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I've been doing sound editing of a film project on Audition with multitracks with video reference. Now, I want to export everything as a video file with audio, but for whatever reason, the "Export with Adobe Media Encoder" option in the Export drop menu is greyed-out (but funnily enough, the "Export to Adobe Premiere Pro" is not).
Does someone has a clue as to how to "ungrey" it, so that I can export my video and audio tracks together with Encoder?
Note: The project was created from scratch in Adobe Audition, it's not coming from Premiere Pro through Dynamic Link.
1 Correct answer
You need to make sure that all your versions are up to date and of the same vintage. If they are it may be that the order in which you installed them caused Audition to miss finding ME. You may have to re-install it to get Audition to recognise that it is there.
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You need to make sure that all your versions are up to date and of the same vintage. If they are it may be that the order in which you installed them caused Audition to miss finding ME. You may have to re-install it to get Audition to recognise that it is there.
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thanks ryclark. Just to clarify, when you say "You may have to re-install it to get Audition to recognise that it is there", do you mean to install Audition again, or ME, or both? I have recently updated Media Encoder, Audition and Premiere Pro. Premiere Pro exports to ME just fine, but Audition greys out the options to export to ME and Prem Pro.
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ryclark's not around presently, but generally these days it's safe to assume that if the app says everything is up to date, it is. But if in any doubt, reinstall both - in this instance with ME first, just in case Audition is looking for it as it installs.
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wait what?? We are using cloud applications, bundled together, sold at a premium and our best responses are Reinstall it or clear preferences every time it breaks?
I used audition, moved the audio to premiere and now it wont export. Clearly a linking issue or the inability to completely restart adobe products.
ADOBE HEYYYY!!!! Any chance you can not make your users the but of your sick reset/install jokes and fix these things? your site is littered with them. Just a button ..Kill all adobe process, restart all adobe process? I mean working hours on a project and then the final button prevents your finishing is INSANELY frustrating.
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I'm so sick of these updates wrecking my projects. No wonder everyone is going back to FCP
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ryclarks answer isnt correct. Its actually a bunch of horse#$%^ that Adobe feeds us when they dont know how to fix their own programs! You can keep everything updated to the tee all the time and it will still do this. Its just another in a long line of bugs that Adobe refuses to acknowledge so it will never be fixed. Add it to the list tbh.
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It's the stupidest thing in the world, but if you want to export to media encoder you need to have the 'program' panel in focus. In layman speak that means your preview window (where you can watch the video and you can choose full, 1/2, 1/4 resoltuion etc) has been clicked on and has a blue line around it.
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This worked for me. Thank you!
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