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Constant Bridge Issues and Crashing with Camera Raw (Updates Seem to be trigger)

New Here ,
Dec 05, 2021 Dec 05, 2021

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For the last month with a lot of Photoshop and Camera Raw updates coming out everytime a new one comes out it causes issues in my Bridge workflow.
It has happened 5 times in the last 2 months where I open Bridge to find I cannot now close the program without it crashing and needing a force quit.
I also can't access Camera Raw setting within Bridge without another freeze and crash.
Also same issue if wanting to opening a raw file with Camera Raw within bridge, it freezes then crashes.

This has been happening on and off for the last 2 months with all the new updates. It bugs out for a day or 2 at a time resulting in massive downtime processing images for wedding photography also lots of wasted time trying to disable GPU acceleration or reset setting trying to find a solution to the issue.

If anyone has experienced the same issues lately and has found a workaround please let me know.
Thanks again!

Error Report:

Date/Time: 2021-12-06 11:03:37.385 +1100
End time: 2021-12-06 11:03:50.315 +1100
OS Version: macOS 12.0.1 (Build 21A559)
Architecture: x86_64h
Report Version: 35
Incident Identifier: 1BD41CE5-20E3-4C61-936B-173A8A6E48B8

Data Source: Stackshots
Shared Cache: 3D05845F-3F65-358F-9EBF-2236E772AC01 slid base address 0x7ff80364f000, slide 0x364f000
Shared Cache: A04FC7DB-CA21-3870-A1CD-EC6E725BB3F9 slid base address 0x7ff832dd5000, slide 0x32dd5000

Command: Adobe Bridge 2022
Path: /Applications/Adobe Bridge 2022/Adobe Bridge 2022.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Bridge 2022
Identifier: com.adobe.bridge12
Version: (
Team ID: JQ525L2MZD
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
PID: 1024
Time Since Fork: 131s

Event: hang
Duration: 12.93s
Duration Sampled: 2.60s (process was unresponsive for 10 seconds before sampling)
Steps: 26 (100ms sampling interval)

Hardware model: iMac19,1
Active cpus: 6
HW page size: 4096
VM page size: 4096

Bug , Camera RAW , Crash or freeze , Problem or error




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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 06, 2021 Dec 06, 2021

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Hi there,


We're sorry about the trouble. Would you mind sharing the exact version of Bridge and Camera Raw you're using? Please take a look at the article and see if this helps with the Bridge freezing issues: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/bridge/kb/troubleshoot-errors-freezes-bridge.html


For Camera Raw issues, please check this article, scroll down at the bottom and try the suggested steps and let us know if that helps: https://helpx.adobe.com/camera-raw/using/camera-raw-settings.html#ResetCameraRawpreferences







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New Here ,
Dec 08, 2021 Dec 08, 2021

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Thank you for your reply really appreciate it.
The version was listed in my original post (Version:

I have gone over all the steps in that link:

It seems to be more of a capatibility issue with Graphics Driver everytime a slightly new version of photoshop, camera raw or bridge comes out. Previously I have found over the last 2 months it resolves itslef within about a week but the issue is happening in my business's peak work season and spending hours troubleshooting the issue each time is invaluable hours wasted.

Since this happened last time I have been able to turn off graphic acceleration to get around the issue. I have found just disable and restarting the program doesnt work a full system restart needs to happen and that seems to do the trick.

On looking again at the issue now I have renabled Graphic Acceleration and it is now working again. I think it really just comes down to a driver or system conclict when a new version comes out.




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