" crossFadeHeadClipID="-1" crossFadeTailClipID="-1" endPoint="10075755" fileID="4294967295" hue="-1" id="0" lockedInTime="false" looped="false" name="WMYX_041118" offline="false" select="false" sourceInPoint="9003130" sourceOutPoint="9045604" startPoint="10033281" zOrder="0">
and the files section should look something like this:
<file absolutePath="/Volumes/Ado_SantaCruz1/DROPS/Audition_NAB2018_Drop_03/Media/Trailer Media/00 TSB Trailer FINAL.mp4" id="0" relativePath="Media/Trailer Media/00 TSB Trailer FINAL.mp4"/>
<file absolutePath="/Volumes/Ado_SantaCruz1/DROPS/Audition_NAB2018_Drop_03/Adobe Audition Audio Previews/AUD_NAB2018_Drop_03.PRV/Clip_B157R001_18021316.mov_(444972528000_1642160520000_254270016000).wav" id="1" importerPrivateSettings="Compression:0:0;LargeFileSupport:0:0;SampleType:0:1;" mediaHandler="AmioWav" relativePath="Adobe Audition Audio Previews/AUD_NAB2018_Drop_03.PRV/Clip_B157R001_18021316.mov_(444972528000_1642160520000_254270016000).wav"/>
If you open Audition and select Help > Reveal Log Files, can you share the Audition Log.txt and Audition Log Last.txt files in there? We only store the previous two launch cycles, so if you've opened Audition more than once since this happened, they may not help, but it would be good to see them both immediately if this happened again. You can send them to
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Thank you for chiming in Durin. I'm having a great deal of trouble with Audition day to day. I'm losing a lot of time messing with it, trying to be patient with it.
Using SuiteSpots fixed session file, I relinked everything. When I opened one of the backups, everything was linked. So, I'm not sure if it was ok all the while, or if relinking fixed the backup as well.
Either way, the backup is here: Dropbox - 041118 Mix Customs_20180412T152756.042346.sesx
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I just tried to reproduce the issue by closing all the media assets before saving the session, but it retained all of the file links just fine. Hoping the log files shed some light on what's happening.
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So, I get the same error but I'm exporting my session instead of "saving." I started doing that back when I was upgraded to CS6. Never had a problem. I export the session the same way, saving copies of associated files to the same session directory. I have the imported, bounced, and conformed file folders within the exported session folder. Everything is there. The files the session is looking for are ALL there. But it's not pulling them out and placing them in the session....just giving me the blank rectangles.
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Not exactly sure what you are saying but how about emailing me the sesx session file so I can have a look at it
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Blah this just happened to me 4 hours later I paid for a service to get my files they deleted
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Hi! I think I might have the same problem... Could somebody help me? I made a seperate post about it here:
Thank you so much in advance!
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Have a look at the other post - this isn't necessarily related at all, because it appears to relate to crash recovery.
Generally, one post per query is sufficient, otherwise it makes it hard to keep track of replies, and you end up with a load of duplication.