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Imminent Forum Demise

Community Expert ,
Apr 03, 2009 Apr 03, 2009

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As you are no doubt aware:

>ANNOUNCEMENT: Forums will be unavailable for planned system maintenance starting at 3pm PST on April 3, 2009. New forums will be online on Monday April 6, 2009.

Will the last person to leave please turn out the lights?

And if you want to go somewhere to get your questions answered where you can also do useful things like post screenshots and files, etc then you are more than welcome at AudioMasters where we might get the odd blown fuse, but at least we can mend them...




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replies 155 Replies 155
Community Expert ,
Jan 04, 2010 Jan 04, 2010

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The only thing of note that appears to have changed recently is that cookies are non-expiring again. All of the other things that are SERIOUSLY ANNOYING about this forum software haven't changed in the slightest.

I mean, how damned difficult is it to provide an extra line in the link box so that you can give your link a sensible name instead of just leaving a string of html on the page? It's basic stuff like this that makes it as annoying as it is...




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Mar 12, 2010 Mar 12, 2010

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What a bunch of whiners!!!]]]

What in the world is the big problem around here?

I've asked numerous questions in threads that have been atleast partially answered and I had no trouble reading the responses, doesn't that pretty much cover the bases of what this forum was intended to do?

No wonder there's no bug fixes or updates to Audition with you people buggering them to such an extreme extent about something so menial as "forum software".

Does a chat forums really effect your life to such an extent?   You must have really dull jobs that you slack off from (and I feel for you) and just post on forums all day, but christ, seriously, get a life..

The forum was not intended to be your personal playground, it's simply for question-answering and problem-solving, not for threads with pages and pages of discussions on how the "forum software" can be perfected to suit your social needs, especially when this forum is NOT that highly populated to begin with!

Give it a rest and let Adobe work on the what's important, the actual SOFTWARE!! *GASP*

pERSONALLY, I kinda like the star at the top because it lets you know that perhaps that thread has some valuable information regarding that particular question before you even read it!   I don't know of any other forum that does this, so it's UNIQUE!!....SORT OF LIKE A "UNIQUE COPY" IN ADOBE AUDITION, BUT THEN, STEVE-O WOULDN'T KNOW ABOUT THAT;;* HAHAHAHAHA.




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Participant ,
Mar 12, 2010 Mar 12, 2010

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When the old forum was taken down and the new one put up a lot of old and useful information disappeared.  And the new forum would crash browsers an awful lot and sometimes it was even impossible to log in.  But if you actually read through the entire thread you get a better history on why this thread exists.  Many of the old complaints are no longer relevant though. Since the new forum has been up it has gone through some changes, most of which are bug fixes and the rest being the introduction of new bugs.  It's not really that bad anymore...




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Mar 12, 2010 Mar 12, 2010

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yea I agree that they should not have deleted the useful information and FAQ's from the forum, that was a terrible decision, unless it was inaccurate.

Perhaps the corporate honcho's didn't want useful information on prior versions because they're trying to sell the newest version, but it's just a click away at audio(forum)slaves so no real significant worries there either, I believe people were alerted to the fact that the information was not going to be on the new forum and thus where able to salvage it.




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Community Expert ,
Mar 13, 2010 Mar 13, 2010

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Ned43 wrote:

I believe people were alerted to the fact that the information was not going to be on the new forum and thus where able to salvage it.

You can believe what you like, but it wasn't like that at all.




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Mar 13, 2010 Mar 13, 2010

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OooOOookkk, did he or did he not, salvage the information and place it over at "audio(forum)slaves"?

Obviously someone was alerted because they decided to save it, which is probably a good idea when they're revamping the forums as it could get lost in the shuffle, amirite?




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Community Expert ,
Mar 13, 2010 Mar 13, 2010

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Ned43 wrote:

OooOOookkk, did he or did he not, salvage the information and place it over at "audio(forum)slaves"?

Since the place you've mentioned doesn't exist, then 'he' couldn't have. But the general answer to the question is that the decision to move the FAQ material was made by the two people who hold the majority (but not all) of the copyright of it, and it has all been revised during the transition. The demise of its previous home was merely the catalyst to move it; the main reason was that the person here who maintained it and wrote a lot of it was going to retire, and wanted a more secure* home for it.

Obviously someone was alerted because they decided to save it, which is probably a good idea when they're revamping the forums as it could get lost in the shuffle, amirite?

Still so 'obvious', is it? It would never have been lost, because the vast majority of it didn't originate here at all.

*Adobe corporate don't care one way or another about what gets kept on U2U forums at all. The developers, on the other hand, appreciate that efforts are made to archive material about both present and past versions of the software. And so do most users, when it comes down to it. So we kept it available, in just the same way that we've kept the original Syntrillium archive available.




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Mar 13, 2010 Mar 13, 2010

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(audiomasters) aka audio(forum)slaves no longer exists?

and if this wasn't the informations main home to begin with, why get your panties in a bunch about it?

Let the developers work on the product for christ sake who cares about if the forum nuances suit your taste.




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Community Expert ,
Mar 13, 2010 Mar 13, 2010

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Ned43 wrote:

(audiomasters) aka audio(forum)slaves no longer exists?

AudioMasters does - whatever you called it never has.

and if this wasn't the informations main home to begin with, why get your panties in a bunch about it?

Information has a home now? And nobody - except perhaps you - has got any part of their underwear rearranged at all. This was a simple strategic decision made to keep a load of useful information in the public domain without having to worry about it - what's the issue?

Let the developers work on the product for christ sake who cares about if the forum nuances suit your taste.

