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Good morning All,
In Adobe Bridge preferences I have Preserved File Name checked so I can keep track of the original image if I rename it. The issue is that sometimes the Preserved File Name appears in the Metadata Panel and sometimes it doesn't and I don't understand why that would happen.
Has anyone had that happen and, if so, do you know how to make sure the information always appears in the Metadata Panel.
Thanks for the help and stay well.
1 Correct answer
If you are talking about Metadata, you'll only see Preserved Filename if there is one saved in the file. Otherwise it will be blank.
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If you are talking about Metadata, you'll only see Preserved Filename if there is one saved in the file. Otherwise it will be blank.
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This isn't a correct answer, it's not even answering the question.
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This isn't a correct answer, it's not even answering the question.
By NemoRoman
How so?
I agree with @Lumigraphics – the "Preserved Filename" metadata entry will only be visible if it is contained in the file metadata.
Preferences can show or hide the field in the interface, but the content of the field is dependent on the file metadata existing.
The "Preserved Filename" metadata needs to be included in the file when using Batch Rename, or via a Bridge script or other software such as ExifTool.
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I'm having the exact same problem and it doesn't happen in the 2019 version of Bridge. So let me see if I can point out what's being missed.
A) "I have Preserved File Name checked so I can keep track of the original image if I rename it." Isn't this how you save the original file name to the metadata? And doesn't it address "The 'Preserved Filename' metadata needs to be included in the file when using Batch Rename"? .
B) The answer also ignores, "The issue is that sometimes the Preserved File Name appears in the Metadata Panel and sometimes it doesn't". If this were a preferences setting then wouldn't it be consistent?
C) In addition to what ScottishHorseLady asked, I'll add that this only seems to happen with MP4 files, and with more recent versions of Bridge.
D) If A and B are true, then the question wasn't answered.
What am I missing?
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I'm having the exact same problem and it doesn't happen in the 2019 version of Bridge. So let me see if I can point out what's being missed.
A) "I have Preserved File Name checked so I can keep track of the original image if I rename it." Isn't this how you save the original file name to the metadata? And doesn't it address "The 'Preserved Filename' metadata needs to be included in the file when using Batch Rename"? .
B) The answer also ignores, "The issue is that sometimes the Preserved File Name appears in the Metadata Panel and sometimes it doesn't". If this were a preferences setting then wouldn't it be consistent?
C) In addition to what ScottishHorseLady asked, I'll add that this only seems to happen with MP4 files, and with more recent versions of Bridge.
D) If A and B are true, then the question wasn't answered.
What am I missing?
By NemoRoman
The original post from @ScottishHorseLady was on Aug 10, 2020. @Lumigraphics replied on Aug 11, 2020. The post did answer the issue, the metadata is either in the file or not. The preference setting doesn't control the inclusion or exclusion of metadata in a file, only that the field is visible in the interface. EDIT: Perhaps partially answered is a better description.
At the risk of repeating myself: Preferences can show or hide the field in the interface, but the content of the field is dependent on the file metadata existing.
A) The preserved filename metadata can only be written if the file format accepts this metadata entry. Metadata inclusion isn't universal, different file formats may or may not offer preserved filename or many other possible metadata entries.
B) The preference setting is to display the field. The field can only display the metadata if it is in the file. The metadata can only be written to the file if the file format supports this metadata.
C) That the file is an MP4 file is important information. Generally speaking, video formats are severly limited in metadata support compared to image formats. A MOV file may offer better (limited) metadata support than other video file formats.
D) False
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Thank you!
"D)" would not appear to be "False" since those answers were not provided in the intial answer and the preferences setting is irrelevant to the problem described in the original question (if it were a preference setting wouldn't the problem be consistent?).
In addition, the fact that this DOES NOT happen in 2019 Bridge (see attachment) was not addressed in your answer and suggests there is a problem with the current version of Bridge—or Adobe has removed it.
I'd also like to add that Bridge has been a valuabe tool for keeping video storage organized, it's unfortuante that video's importance seems to be minimized by Adobe.
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Your problem is not the same as the original OP and thus may not have the same answer or solution. My original response was 100% correct.
So you DON'T have the "exact same problem" and thus your entire post is misleading. But even then, my reply STILL applies.
And i just tested with the Bridge 15 beta, and guess what? Preserved filename is displayed for an MP4 file that I just batch renamed. Its in the xmpMM namespace and shown in File Properties, between Filename and Document Type. This metadata also shows up with EXIFTool as expected.
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Nope, I'm having the EXACT same problem as the orginal post.
Your original response explaining that it has to be saved—which I'm doing, as was the original poster—did not seem to address the problem expressed, that, or isn't worded in a way that makes sense to still doesn't.
You seem angry—my apologies if I've ruflled your feathers, it wasn't my inetent. I do appreciate your efforts. We're not all experts like you, sometimes you need to dumb things down a little and put your self in the shoes of the people you're trying to help instead of assuming we're as smart and savvy as you are.
While it's good to know Bridge 15 Beta works, I doesn't seem to be available in my Creative Cloud app, and still doesn't address the fact that 2019 works when 2024 does not...that seems to point to a problem with 2024.
Thanks again for your time!
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OK, based on your reply, I have gone back and tested in earlier versions than Bridge 2024:
For .mov, .mp4 and .m4v extensions my results are:
Bridge 2019: Preserved Filename Metadata and Supports XMP are written/shown for .mov, .mp4 and .m4v files.
Bridge 2021: Preserved Filename isn't written. Supports XMP metadata is shown for all.
Bridge 2022: Preserved Filename isn't written. Supports XMP metadata is shown for all.
Bridge 2023: Preserved Filename isn't written. Supports XMP is only shown for .mov.
Bridge 2024: Preserved Filename isn't written. Supports XMP metadata is shown for all.
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Mac or Windows? I tried 2022 and 2025 beta on Mac and both correctly batch renamed an mp4, and the preserved file name was displayed by both.
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Intel Mac.
I shouldn't be surprised with the inconsistency between versions.
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I'm on a Mac...I don't see an update to 2025 on the Creative Cloud app, so I'm still on 2024.
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2025 beta as stated. I'm testing that and porting my suite of scripts to see if I can use it in production. So far, its still mostly garbage. Bridge 2022 merited maybe a C- but the releases since have been unusable.
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Thanks, Stephen!
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I don't know where that setting is in the app preferences panel, but I always check that option when batch renaming and it appears to work inconsistently.
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Note that although MOV supports XMP metadata, it doesn't accept the preserved filename entry:
MP4 doesn't support XMP metadata:
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I have made a request for the following helpX page to be updated with a qualifier that the preserved filename metadata is dependent on the file format.