Blue panel frame in new Bridge prevents changing color settings.
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I am finding another bug in the new Bridge version, I went to change the color settings for a project and the blue framing box doesn't allow me to highlight the specific setting to change. Does anyone know how to turn off the blue box that surrounds all of the panels?
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Currently, you cannot change the color, thickness, or anything. In the future, you will probably have control over its appearance — but not now.
The purpose is to let you know which is the active Content Panel. This is important because you can have multiple Content Panels. Go ahead and add two or three, and then you'll see the necessity of some kind of visual band.
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just not that blue 🙂
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So Adobe could make it an option.
Not everyone needs to have visible which panel is active.
Those blue outlines are really awful.
Also I tried to add more Content panels and can't see anything that should help. All Content panels are still in the same one blue outline.
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Hi, if you select a file in one tab, does the other content panels keep their highlight?
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Yeah , I was wondering too,
it looks like cheap Sony / Windows = horrible graphics !
Hope they will do away with it soon !!!
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This is just to add my voice of discontent with the blue frames around the panels and thumbnails. Very disruptive, visually speaking
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Please turn off the blue highlight. Very disruptive to my workflow
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This blue frame is really annoying, I can't understand why they would do such a thing. It distracts me while working. Needs to be replaced first.
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I agree! Adobe please update so that we have the option to turn off the cyan outline that indicates the active content panel. It is very disruptive to a workflow that is color intensive. Thank you!
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I hate updating these programs for annoying reasons such as this. TOTALLY distracting!