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Bridge crashes opening just ONE particular folder

Community Beginner ,
Dec 08, 2024 Dec 08, 2024

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Running Bridge (15.something.something) on a new laptop with fresh installs and I find that Bridge crashes everytime I attempt to open a particular folder of vectors on my local drive. Folder is called "vectors" and contains 10,405 vectors (5.47gB) all within 20 individual folders.


I uninstalled 15 and reinstalled 14 with the same error. I reset preferences—even though I haven't been on Bridge long enough to have preferences—and cleared the cache for the crashing folder. Any ideas? Running 15.1.1 on my Macbook Pro. It is just this one fold


Thank you!



Crash or freeze






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Dec 08, 2024 Dec 08, 2024

Hi, @James25541434ggaw, well, we are not talking about one folder; we're talking about 20+ folders with 10,405 vector images contained therein.


My question is, which of those folders or which of those images might be the cause of this?


The first thing I need to ask is what the name of that folder is. (I'm looking for a character in the name that might cause the crash. For example, a "/" in a name can cause lots of problems.) 


I have something to ask you to do to help narrow this down, and




Community Expert ,
Dec 08, 2024 Dec 08, 2024

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Hi, @James25541434ggaw, well, we are not talking about one folder; we're talking about 20+ folders with 10,405 vector images contained therein.


My question is, which of those folders or which of those images might be the cause of this?


The first thing I need to ask is what the name of that folder is. (I'm looking for a character in the name that might cause the crash. For example, a "/" in a name can cause lots of problems.) 


I have something to ask you to do to help narrow this down, and yes, it will be tedious:


1) On your computer, create two empty folders. Call them A and B (or whatever else you want, it's not critical)


2) put half of the vector folders (10), into one and the rest into the other.


3) Does either one crash or both or neither?


4) If one crashes and the other does not, repeat steps one through three until you find the errant folder or image causing the problem.


Let me know what you find.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 08, 2024 Dec 08, 2024

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Hey Gary,

Thank for your questions and suggestion. The process took less than two minutes to solve thanks to your guidance! Very appreciative. I found the folder causing the issue: "0-SHAPES SET by lettering.iam" 

Chnaged the folder name to "0-SHAPES SET by letteringiam" and Bridge just breezes through the folders now! Funny, this folder didn't cause any issues on my old laptop. Either way, I know to lookout for such characters now.

Brilliant solution, thank you again!





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Community Expert ,
Dec 08, 2024 Dec 08, 2024

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I'd love to take credit for this approach, but it came from working with Macs back in the '80s.


Back then, all "sub-applications" that are now full applications that work within the Finder (DropBox, ACC, Default Folder, etc.) used to be under the category "Desk Accessories." They didn't always play together that well. To find out which one was the cause of crashing or other destructive events, you had to manually pull out half of them, restart, test for the problem, and, well, pretty much the same process I put you through. One company made an application that organized this so that you didn't have to remember which ones you pulled and which you didn't. (Sometimes, you could fix the problem by reordering which DAs loaded in what order.)


Anyhow, if you could be so kind as to click my answer above as "Correct Answer," that might help someone else with the same issue and is looking for help.







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