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premette che uso questo prodotto da molto tempo quindi che che descriverò lo rilevo dall'ultima versione installata: Primo problema da quando è stato aggiornanto all'ultima versione non viene piu lanciato in automatico da Windows ( autoplay che permette l'avvio automatico di Br ho controllato che sia configurato correttamente) infatti prima dell aggiornamento funzionava perfettamente. Secondo problema sempre inerente a Br ogni volta che lo devo avviare manualmente si comporta come se fosse il primo avvio non si ricorda le opzioni che indicato ( pannello avanzato, directory di lavoro, copyrights etc) anche questo prima dell aggiornamento funzionava. . Ho provato a disinstalalre ed reinstallare ma senza successo. Potreste cortesemente aiutarmi? Grazie Roberto
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Not sure what OS you are on, but my first suggestion is NEVER have a app automaticly get launched by your OS.
If that app gets hosed for any reason you will not be able to bootup your system.
I will make a exception for a virus software program.
Next ................ have you set up your workspace and saved it?
Bridge should open up to that last used directory.
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The operating system in use is W10 at the latest build.
I checked with a specific Microsoft tool to verify any type of virus / malware (I performed a deep check)
on all files and on all disks and there are no infected and / or corrupted files.
Bridge I have been using it for many years and I always had the possibility to launch it as soon as
I inserted the memory reader of the card (and it also happened with the version before this one) through
the W10 menu called "auto play" where the item " memory card "and the action to be performed (Br 2020).
And finally no, Br every time it restarts with its specific configurations ... without my info
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Hello Sirs,
any news about that problem?
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Now I understand.
I checked on my windows 10 system and with card reader selected in "auto play" it does launch Bridge 2020 with no issues.
May I suggest two things.
Try resetting your Bridge preferences on start-up.
If that does not help, delete Bridge 2020 reboot your machine, and reinstall the application.
I have a feeeling the update did not register Bridge settings correctly in windows.
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Ok I will try and check
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I've been trying but nothing happens...
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With the autoplay problem I solved and it was a Windows
problem inside a registry that inexplicably deletes it.
The problem remains that Br is started but always in standard mode
and does not remember the set ups I entered (copyrights path of the directories) and more
Can help me about that?