What the hell has it to do with the developers? They play virtually no part in the running of this, or any other, forum at all. Yes, they are appreciative of our efforts (which is more than can be said for some people, clearly) but that's as far as it goes. They have more interaction with the helpdesk than anything else, and that's only because it's in such a pisspoor state, but as far as the forums are concerned, nada.

You really don't seem to understand the first thing about how any of this works at all.




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Engaged ,
Mar 14, 2010 Mar 14, 2010

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Ned, I take it you haven't been around here very long.  Your condescending (and blasphemous!) attitude towards us "whiners" appears to take nothing factual into account.  This forum continues to use the most inconvenient and awkward forum software I have ever encountered anywhere.  As one who particularly has been a part of Audition-related forums for nearly a decade, the idea of online "community" is a valued and helpful part of my fully professional work using this software.  When the forum software is inefficient or inconvenient, and useful data is dumped because forum managers can't figure out a way to preserve it, the community, usefulness, and enjoyability suffers.  So the reason for my ongoing whining is because a previously superior online experience is presently sub-par.  Of course, you're welcome to disagree, but perhaps you could do so politely, if you know how to do that.




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Mar 14, 2010 Mar 14, 2010

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MC, I totally agree with all of your comment.

Whatever knowledge Ned has is more than counterbalanced with an attitude we can well do without,




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Advisor ,
Mar 14, 2010 Mar 14, 2010

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Another agreement with the views expressed by Music Conductor.

I'm glad I'm not the only reader of these forums to find Ned's attitude and language increasingly offensive.




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Mar 15, 2010 Mar 15, 2010

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the point is the information is still available on the www just a click away, so what is with all the whining and moaning around here?

People trying to get 20k views because they're on some revolutionary internet mission to effect change in the forum software?  gimme aahh brake buddy

Just be happy you have this forum, so you can pretend you're an expert.

Some other forums have all the socializing features but are easier for hackers to put viruses on, this one seems relatively safe because there's no advertising links in the middle of the text.




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Engaged ,
Mar 23, 2010 Mar 23, 2010

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Perhaps with all the obnoxious and condescending comments, we missed the fact that in Ned's first post (3/12/10) he actually made my point when he said:

...especially when this forum is NOT that highly populated to begin with!

All the newcomers about are not going to be aware of how busy and thought provoking the company forums have been in the past.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 05, 2010 Jun 05, 2010

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Not just a bounce...

MusicConductor wrote:

All the newcomers about are not going to be aware of how busy and thought provoking the company forums have been in the past.

Of course they won't. Adobe's policy isn't to keep any sort of historical record of forum activity at all; after a while it just falls off the bottom of the heap unless it's actively kept alive by artificial means....




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Engaged ,
Jun 08, 2010 Jun 08, 2010

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Word.  A delicious use of irony, sir.

This latest attempt to post resulted in several errors, including lengthy load delays and a complete reply-page failure (no box appeared to type in).  I should have taken pictures for us all to be amused by.  I must be a lightning rod for errors.

Another error NOT related to the forum software (or is it?) is my user profile.  Click on my name and find the listing of most recent posts.  You won't find this one, but a couple from a few years ago.




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Community Expert ,
Sep 10, 2010 Sep 10, 2010

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Of course what I should have mentioned is that for myself, I'm going to make sure that anything I cotribute that is considered to be even vaguely helpful doesn't just get left in posts on this site which will eventually disappear, but will get ported somehow to AudioMasters, probably into to the FAQs. And if anybody spots anything else that is FAQ-worthy, then all they have to do is let me know, and I'll try to find a way of preventing its eventual loss in the same way.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 18, 2011 Feb 18, 2011

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Well, in the latest round of rivetting forum developments, MusicConductor has completely lost his login, and recently the forum itself has been up and down like a whore's underwear - again. I've also had communication from Adobe staffers who are equally impressed with the forum software - but who, for reasons of wishing to remain fed, can't possibly comment here about it!




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People's Champ ,
Feb 18, 2011 Feb 18, 2011

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Probably better for MusicConductor's sanity to keep it that way.  After this topic, my display is offering me a collection of six month to a year old threads as the next most recent!  I assume a mod has deleted some recent spam from them or something--but it really sets the tone!




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Explorer ,
Feb 18, 2011 Feb 18, 2011

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Not evem spam finds its way here. And no news about betatesting AA4, I asked

for enrollment so that I could provide the bugreports I expect to send in

before the launch.

Kind regards

Peter Larsen




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Feb 18, 2011 Feb 18, 2011

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Yes, it appears that someone spammed some old posts, the spam was deleted (good), but the old posts still appear as the most recent.

Is it just me that gets random carriage returns, often in the middle of words, as I'm typing? It doesn't happen on other forums.




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Mentor ,
Feb 18, 2011 Feb 18, 2011

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I get that random carraige return about halfway through typing the f

irst line of a reply.

See above for an example




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Community Expert ,
Feb 18, 2011 Feb 18, 2011

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Suite Spot wrote:

I get that random carraige return about halfway through typing the f

irst line of a reply.

I've had this happen since they first introduced the 'upgraded' software that they think is suitable for running a forum. And underscore doesn't seem to work in the editor either, come to that...




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Feb 18, 2011 Feb 18, 2011

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Every time I reply




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Community Expert ,
Feb 25, 2011 Feb 25, 2011

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Another thing wrong with this software is that it doesn't trap and warn of attempts to reply to very old threads. Decent forum software puts up a warning in the form of a question when you try to reply to anything where the last response was more than three months ago... this forum has nothing, and you have to look pretty carefully to see when responses were - which easily catches people out.




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