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Since a few weeks my Bridge is super slow when I'm trying to sort out the photo's I've taken. Normally I delete like 200 photo's in preview mode and after exiting the preview it took like 5 seconds to have all the photos deleted. Now it takes up to 10 seconds per photo to be deleted, which is very annoying and it makes it unusable.
I've seen some of the other posts of people having the same kind of problem and tried to clear up space (I deleted about 100GB on cache files), reinstall both Bridge, PS and Camera RAW, tried to use older versions, I've also tried to restart and update my computer and also did a reset on Bridge and PS but literally nothing seems to work... I really hope someone can help me with this problem
Here are some specifications; Macbook Pro '15 2018. macOS Monterey 12.4 | 2,6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 | 16 GB 2400 MHz DDR4. 500GB flash memory, using a Lacie Rugged 2TB hard drive when working with Bridge. The older versions of Bridge was 11.0, newest is 12.0.2. PS older version was 22.0, newest is 23.4.1. Camera RAW was 11.4.1
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I'm having the same issue. Stupid slow when deleting.
Version 12.02.252
Macbook Pro 2021 M1 Max, 32GB ram.
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Even worse, when it crashes, the deleted files are no longer deleted. They're back and you have to do the whole culling process again! One workaround is to label the files instead of deleting them during the cull. At the end, select all of those you rated as 'delete' and delete them at once. You shouldn't have to do that, but it is better than trying to cull them multiple times.
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Yup! Exactly that! But this is the best answer I have seen so far.. And yes, it shouldnt have to be like this but it's a good resolution for it, thanks a lot!
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Yes and it's actually a little faster too. You turn off the option that requires you to use the Ctrl key with the number pad and then it's just the initial spacebar, then the arrow keys and number pad to either reject an image or other numbers to mark the star shots. Woreks for me, but I'm right-handed. Might be awkward for lefties...