Stereo Channel Disabled from Premiere Pro Export
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I exported a PP Multicam timeline to Audition for editing and mixing there. Allot of tracks came across, some stereo, some mono. Some of the clips in the mono tracks are stereo with one or the other channel disabled. The disabled channel cannot be Enabled. Why? And how do I defeat this?
I have tried moving one of the clips to a stereo track; but nothing I have tried or have looked at seems to be of any avail. In the Edit view, I can see the other track's waveform and data. I just can't Enable it?
Premiere Pro CC (12.0...)
Audition CC (11.0...)
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Can you see the little 'R' in a square at the RH edge of the lower waveform? Currently it's grey, unlike the blue one above. Try clicking on it...
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Yes Sir; first thing I tried.
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What does it say in Edit>Enable Channels? Can you enable it there?
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Also, if you right-click on the square button, can you change it to any of the other designations?
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No. Everything is disabled. But the same is true if I disable the other channel, which is active.
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I did find that, and tried it; but nothing there either?
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In Properties (Alt+3) what does it say about the file? I'm not sure if you can disable a channel there - the whole thing sounds a bit weird.
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Here are two screen shots. One of the applicable Properties in Edit view, and one of the applicable Properties in Multi view for the same clip.
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The two screen shots are not appears for me.
Can you be a little more explicit on how you created this? Can you post a screen shot of how you created the Multicam sequence?
And, did you perform "Edit>Edit in Audition>Sequence..." to get the project From Premiere to Audition?
I tried this but was unable to replicate, but there are many, many options and I need more details.
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Matt_Stegner wrote
The two screen shots are not appears for me.
Don't appear here either. And neither can I replicate it!
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Thank you, Matt, for your concern and help.
Here’s something I mis-spoke and neglected to think about. Maybe there is some incompatibility?
I had output this on a different computer—the editor’s—and brought it into mine. He is on OS 10.11… and doesn’t have Audition on his machine.
I take it from your statements that I should be able to Enable the other track under normal circumstances?
Also, I noticed when saving, there seemed to be an issue with permissions; but after correcting that it still acted the same?
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"I take it from your statements that I should be able to Enable the other track under normal circumstances?"
Yes. In the Audition Editor (the screenshot posted above) you can enable and disable individual audio channels via the buttons to the right of the channel ruler. In this case it would be the little button with the "R" on it in the vertical ruler area. The "R" stands for right, or right channel.
The fact that you cannot enable that channel means something is broken. You can also try the corresponding menu command: "Edit>Enable Channels>R:Right..." and see if that enables it.
If at all possible the Audition team would like to investigate this file and the project. If you could post it to a dropbox location or email it to (attention Matt). What we need is the Premiere pro project file that created this, and if possible the broken wave file. I do not need media files (if you are worried about passing along customer files).
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I can do that when I get back in. By the way, I had output several different timelines from Premier Pro, I’m working on the second one now and it is the same way. It would really be helpful to be able to access and assign the channels to different sides or make the clip stereo, and it is proving very difficult and time consuming to work around.
Thanks for your interest. What do you need? The whole output folder?
Sent from my iPhone – Stuart Scott
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Just the Premiere project and Audition session to start.
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I am also experiencing this same problem, version I pulled an adobe premiere project into audition and was working on the final audio for the film when I cam across several files that when converted from Mono to Stereo gave me the same problem. has there been any additional information on this issue to date?
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paulnf36 wrote
I am also experiencing this same problem, version
Have you tried with the current version of Audition CC 2019 build which is newer than the version that you are still running.
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I too am having a similar problem. A client disabled some audio tracks in a premiere project, then exported the project to Audition so that I could edit the sound for him. Tracks that are disabled in Premiere cannot be re-enabled in Audition (at least in my situation, when handing off a project to someone on a different computer). I would love to have a solution to this as well.
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"A client disabled some audio tracks in a premiere project". How were the tracks disabled?
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In Premiere, highlight the audio clip(s) you don't want to hear, right-click and select "disable." The problem is, if you then send that project to Audition, those tracks have no audio in them, even when unmuted. If there's another way to quickly "mute/unmute" individual clips in premiere (so that it comes across in Audition), I'd love to see it.
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A bug was created for this.