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Renumbering markers in Audition

New Here ,
Nov 22, 2019 Nov 22, 2019

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I have been adding markers to a recording in Audition. The numbering has to correspond to a numbered pic. So, I've had Audition number them Slide 1, Slide 2, Slide 3... and so on. I had to stop working. So, I closed down the app and shut off my iMac. When I restarted both and wanted to continue adding markers, the silly app restarted numbering at 1. I need these slides numbered in order for adding the slides in Premiere.  


I have a disability that makes hand motion problematic. I have about 150 more markers to add. If I have to renumber (rename) each marker as I add it, I'll shoot myself (except I can't pull a trigger...)


Perhaps someone can help me figure out how to get the app to begin renumbering at a set number?  If one cannot renumber markers, perhaps this could be a feature in the next version or update? 


I'd hate to have to leave my computer on until I finish working on a recording. It would use up so much energy and would not be good for the environment or my computer. Help?

Feature request , How to




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Community Expert ,
Nov 22, 2019 Nov 22, 2019

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Your problems here are a) that Audition's marker numbering isn't particularly helpful, and b) that you're using a Mac. That said, if you'd saved your work with appropriate checks in Preferences>Markers and Metadata:

Markers and metadata 2.JPG

And if you've made sure that there's a check in the metadata box at the bottom of the Save dialog, they should have been retained anyway.


Now, the reason that Macs aren't particularly helpful  is that natively, they won't run CueListTool. I believe though that if you have CrossOver Mac on your system, you might be able to. If you can, then this gives you an amazing amount of flexibility in terms of rearranging cues. One of the things it enables you to do is export the data to a spreadsheet - at which point you have all the flexibility you could imagine - and it's easy to export back again.




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New Here ,
Oct 09, 2021 Oct 09, 2021

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A CSV file is a simple text file. For example you renumber is with Visual Studio 2019 (freeware) in just 20-30 lines of code.

Or, you can do it by hand in 15 minutes in a text editor (like Notepad++) if you have only about 300 markers to reorganize. The advantage of Notepad++ for this particular task, is that you can easily batch-process chunks and columns of text (many other editors do that of course).




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Community Expert ,
Oct 09, 2021 Oct 09, 2021

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Could you tell me how, using only Notepad (or any other plain text editor) you can append the cue file back to the waveform file it's come from?




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 08, 2024 Jan 08, 2024

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Hi, thanks for your advice however, is  there a video tutorial on how to do that with Notepad ++? 




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