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Make marker numbers pick up where you left off???

Community Beginner ,
May 06, 2021 May 06, 2021

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Got zero search results for this. I've posted before trying to figure out why something so simple is seemingly and incredibly frustratingly not possible.


I've just finished pressing the "M" button 965 times. That's stupid. I shouldn't have to do that. Nobody should. It's ridiculous.

I'm working on a project with over 2,000 clips that need to be marked and exported. It looked like I may have deleted a clip I needed. So I had to hit undo a few times. This removed a few of my markers. When I go to create the new marker, it doesn't pick up where I left off. Instead, it skips the previously used marker numbers.


The markers that were removed by doing the undo are gone. There does not seem to be a way to get them back. The new ones are skipping the old ones. If I close and re-open the app it starts over at 01. Now... I know I can change the default marker name. The problem with that is then I wind up with:


Nice markers, numbered 1-965 which correspond with the correct matching clips. If I go into the settings and 'force' the next marker to be 966 then I wind up with 966_01, 966_02, so on and so forth. And I shouldn't have to do math in my head so that when I'm on clip 1,576 the marker is actually number 966_468. It's confusing and stupid.


Firstly, why can't I get back the markers that were removed by the undo? I've learned that these markers are written in stone, and it's easier to move a dozen of them than to try and rename them, because once the number/name is used once it's impossible to get back.


So the only way to get marker 966 back was to close/reopen then press the "M" key 965 times, delete those markers, and then the next marker is 966. Something I should have been able to do simply with a right-click, or an edit function. It's a huge waste of time.


Is there some other audio editing application out there that's better suited for this? Audition is perfect, except for this HUGE GLARING problem. If you make a single mistake there's absolutely no simple way to fix it. And god forbid you need to have multiple versions of a single clip... there is absolutely no way to say 955_1, 955_2, and then 966. Instead, your alternate version of 965 is named 966 and now the rest of the project is off by 1. and then another 1 if I have multiple versions.


I just want to either be able to pick up where I left off (whatever the last marker number is, make the next marker be the next number), or tell Audition that the next marker should be a specific number (and KEEP GOING SEQUENTIALLY).


Any help is greatly appreciated. All my google searching brings up the same 2-3 tutorial videos and a couple posts with a guy explaining that being able to use marker numbers effectively is a function that nobody cares about.



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Community Beginner ,
May 06, 2021 May 06, 2021

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One fix that might work, and it's stupid and shouldn't even be something that I'm considering... but does anyone know if it's possible to make it so that when I hold down the M key it just keeps repeating so at least I won't have to press the key 1000+ times?





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Community Expert ,
May 06, 2021 May 06, 2021

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Two things:

  1. The number sequence is very simple - the cue number itself doesn't mean anything, and cues are just added sequentially to a list, wherever you choose to put them on the timeline. There is no correlation between time and cue numbering.
  2. The tool you need for manipulating cues has been around for longer than Audition has (it started with Cool Edit) and is freely available - makes everything to do with cues much easier to handle - it's called CueListTool and ultimately lets you, if you need to, export your entire cue list to a spreadsheet.






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Community Beginner ,
May 06, 2021 May 06, 2021

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The issue on #1 isn't a problem with the time. It's specifically about the actual number. If I undo a marker and then edit a clip, I can't get that marker number back. And it throws the rest of the numbers off. Now I have to either manually rename every single marker or I'll wind up having to manually edit the files themselves. This doubles or triples how long a project should take.


With regard to the spreadsheet I'm not sure how that helps, since the actual filenames would still need to be manually renamed, and this doesn't take into account that using marker numbers that don't match the clip numbers throws me off and means that I could easily get lost trying to match up clips with the right marker number since I'm unable to have the markers pick up where I left off. I'm again reduced to either manually renaming the markers (doubling the amount of editing time) or dealing with it after the fact.





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Community Expert ,
May 06, 2021 May 06, 2021

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Well, I'm afraid that there are no more options. And the spreadsheet makes it relatively easy to copy, move or edit fields - you just need to be able to keep track of what you are doing.





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Feb 12, 2024 Feb 12, 2024

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Yes, this is a stunning ovesight from Abobe, even moreso that they haven't thought to fix this since the OP.

I'm in the same position & I also have 1000s of regions to rename (from a spreadsheet in numerical order). It should be a very simple bit of coding to drop into Audition. Markers are already sequenced numerically; all we need is to be able to tell it to start on another number besides "1" (or "_01", particularly - that leading space is also an incomprehensible nuisance!).

Other audio software does this.





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