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Bridge 2022 will not delete images from camera

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Nov 02, 2021 Nov 02, 2021

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Adobe Bridge 2022 just arrived recently, however, after a few days, Bridge is refusing to delete images from the camera, at least the photo downloader doesn't.  It downloads the images, starts to delete images and then complains the Device is not connected or busy.  There was never any problem with Bridge 2021 and it's not the camera.  I've already tried the install/reinstall twice.  Anyone know of this problem or how to fix it? Or how I can get Bridge 2021 back?

Bug , Problem or error






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New Here ,
Nov 02, 2021 Nov 02, 2021

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Forgot to mention that this is under Windows  10 (up to date).





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Community Expert ,
Nov 02, 2021 Nov 02, 2021

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Hi Didymus7,


To me the crime is that they offer the option to delete the images on the card after ingestion.


Let me explain: Let's say you were out with your camera and alians landed in front of you. You took photos of the ship, of the alians climbing down from the ship, you took video of them walking around, figuring that there was nothing more to be seen and they get back on their ship and fly away. You've got it all on your camera!


You go home, download the image onto your hard drive and the card is emptied. Then, just as you pick up the phone to call the media, an electric bust crashes your computer and the hard drive. All the images you just took are gone. Sure, you could go buy an image recovery program from cards but they are mixed results. 


Now consider this scenario: same start all the way though the ingestion of the image but you did not have that option selected. Yes, your computer is fried but you can now take the card to any other computer, download the images from the card, back it up on an external 2nd drive, and now you can call the media and your images and movies will make you millions.


But there's also a 2nd reason: who's to say that the reforming done by your computer will be understood by your camera? It's happened. And then you can't access the card any more because your camera can't even see the card to try to reformat the card. Yeah, it's happened.


When I'm traveling, I place up the images onto my wife's laptop, back up the images on an external drive, work on the images in LRC, then back up the LRC catalog and images onto an external drive, AND THEN I reformat the card to use the next day.


I hope that gives you some food for thought, enjoy.





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New Here ,
Apr 30, 2022 Apr 30, 2022

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please Stick to the subject...

is this an update error or is there a way to "check a box"?






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New Here ,
Apr 30, 2022 Apr 30, 2022

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Actually, after several HOURS of working with Adobe support.  I found that they had removed support for my camera from Bridge.  So finally I got them to send me Bridge 2021.  However, forever more I am unable to update Bridge.





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New Here ,
Jul 09, 2022 Jul 09, 2022

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I have had the same problem.  After quite a bit of experimenting, I have come to the conclusion that the app itself is keeping the device "busy" by reading all of the image files in order to build thumbnails to display.  (In my case, my "device" is an iPhone 11 Pro.)


The thumbnails are only displayed in the "advanced dialog."  Here are the workarounds I have identified:


  1. If using the advanced dialog, scroll down to the bottom of the list of files and wait for the thumbnail of the last image to show up.  (This can take a long time if you have a lot of images).  Once all of the thumbnails have been populated, proceed with the download/delete operation.
  2. Use the standard dialog.  Unfortunately, with this dialog you are forced to download/delete all available images.
  3.  Regardless of which dialog you are using, note that as soon as you select a device under "Get Photos From:", a small "Searching Media" dialog will open up.  It will display an incrementing count as it finds image files.  If you click "stop" as soon as you seen the count begin to increment, you should be able to stop the search process before it has identified more than 100 or so files.  This will limit the number of files downloaded via the standard dialog, or limit the number displayed (and thus the number of thumbnails that need to be updated) in the advanced dialog.


None of these workarounds are perfect, but at least it helps.





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