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Bridge 2024 bad scrolling & text handling

Explorer ,
Sep 14, 2023 Sep 14, 2023

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I’ve been comparing the new Bridge 14.0 to 12.0.4 and like version 13, it still isn’t in a usable state for getting work done.


•Folder Panel: The new smooth scrolling for the folders panel is awesome, except it’s around twice as slow as the system scrolling speed so it’s time consuming scrolling a lot of folders.


•Content Panel: Similar to v12 the archaic stepped scrolling for the content panel is around 2-4x faster than the system speed.


•Content Panel: For v14 file names in the content panel now get truncated to the point of uselessness. If the file name doesn’t fit in the tile space then you’re left with only the first character of the name. In v12 it would truncate the middle of the text so you could still see the most important parts of the file name.


•Preview Panel: For v14 the file names in the preview panel get truncated near the beginning instead of in the middle like v12 potentially hiding important text.


•Preview Panel: Similar to v12 the file name gets truncated even when there is ample space to display the whole text.


•Preview Panel: Similar to v12 the file name text appears to be rendered at the wrong resolution in the app, resulting in pixelated/garbled text that can sometimes be impossible to read.

Bug , Performance






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