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Schoeps mid side plugin

New Here ,
Dec 04, 2020 Dec 04, 2020

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I am trying to use the Schoeps Double MS plugin with Adobe Audition 2020.  I am able to use the plugin and it seems to be splitting the audio the way it was intended.

1. Set channels 1, 2 and 3 to front, center and rear mics respectively.

2. Add the plugin to the effects rack

3. The plugin opens and seems to split the channels properly, everything sounds like I expect it to through my system (Focusrite Clarett 8PreX thunderbolt device with Yamaha HS8 Monitors, one per channel, Windows 10, Razer 17 inch laptop with thunderbolt connection and Adobe Audition CC 2020).  I can hear the surround mix and use the plugin to change the stereo image without issue.


The problem I am having is how to export this to a new multi track session?  Applying the plugin doesn't seem to stick the stereo configuration as expected.


Any help would be appreciated.


Kind Regards,



Export , How to , User interface or workspaces






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Community Expert ,
Dec 04, 2020 Dec 04, 2020

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Not familiar with that particular plugin, but the general answer to routing issues is to click on that funny little symbol next to the i at the top RH corner of the plugin - that gives you access to the channel map editor; you can route what goes where with that. It's slightly annoying, as it won't remember what you've set it to - under any circumstances!


Usually with any multichannel source that processes and returns fewer channels  than it is sent (like any B-format processing) you end up having to extract what you want from the result by muting the irrelevant outputs and using Copy to New. You may well find though that just setting the output to the format you want is sufficient, but you have to bear in mind that, as I've mentioned, the return signal won't alter the file configuration. So if you start with a four-channel file, then whatever you do with the processing, you'll still end up with a 4-channel file. But by setting the routing the way you want it, you should end up with just two channels with your signal in. I don't know what specifically you are trying to achieve, but whatever output you desire, those are the limitations.





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New Here ,
Dec 04, 2020 Dec 04, 2020

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Thank you for your reply.  The plugin takes three inputs (right, center and left) and creates five outputs (front right, center, front left, right surround and left surround).  I can do the process manually, creating the left front with the center and the left side of the figure 8 mic, the right front with the center and the right side of the figure 8, using the front facing mic as the center and the same process with the left and right rear channels.  The plugin splits the center and the side channels, flips the phase and basically separates everything for me, well, in theory.  It may be a limitation with the plugin and adobe as well.  The channel mapping in the plugin, will only show the "default" as stereo in and stereo out.  It will attempt to allow me to create the custom mix I want, but then gives me an error when I try and save it that it isn't supported and the default is displayed.  I will keep fiddling with it.  It shows it's splitting everything in the meters for each channel, but it is in fact only playing through the front speakers, as when I disable the front and center output in the plugin ui, you cannot hear the rear channels in the rear speakers.  Thanks again for the help.





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Community Expert ,
Dec 05, 2020 Dec 05, 2020

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If I've understood this correctly, you've run into the problem I outlined above about the number of channels you can return signals to. If you start with three inputs, you're never going to be allowed to return a greater number of outputs - simply because the plugin can't alter the 'dimensions', if you like, of the container.


The answer to this may well be to start with a larger container in the first place. So if you want five channels back, then create a five or six (if it's 5.1) channel container to start with, and copy your input signals to the first three. You should then (I would hope) be able to allocate the the greater number of output signals using the channel mapping. Give it a try, and see whether it works...





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New Here ,
Sep 22, 2024 Sep 22, 2024

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Fast forward a few years, how have your experiences been with the Schoeps plugin in Audition? Did the advice help you? I ask this because I want to start using the vst3 Schoeps plugin in Audition this week. Do you have any tips or experiences that can help me? There is very little online about the plugin and even less about the combination with Audition. For my video editing workflow, this combination seems useful.





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